

May 7th, 2014
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  1. <Nemi> Nasirah is doing suspended crunches, not far from Ben.
  2. <Nemi> As in, she's hanging from a bar by her legs, and doing crunches from that angle.
  3. <Roget> whurgh weights
  4. <Wogglebugout> She literally only ever does abs.
  5. <ShotgunFiend> Matt is in the gym as well. He's not met these two yet, only read about them from mission reports.
  6. <ShotgunFiend> He's doing weighted push-ups.
  7. <Wogglebugout> Mission reports that read like something out of bioshock.
  8. <ShotgunFiend> He was mildly bewildered, to say the least.
  9. <Nemi> Nas has real nice abs.
  10. <Nemi> But she does do pushups and leg stuff. Mostly bodyweight, not weighted, though.
  11. <Wogglebugout> Ben benchpresses several tons, probably.
  12. <Nemi> Probably.
  13. <ShotgunFiend> Matt, despite his stats because his player didn't have enough to allocate, is a strong enough guy. Toned, semi-defined muscles. He enjoys a good work out.
  14. <ShotgunFiend> Also, pyramid sets are the way of the future.
  15. <LemurLord> (Your various workout regiments are sooper interesting and all, but when are you all gonna say 'hello'?)
  16. <ShotgunFiend> (never)
  17. <Wogglebugout> (It's two mercenaries and a soldier in a gym, what would they even talk about)
  18. <ShotgunFiend> ("Hey man, cool guns." "Yeah, man, you too.")
  19. <Wogglebugout> ("What did you say about gun" "Nothing" *RATTATATATATA*
  20. <LemurLord> ("Who touched Sasha?!")
  21. * Balthazaar (Mibbit@E36305AD.115FCCCE.43D6E1A8.IP) has joined #origins-ic3
  22. * ihp is now known as ihpshower
  23. <Wogglebugout> Ben finishes his bench presses, and sets the bar down.
  24. <ShotgunFiend> Matt has transitioned to pull-ups, weights tied around his waist.
  25. <Wogglebugout> "Nasirah, I am going to go run. I will be back eventually."
  26. <Wogglebugout> Ben wipes down the bench and heads off to run on the main road.
  27. <Nemi> "Enjoy."
  28. * Wogglebugout is now known as Wogglebug
  29. * Wogglebug has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 29.0/20140421221237])
  30. * Xiao is now known as Sax
  31. <Balthazaar> Emily walks into the gym to do the exercise thing all the kids are talking about
  32. * ihpshower is now known as ihp
  33. * DrSavage ( has joined #origins-ic3
  34. * DrSavage has quit (Ping timeout)
  35. <Balthazaar> She goes and starts going her gymnastic stuff from high school
  36. * ProcyonLotor is now known as ProcyonGone
  37. * DrSavage (~androirc@7B45197B:5451AD2B:941CD07E:IP) has joined #origins-ic3
  38. * Faminepulse has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  39. * Faminepulse ( has joined #origins-ic3
  40. * Faminepulse has quit (Ping timeout)
  41. <Balthazaar> After a bit of gymnastics, Emily goes over to watch Matt work out
  42. * ihp has quit (Quit: I'm sorry. As to who I'm sorry to... you know who you are.)
  43. <LemurLord> (o bb)
  44. <ShotgunFiend> He is doing... Hm. A leg workout.
  45. <Balthazaar> "MAtt?"
  46. <ShotgunFiend> He looks up and smiles. "Hey, Em."
  47. <Balthazaar> "Hi honey... So listen... I was thinking, it's probably best if you do that with your shirt off. So you can move better."
  48. <Roget> (smooth as ice)
  49. <ShotgunFiend> Matt tilts his head.
  50. <ShotgunFiend> "It's a loose shirt. Workout clothes. They're made for easy movement."
  51. <Balthazaar> :|
  52. <LemurLord> (So smooth it slipped right past his head)
  53. <Balthazaar> Emily raises an eyebrow and plays around with a loose weight. "Think about it Matt."
  54. <ShotgunFiend> Oh, no.
  55. <ShotgunFiend> Matt got it.
  56. <ShotgunFiend> He's playing with her, as per the usual.
  57. <ShotgunFiend> He's just damn good at it.
  58. <ShotgunFiend> "I am. There's no practical reason to take my shirt off."
  59. <Balthazaar> "Well maybe if you take that off... I might take something off for you too..."
  60. <LemurLord> (Now she's being less subtle)
  61. <Roget> (oh snap matt)
  62. <Roget> (snaaaaaap)
  63. <ShotgunFiend> "Oh, really? In the middle of the gym. Mhm."
  64. <ShotgunFiend> He continues his leg exercises.
  65. <LemurLord> (It'd be a shame if someone were to barge into the gym right now....)
  66. <Balthazaar> "I will take off.... My cardigan."
  67. <ShotgunFiend> "Oooh, scandalous."
  68. <gumbal1> (Danielle burst into the gym, an angry rabbit chasing her. "Oh god help me")
  69. * Roget has quit (Quit: Hello! My name is Elder Rogay! And I would like to share with you the most amazing book!)
  70. <ShotgunFiend> "I really bet you won't."
  71. <Balthazaar> Emily tilts her head and starts unbuttoning her cardigan
  72. <ShotgunFiend> Matt swaps weights and starts exercising again.
  73. <Balthazaar> Emily removes her cardigan. "See?"
  74. <LemurLord> (Oh my word! I do believe I'm getting the vapors!)
  75. <ShotgunFiend> "Huh."
  76. <ShotgunFiend> "Guess I was wrong, then."
  77. <ShotgunFiend> Exercising intensifies.
  78. <Balthazaar> "Do you think you could lift me as high as you can lift those weights?"
  79. <ShotgunFiend> "Probably."
  80. <Balthazaar> "Do you think I could pick you up?"
  81. <ShotgunFiend> "Do you think you could?"
  82. <ShotgunFiend> "Can you pick up 170ish pounds?"
  83. <Balthazaar> "Probably not..."
  84. <ShotgunFiend> "Well, then, probably not."
  85. <Balthazaar> Em makes a face. "Okay... It was good seeing Laura and Katie again, wasn't it?"
  86. <ShotgunFiend> He nods. "I didn't know they were coming back today."
  87. <Balthazaar> "Me neither. I missed them a lot."
  88. <Balthazaar> "I don't know how I'm going to break the news to her..."
  89. <ShotgunFiend> Matt sighs a bit and sets down the weights. "I can do it if you don't think you can."
  90. <Balthazaar> "No... I think I have to do it myself."
  91. <ShotgunFiend> Matt nods. "I'll be there when you do."
  92. <Balthazaar> "Thank you... Have I been doing better do you think?"
  93. <ShotgunFiend> "You've been doing amazingly, love. Honest. You've been so strong."
  94. <ShotgunFiend> He stands up and pulls her into a hug.
  95. <ShotgunFiend> "I love you so much."
  96. <Balthazaar> She hugs back. "I love you too... It's just... I feel like I was sort of prepared... He was old... you know?"
  97. <ShotgunFiend> "Mhm... I understand. It's not fair, but I understand."
  98. <Balthazaar> "I miss him so much though... And Lis said he wasn't in pain..."
  99. <ShotgunFiend> Matt rubs her back. "That's normal to miss him, and that's a good way to go. He didn't suffer."
  100. * LemurLord has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  101. <Balthazaar> "He always said he didn't want to go wasting away in a hospital bed..."
  102. <ShotgunFiend> "Which means he got his wish... He's happy, wherever he is, Emily. I promise."
  103. <Balthazaar> She nods. "I know..."
  104. <ShotgunFiend> Matt puts his hands on either side of her head and kisses her forehead.
  105. <ShotgunFiend> "Mourn his death for as long as it's appropriate, then rejoice. From his death, life is born, sometime, somewhere."
  106. <Balthazaar> She closes her eyes and hugs him.
  107. <ShotgunFiend> "He wouldn't want you sad."
  108. <Balthazaar> Emily nods. "I'll try my best..."
  109. <ShotgunFiend> "Good. That's all he would ask of you."
  110. <ShotgunFiend> Matt kisses her forehead again.
  111. <Balthazaar> Emily leans up on her tiptoes and kisses him properly
  112. * DrSavage has quit (Ping timeout: 184 seconds)
  113. * Sax is now known as Knave
  114. * Balthazaar is now known as Baltheats
  115. * Knave is now known as Sax
  116. * Sax is now known as Knave
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