
Zy/Tat Wedding

Jul 5th, 2019
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  1. You have emoted: Tatia pauses at the back of the observatory, her icy blue eyes finding Zyphen at the front. With a bright smile, she makes her way towards him.
  3. Turning about, Zyphen catches sight of you and returns the smile, beaming broadly at you.
  5. Standing with her back to the telescope Robyn's entire face lights up at your approach, "Such a beautiful bride." She murmurs before gesturing for you to take her place beside Zyphen.
  7. You have emoted: Tatia wrinkles her nose towards Robyn playfully before she turns to look up at Zyphen. She takes a long breath and looks to Robyn.
  9. Robyn nods at you and Zyphen, "Take each others hands," She instructs quietly a smile lighting up her entire face. "Now, did either of you have any specially prepared messages for each other? Or vows that you'd like witnessed?"
  11. You have emoted: Tatia reaches out for Zyphen's hand, clasping one between both of her small hands. She looks up adoringly at him and smiles brightly. "Zy..You came out of nowhere, and I am beyond glad you did." she starts, glancing towards Robyn briefly. "I found a life for me in you. Someone I can not only fight beside, but fight with." she teases softly, "And fall beside. You are not only my lover, but my friend, accomplice, my muse, my everything. There is nobody else that I would rather navigate this life with. Every mistake and heartbreak led me to you, and I couldn't be more thankful for each and every last one of them." she finishes, her glance still on Zyphen while she mouths 'I love you' up at him.
  13. Raynia mutters softly, "But I wanna be an accomplice!"
  15. The corners of your mouth lift slightly as you give Raynia a small grin.
  17. Easily taking both of your hands in his own, Zyphen does nothing but smile down at you as she speaks. Thumb softly caressing you petite hands, he nods slowly as you finishes. "I couldn't say it any better myself, Love, but I'll sure try." His deep blue eyes gaze meaningfully into your own silvery orbs, "For the longest time, I would wake only to find nothing worth staying around for, and fall back into slumber. That all changed when I met you. The moment you walked into that tavern and smiled at me, I was completely taken with you. As we got to know each other, I learned a love that I had no idea could be felt, or that existed." He pauses only for a moment, eyes still locked with your own. "The time we've spent together has been nothing short of amazing, and you complete me perfectly. I want these wonderful, amazing, and perfect moments to continue together with you for an eternity. Side by side through anything." Taking a deep breath, he finishes with an "I love you, Tatia." squeezing you hand affectionately.
  19. Raynia Vilandra mutters, "A.. .'ll ..at him if h. breaks .er heart, ...the. I die in the process or not."
  21. Raynia coughs softly.
  23. Raynia peers about herself suspiciously.
  25. You have emoted: Tatia tries to hide the tears welling up in her eyes, her smile shaking a little but never fading. "I love you too." she says softly up to Zyphen, starting to lean in for a kiss but instead turning to glance at Robyn.
  27. Robyn smiles brilliantly, her gaze still on the two before her, "I will add that relationships, be they marriages, friendships, or relatives are all hard. Pain is life." She says with a meaningful glance at you, "Use the strife that will eventually rear it's head between you to make yourselves and your marriage ever stronger. Learn from each other. Teach each other, and face the world and all it's challenges together. Remember to leave some room for you to each grow and change but not so much space that you lose sight of one another." Grinning impishly she adds, "BY the way? You've been married since you walked in the room."
  29. Robyn pats Zyphen in a friendly manner.
  31. You have emoted: Tatia cracks a grin before laughing softly. "Does that mean I can kiss him now?!" she asks with the cant of her head.
  33. Robyn Vilandra says to Zyphen, "Welcome to the family- at least Corvo's not -quite- so out numbered now."
  35. Robyn nods her head at you sagely.
  37. Kanivara brings her hands together, filling the air with applause.
  39. Jenxlyn brings her hands together, filling the air with applause.
  41. Reaching into a jacket pocket, Zyphen pulls a small glittering band free. He lets the light catch the ring before grinning eagerly down at you and slipping the silvery blue metal over you slender finger. "No ring could be beautiful enough to match your own beauty, but I think this will help to symbolize your radiant personality, my Love." his deep voice speaks softly. Then, both of his large, roughened hands gently clasp you by the cheeks as he leans down, pulling you up into a fiery kiss. Lips press together and hold for a long moment before breaking, his head resting against your own forehead.
  43. Puffing up and preening slightly Robyn tells Zyphen, "You're welcome."
  45. Raynia snickers softly, eyeing Robyn.
  47. Ser Kanivara Sor'Tirivan says, "She -does- make pretty babies."
  49. Zyphen smiles at Robyn.
  51. You have emoted: Tatia looks down at the ring as it slips over her knuckle, a bright smile dominating her features. She wraps an arm around Zyphen's neck to press her own lips against his to meet the fiery kiss. Once it breaks, she pulls her arm back to untie an ethereal mithril band from her bouquet. She reaches for Zyphen's left hand and slips it along his ring finger. "Without you, I'm not whole." she murmurs, tilting her head up to lightly kiss the tip of his nose.
  53. You laughingly say to Zyphen, "You're stuck with me now."
  55. Zyphen beams broadly at you.
  57. Raynia snickers under her breath.
  59. Zyphen Vilandra smiles and says to you, "Oh no! What -EVER- shall I do now?"
  61. You laughingly say to Zyphen, "Doesn't matter, you're doing it with me."
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