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Oct 2nd, 2015
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  1. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:38.977]: TRACE: Remote Loader: localhost address is:
  2. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:38.977]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Verifying driver can be loaded...
  3. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:39.008]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Waiting for DirXML to connect on 'TCP server socket, port 8091, address localhost'...
  4. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:39.024]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Connection monitor thread starting.
  5. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:39.024]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Opening connection...
  6. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:39.024]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Server socket parameters: address = <not-specified> port = 8091
  7. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:39.024]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Creating a socket listener
  8. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:39.024]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Entering listener accept()
  9. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.555]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Connection established...
  10. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.571]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Waiting for receive...
  11. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.586]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Received.
  12. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.618]: TRACE:
  13. <handshake version="1.0">
  14. <password>
  15. <!-- content suppressed -->
  16. </password>
  17. </handshake>
  18. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.618]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Received document for subscriber channel
  19. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.618]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Waiting for receive...
  20. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.633]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Sending...
  21. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.633]: TRACE:
  22. <handshake version="1.0">
  23. <password>
  24. <!-- content suppressed -->
  25. </password>
  26. </handshake>
  27. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.633]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Document sent.
  28. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.883]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Received.
  29. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.883]: TRACE:
  30. <nds dtdversion="4.0" ndsversion="8.x">
  31. <output>
  32. <status level="success" />
  33. </output>
  34. </nds>
  35. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.883]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Received document for subscriber channel
  36. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.883]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Waiting for receive...
  37. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.883]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Connected.
  38. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.899]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Received.
  39. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: TRACE:
  40. <top>
  41. <driver-init>
  42. <nds dtdversion="4.0" ndsversion="8.x">
  43. <source>
  44. <product edition="Advanced" version="">DirXML</product>
  45. <contact>Novell, Inc.</contact>
  46. </source>
  47. <input>
  48. <init-params src-dn="\test-TREE\system\testDriverSet\MSOffice365">
  49. <driver-options>
  50. <configuration-values>
  51. <definitions>
  52. <header display-name="Office365 Site Information" />
  53. <definition display-name="User name" name="user-name" type="string">
  54. <description>Specify the name of the site admin user that the driver shim will use to access the Office365 site. For example,</description>
  55. <value xml:space="preserve"></value>
  56. </definition>
  57. <definition display-name="User password" name="user-password" type="password-ref">
  58. <description>Specify the password of the admin user that the driver shim will use to access the Office365 site collection.</description>
  59. <value is-sensitive="true" xml:space="preserve">
  60. <!-- content suppressed -->
  61. </value>
  62. </definition>
  63. </definitions>
  64. </configuration-values>
  65. </driver-options>
  66. </init-params>
  67. </input>
  68. </nds>
  69. </driver-init>
  70. <subscriber-init>
  71. <nds dtdversion="4.0" ndsversion="8.x">
  72. <source>
  73. <product edition="Advanced" version="">DirXML</product>
  74. <contact>Novell, Inc.</contact>
  75. </source>
  76. <input>
  77. <init-params src-dn="\test-TREE\system\testDriverSet\MSOffice365">
  79. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: <driver-filter>
  80. <allow-class class-name="MSolGroup">
  81. <allow-attr attr-name="DisplayName" />
  82. <allow-attr attr-name="Description" />
  83. <allow-attr attr-name="EmailAddress" />
  84. <allow-attr attr-name="Member" />
  85. <allow-attr attr-name="ManagedBy" />
  86. </allow-class>
  87. <allow-class class-name="MSolUser">
  88. <allow-attr attr-name="City" />
  89. <allow-attr attr-name="UserPrincipalName" />
  90. <allow-attr attr-name="Fax" />
  91. <allow-attr attr-name="DisplayName" />
  92. <allow-attr attr-name="FirstName" />
  93. <allow-attr attr-name="AlternateEmailAddresses" />
  94. <allow-attr attr-name="Country" />
  95. <allow-attr attr-name="BlockCredential" />
  96. <allow-attr attr-name="MobilePhone" />
  97. <allow-attr attr-name="Department" />
  98. <allow-attr attr-name="StreetAddress" />
  99. <allow-attr attr-name="PostalCode" />
  100. <allow-attr attr-name="State" />
  101. <allow-attr attr-name="LastName" />
  102. <allow-attr attr-name="PhoneNumber" />
  103. <allow-attr attr-name="Title" />
  104. <allow-attr attr-name="Office" />
  105. </allow-class>
  106. </driver-filter>
  107. <subscriber-options>
  108. <configuration-values>
  109. <definitions>
  110. <definition display-name="Office365 Domain Name" mandatory="true" name="domain-name" type="string">
  111. <description>Enter the Office 365 Site Context. For Ex &lt;Domain-name&gt;</description>
  112. <value xml:space="preserve"></value>
  113. </def
  114. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: inition>
  115. <header display-name="Office365 License Options Settings" />
  116. <definition display-name="Office365 Custom Licenses" instance-separator=" " name="custom-license" type="structured">
  117. <description>Create Custom Office365 licenses by disabling specific services. To assign the license created License Entitlements must be used.</description>
  118. <template max-count="10">
  119. <definition display-name="Custom License Name" name="custom-licensename" type="string">
  120. <description>Specify the name with which license is to be created. This will appear as [name]:[domainname] in license entitlements.</description>
  121. <value xml:space="preserve"></value>
  122. </definition>
  123. <definition display-name="Service name to be disabled" multiline="true" name="custom-disableservicename" type="string">
  124. <description>Specify the service names to be disabled in custom plan. To disable more than one service, multiple service names can be mentioned separated by a comma. Ex "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE,SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE" to disable exchange and sharepoint in enterprise plan.</description>
  125. <value xml:space="preserve"></value>
  126. </definition>
  127. </template>
  128. <value />
  129. </definition>
  130. <group>
  131. <definition display-name="Exchange Distribution/Security Group Configuration" name="distributiongrp-config" type="enum">
  132. <description>When selected starts a exchange online connection to sync exchange groups. Default configuration values for creating Distribution/Security group in excha
  133. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: nge online. </description>
  134. <value>false</value>
  135. <enum-choice display-name="Yes">true</enum-choice>
  136. <enum-choice display-name="No">false</enum-choice>
  137. </definition>
  138. <subordinates active-value="true">
  139. <definition display-name="Make group owner member of the group" name="make-owner" type="boolean">
  140. <description>This parameter specifies that the manager of the group is also a member of the distribution group.</description>
  141. <value>false</value>
  142. </definition>
  143. <definition display-name="Member Join Restriction" name="member-join" type="enum">
  144. <description>This parameter specifies the restrictions that can be put on recipients who want to join the group membership. This parameter can take one of the listed values. This is a default configuration which the driver will use. If needed, it can be overridden by setting relevant attributes using driver policies for a particular group.</description>
  145. <value>ApprovalRequired</value>
  146. <enum-choice display-name="Open">Open</enum-choice>
  147. <enum-choice display-name="Closed">Closed</enum-choice>
  148. <enum-choice display-name="Approval Required">ApprovalRequired</enum-choice>
  149. </definition>
  150. <definition display-name="Member Depart Restriction" name="member-depart" type="enum">
  151. <description>This parameter specifies the restrictions that can be put on recipients who want to depart from the group membership. This parameter can take one of the listed value.This is a defaul
  152. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: t configuration which the driver will use. If needed, it can be overridden by setting relevant attributes using driver policies for a particular group.</description>
  153. <value>Closed</value>
  154. <enum-choice display-name="Closed">Closed</enum-choice>
  155. <enum-choice display-name="Open">Open</enum-choice>
  156. </definition>
  157. <definition display-name="Moderation Enabled" name="moderate-enable" type="boolean">
  158. <description> This parameter specifies whether to enable moderation for the distribution group. To ensure moderation, set this parameters to true. To disable moderation, set this parameter to false. This is a default configuration which the driver will use. If needed, it can be overridden by setting relevant attributes using driver policies for a particular group</description>
  159. <value>true</value>
  160. </definition>
  161. <definition display-name="By pass nested moderation" name="bypassmoderate-enable" type="boolean">
  162. <description> This parameter specifies whether to allow the parent group moderators to provide approval for any nested groups that are also moderated. If this parameter is set to true, after a moderator approves a message sent to this distribution group, the message is automatically approved for any other moderated
  163. recipients that are members of this distribution group. The default value is false.</description>
  164. <value>false</value>
  165. </definition>
  166. <definition display-name="Send Moderation Notifications" name="notify-moderate" type="enum">
  167. <description>This parameter specifies
  168. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: whether status notifications are sent to users when they send a message to the moderated distribution group. Following values can be specified:
  169. * Always
  170. * Internal
  171. * Never
  172. Set this parameter to Always if you want notifications to be sent to all senders.
  173. Set this parameter to Internal if you want notifications to be sent only to the senders who are internal to the organization.
  174. Set this parameter to Never to disable all status notifications.
  175. The senders are always notified if their message is rejected by the moderators, regardless of the value of the
  176. parameter.
  177. The default value is Never. </description>
  178. <value>Internal</value>
  179. <enum-choice display-name="Always">Always</enum-choice>
  180. <enum-choice display-name="Internal">Internal</enum-choice>
  181. <enum-choice display-name="Never">Never</enum-choice>
  182. </definition>
  183. </subordinates>
  184. </group>
  185. </definitions>
  186. </configuration-values>
  187. </subscriber-options>
  188. </init-params>
  189. </input>
  190. </nds>
  191. </subscriber-init>
  192. <publisher-init>
  193. <nds dtdversion="4.0" ndsversion="8.x">
  194. <source>
  195. <product edition="Advanced" version="">DirXML</product>
  196. <contact>Novell, Inc.</contact>
  197. </source>
  198. <input>
  199. <init-params src-dn="\test-TREE\system\testDriverSet\MSOffice365">
  200. <driver-filter>
  201. <allow-class class-name="MSolGroup">
  202. <allow-attr attr-name="DisplayName" />
  203. <allow-attr attr-name="Description" />
  204. <allow-attr attr-name="EmailAddress" />
  205. <allow-attr attr-name="Member" />
  206. </allow-class>
  208. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: <allow-class class-name="MSolUser">
  209. <allow-attr attr-name="City" />
  210. <allow-attr attr-name="UserPrincipalName" />
  211. <allow-attr attr-name="Fax" />
  212. <allow-attr attr-name="DisplayName" />
  213. <allow-attr attr-name="FirstName" />
  214. <allow-attr attr-name="AlternateEmailAddresses" />
  215. <allow-attr attr-name="Country" />
  216. <allow-attr attr-name="BlockCredential" />
  217. <allow-attr attr-name="MobilePhone" />
  218. <allow-attr attr-name="Department" />
  219. <allow-attr attr-name="StreetAddress" />
  220. <allow-attr attr-name="PostalCode" />
  221. <allow-attr attr-name="State" />
  222. <allow-attr attr-name="LastName" />
  223. <allow-attr attr-name="PhoneNumber" />
  224. <allow-attr attr-name="Title" />
  225. <allow-attr attr-name="Office" />
  226. </allow-class>
  227. </driver-filter>
  228. <publisher-options>
  229. <configuration-values>
  230. <definitions>
  231. <group>
  232. <definition display-name="Enable/Disable publisher connection" name="allow-publisher" type="boolean">
  233. <description>Enables/Disables publisher connection in the driver. Select true to enable and false to disable.</description>
  234. <value>false</value>
  235. </definition>
  236. <subordinates active-value="true">
  237. <definition display-name="Working directory" name="state-dir" type="string">
  238. <description>Specify the full path to a directory on the local file system where publisher state information for the driver can be stored. The driver process mus
  239. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: t have write access to the directory.</description>
  240. <value xml:space="preserve">C:\temp</value>
  241. </definition>
  242. <definition display-name="Office365 Polling interval" name="polling-interval" range-lo="5" type="integer">
  243. <description>Specify the number of minutes to wait after polling Office365 for new changes.</description>
  244. <value>5</value>
  245. </definition>
  246. <definition display-name="Database Password" name="database-password" type="password-ref">
  247. <description>Specify the Database password. This will be used to connect to publisher cache.</description>
  248. <value is-sensitive="true" xml:space="preserve">
  249. <!-- content suppressed -->
  250. </value>
  251. </definition>
  252. <definition display-name="Confirm Publisher Deletes" name="confirm-delete" type="boolean">
  253. <description>Specify whether the deletes in publisher need to be re-confirmed by Polling Office365.</description>
  254. <value>true</value>
  255. </definition>
  256. <definition display-name="Clear Current Cached Events" name="clear-eventcache" type="boolean">
  257. <description>Set true to clear the current events stored in publisher cache.</description>
  258. <value>false</value>
  259. </definition>
  260. </subordinates>
  261. </group>
  262. <definition display-name="Heart Beat interval" name="heartbeat-interval" type="integer">
  263. <description>Specify the number of seconds to wait after e
  264. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: ach heart beat document.</description>
  265. <value>60</value>
  266. </definition>
  267. <definition display-name="Authentication Context" hide="true" name="shim-auth-server" type="string">
  268. <description></description>
  269. <value xml:space="preserve"></value>
  270. </definition>
  271. </definitions>
  272. </configuration-values>
  273. </publisher-options>
  274. </init-params>
  275. </input>
  276. </nds>
  277. </publisher-init>
  278. </top>
  279. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Received document for subscriber channel
  280. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:07:52.915]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Waiting for receive...
  281. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:02.571]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Connection monitor thread going to sleep.
  282. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.587]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Starting driver...
  283. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.602]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Calling DriverShim.init()
  284. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.602]: TRACE:
  285. <nds dtdversion="4.0" ndsversion="8.x">
  286. <source>
  287. <product edition="Advanced" version="">DirXML</product>
  288. <contact>Novell, Inc.</contact>
  289. </source>
  290. <input>
  291. <init-params src-dn="\test-TREE\system\testDriverSet\MSOffice365">
  292. <driver-options>
  293. <configuration-values>
  294. <definitions>
  295. <header display-name="Office365 Site Information" />
  296. <definition display-name="User name" name="user-name" type="string">
  297. <description>Specify the name of the site admin user that the driver shim will use to access the Office365 site. For example,</description>
  298. <value xml:space="preserve"></value>
  299. </definition>
  300. <definition display-name="User password" name="user-password" type="password-ref">
  301. <description>Specify the password of the admin user that the driver shim will use to access the Office365 site collection.</description>
  302. <value is-sensitive="true" xml:space="preserve">
  303. <!-- content suppressed -->
  304. </value>
  305. </definition>
  306. </definitions>
  307. </configuration-values>
  308. </driver-options>
  309. </init-params>
  310. </input>
  311. </nds>
  312. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.665]: TRACE: Remote Loader: DriverShim.init() returned:
  313. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.665]: TRACE:
  314. <nds dtdversion="3.5">
  315. <source>
  316. <product instance="" version="" build="201506220932">Identity Manager Driver for Microsoft Office365</product>
  317. <contact>NetIQ, Corporation.</contact>
  318. </source>
  319. <output>
  320. <status level="success" />
  321. </output>
  322. </nds>
  323. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.930]: TRACE: DRV: DriverShim.init() failed: The type initializer for 'DXMLMSOnlineDriver.Schema.MSolSchema' threw an exception.
  324. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.930]:
  325. DirXML Log Event -------------------
  326. Driver = \test-TREE\system\testDriverSet\MSOffice365
  327. Thread = Subscriber
  328. Level = error
  329. Message = Exception caused by DriverShim.getPublicationShim()
  330. at DXMLMSOnlineDriver.SPDriverShim.getPublicationShim()
  331. at DXMLRemote.loader.Driver.startDriver(XmlDocument initDocs)
  332. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.946]:
  333. DirXML Log Event -------------------
  334. Driver = \test-TREE\system\testDriverSet\MSOffice365
  335. Thread = Subscriber
  336. Level = fatal
  337. Message = Exception caused by DriverShim.getPublicationShim()
  338. at DXMLMSOnlineDriver.SPDriverShim.getPublicationShim()
  339. at DXMLRemote.loader.Driver.startDriver(XmlDocument initDocs)
  340. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.946]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Sending...
  341. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.946]: TRACE:
  342. <nds ndsversion="8.x" dtdversion="3.5">
  343. <output>
  344. <status level="fatal" type="remoteloader" event-id="report status">Exception caused by DriverShim.getPublicationShim()
  345. at DXMLMSOnlineDriver.SPDriverShim.getPublicationShim()
  346. at DXMLRemote.loader.Driver.startDriver(XmlDocument initDocs)</status>
  347. <init-params event-id="write-state" />
  348. </output>
  349. </nds>
  350. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.946]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Document sent.
  351. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.946]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Calling DriverShim.shutdown() because of error in driver startup.
  352. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.962]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Closing connection...
  353. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.962]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Connection closed
  354. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.962]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Connection monitor thread waking up.
  355. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.962]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Connection monitor thread exiting.
  356. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.962]: TRACE: SUB: Remove-PSSession $Session
  357. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:29.993]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Stopping driver.
  358. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:55.305]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Waiting for DirXML to connect on 'TCP server socket, port 8091, address localhost'...
  359. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:55.305]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Connection monitor thread starting.
  360. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:55.305]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Opening connection...
  361. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:55.305]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Server socket parameters: address = <not-specified> port = 8091
  362. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:55.305]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Creating a socket listener
  363. DirXML: [10/02/15 10:08:55.305]: TRACE: Remote Loader: Entering listener accept()
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