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Jan 21st, 2017
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  706. function redeem(){
  707. var code = $("#promocode").val();
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  709. url:"/redeem?code="+code,
  710. success:function(data){
  711. try{
  712. data = JSON.parse(data);
  713. console.log(data);
  714. if(data.success){
  715. bootbox.alert("Success! You've received "+data.credits+" bolts.");
  716. }else{
  717. bootbox.alert(data.error);
  718. }
  719. }catch(err){
  720. bootbox.alert("Javascript error: "+err);
  721. }
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  779. <div><b style="color:red">You must click "Got it!" after accepting the Tradeoffer.</b></div>
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  833. <div class="items-amount">You can request up to max 40 items!</div>
  834. <div class="items-value">Total Worth: <span class="value" id="sum">0</span></div>
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  881. <p></p>
  882. <div align="left"><h3>Item Pricing:</h3>
  883. <p>CSGOYeet reserves the right to reject or discount certain items based on price, volatility, or popularity. Item prices are subject to change without warning, at the sole discretion of CSGOYeet. CSGOYeet does not recognize the quality, stickers, or name tags of any items.</p>
  884. <br>
  885. <h3>Maximum Bets:</h3>
  886. <p>Maximum bets are adjusted manually to maintain site solvency. The use of multiple accounts to bypass the maximum bet is strictly forbidden. A 30 minute warning will precede any decrease/increase to the maximum bet.</p>
  887. <br>
  888. <h3>Code of Conduct:</h3>
  889. <p>Players are asked to remain respectful at all times. Excessive spam, harassment, staff impersonation, solicitation, and defamation are strictly forbidden. Website advertisement, particularity of competing services, is not allowed and result in a ban.</p>
  890. <br>
  891. <h3>Age Restriction:</h3>
  892. <p>All members who play on CSGOYeet must be over the legal law in their area for gambling (18yrs, 21 in some countries). If you are found under this age, we have the right to reset your balance to 0 and stop you from depositing/withdrawing.</p>
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  897. <p>Steam profiles are used for identification purposes across the site. By using our service you acknowledge that your Steam profile, persona name, and avatar may be shared with other CSGOYeet users.</p>
  898. <p>CSGOYeet will never ask for, collect, or share the personal information from any of our users!</p>
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  900. <h3>Limited Liability:</h3>
  901. <p>CSGOYeet is not responsible for trade/account bans that may occur as a resulting of accepting items from our bots.</p>
  902. <p>CSGOYeet assumes no responsibility for missed bets as a result of network latency or disconnections. Always ensure a stable connection before placing bets. Avoid placing important bets at the last second.</p>
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