
Capability changes

Jan 11th, 2013
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  1. Movements:
  3. Levitate - Speed Capbility
  4. Levitate is a Speed Capability that defines how quickly the Pokemon moves while floating or levitating. After the word Levitate, in the Capabilities listing, a number should be listed. The number paired with the Levitate Keyword corresponds with a value representing how many spaces/meters the Pokemon can Shift during a round of combat in the air. When using the Levitate Capability, the maximum height off the ground the Pokemon can achieve is equal to half of their Levitate Capability. If a Pokemon gains the Levitate ability and does not have the Levitate Capability, they gain Levitate 4. If they already have the Levitate Capability, the Levitate value is raised 4.
  6. Teleporter - Speed Capability
  7. Teleporter is a Speed Capability that defines how far the Pokemon can travel by teleporation. After the word Teleporter, in the Capabilities listing, a number should be listed. The number paired with the Teleporter Keyword corresponds with a value representing how many spaces/meters the Pokemon can Shift during a single teleport action. Only one teleport action can be taken during a round of combat. The Pokemon must have line of sight to the location they wish to teleport to, and they must end each teleport action touching a surface (ie it is not possible to 'chain' teleports in order to fly). If a Pokemon learns the move Teleport and does not have the Teleporter Capability they gain Teleporter 4. If they already have the Teleporter Capability, the Teleporter value is raised 4.
  9. Others:
  11. Darkvision
  12. A Pokemon with the Darkvision capability never has their vision hampered by a loss of light. They can even see in total darkness.
  14. Tremorsense - Ground
  15. Pokemon with the Tremorsense Capability can sense the location, size, and shape of objects in the ground around them, almost as if they could see through the ground.
  17. Wallclimber
  18. Wallclimber Pokemon often have suction cups, hooks, or other means of easily scaling walls. They may travel along a wall or ceiling at a rate of half of their Overland Capability.
  20. Struggle Attack changes
  21. Pokemon with the X capability may make Struggle Attacks that deal Y Typed damage.
  22. Firestarter - Fire
  23. Fountain - Water
  24. Freezer - Ice
  25. Groundshaper - Ground
  26. Guster - Flying
  27. Materializer - Rock
  28. Zapper - Electric
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