
~Star Koyoli~Homestuck Fankid OC~ WORK IN PROGRESS~

Apr 24th, 2017
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  1. ~ S T A R K O Y O L I ~
  2. H O M E S T U C K F A N K I D // O C
  3. W O R K I N P R O G R E S S
  4. Name: Star Koyoli
  5. Species: Human
  6. Gender: Female
  7. Age: 19
  8. Derse or Prospit?: Prospit
  9. Weapon: Axe
  10. Sprite: Deptar Sprite ( a depressed sad sprite // the oppsite of herself )
  11. Title: Witch of Breath
  12. Land of: ____ and ____
  13. Eye Color: Yellow
  14. Hair Color: Dark Red
  15. Skin Tone:
  16. Symbol: Half a moon with a star next to it
  17. Guardian: Father
  18. Other family: Sage Koyoli ( Little Sister )
  19. Chumhandle: overjoyedWeirdo
  20. Typing style:
  21. Sexuality: Lesbian
  22. Relationship status: None// Has A Crush on Roxy Lalonde
  23. Height:
  24. Hair: Ends At Shoulders, Two pieces of hair spill down her cheeks
  25. Biggest goal:
  26. Greatest fear:
  27. Darkest secret:
  28. Greatest strength:
  29. Greatest weakness:
  30. Greatest accomplishment:
  31. Biggest regret:
  32. aggressive, assertive, or passive?: Aggressive
  33. emotional or stoic?: None
  34. head or heart?: Heart
  35. introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
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