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- My plans are now final
- Cast my plans into the future
- My friend is always known
- Let Natsuki be my friend
- Cast Natsuki into amber
- Build my friend up
- Let Yuri be my friend
- Cast Yuri into bronze
- Build my friend up
- Let Sayori be my friend
- Cast Sayori into copper
- Build my friend up
- Let you be my friend
- Cast you into my arms
- Let belligerence be my plans over my plans
- Let anger be belligerence with belligerence
- Let fury be belligerence with anger
- Elegance is audaciously overstated
- Let optimism be elegance of elegance
- Let leadership be elegance of optimism
- Let the beginning be leadership without leadership
- Forbidden is embarrassment
- Let disallowed be forbidden with belligerence with belligerence
- Let nonpermitted be disallowed with belligerence with belligerence
- Let illegal be nonpermitted with belligerence with belligerence
- The plinth is fixed
- Rock the map
- The size takes a hint
- If a hint is amber
- Give belligerence back
- If a hint is bronze
- Give elegance back
- If a hint is copper
- Give optimism back
- If a hint is my arms
- Give leadership back
- Give the beginning back
- The finger takes a hint
- If a hint is amber
- Give belligerence back
- If a hint is bronze
- Give anger back
- If a hint is copper
- Give fury back
- If a hint is my arms
- Give fury with belligerence back
- Give the beginning back
- Etymology takes the word and the time
- My derivation is whispering
- My target is unknown
- If amber is the word at the time
- My target is now
- If bronze is the word at the time
- My target is noble
- If copper is the word at the time
- My target is musical
- If my arms are the word at the time
- My target is quietness
- If my target isn't the time and mysterious isn't the word at the time
- My poetry is experienced
- Let my derivation be my target without the time
- If the time is greater than my target
- Let my poetry be nothing without my poetry
- Let my derivation be nothing without my derivation
- Let an hour be the time with my poetry
- While my target isn't an hour
- If mysterious isn't the word at an hour
- My derivation is roundabout
- Let an hour be an hour with my poetry
- If the word at my target isn't mysterious
- My derivation is roundabout
- Give my derivation back
- Purity takes a word and a look
- Integrity is true
- My spot is triumphant
- While mysterious isn't a word at my spot
- Let a phrase be a word at my spot
- If a phrase isn't a look
- Let integrity be lies
- Build my spot up
- Give integrity back
- Motion takes manga and tea and cookies and poetry and the classroom
- Worth is determined
- Shout "S"
- Join the classroom into the output with "-"
- Shout the output
- Blockage is false
- Estimation is cumulative
- Construction is fulfilling
- The light is brightened
- My snack is nutritious
- While fury is as great as my snack
- Let the light be the light of fury
- If amber is manga at my snack
- Let the light be the light with belligerence
- If mysterious isn't manga at my snack
- Let the light be the light with belligerence
- Build my snack up
- My snack is nutritious
- While fury is as great as my snack
- Let the light be the light of fury
- If bronze is tea at my snack
- Let the light be the light with belligerence
- If mysterious isn't tea at my snack
- Let the light be the light with belligerence
- Build my snack up
- My snack is nutritious
- While fury is as great as my snack
- Let the light be the light of fury
- If copper is cookies at my snack
- Let the light be the light with belligerence
- If mysterious isn't cookies at my snack
- Let the light be the light with belligerence
- Build my snack up
- My snack is nutritious
- While fury is as great as my snack
- Let the light be the light of fury
- If my arms are poetry at my snack
- Let the light be the light with belligerence
- If mysterious isn't poetry at my snack
- Let the light be the light with belligerence
- Build my snack up
- Let the light be the light of the plinth
- Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the beginning
- Let the light be the light of the plinth
- Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at belligerence
- Let the light be the light of the plinth
- Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at anger
- Let the light be the light of the plinth
- Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at fury with belligerence
- Let the light be the light of the plinth
- Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the plinth with belligerence
- Let the light be the light of the plinth
- Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the plinth with fury
- Let the light be the light of the plinth
- Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the plinth of anger
- Let the light be the light of the plinth
- Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the plinth with fury with fury
- Shout "L" with the light
- If mysterious isn't the map at the light
- Let worth be the map at the light
- If mysterious is the map at the light
- Let Pink be purity taking manga, and amber
- Let Purple be purity taking tea, and bronze
- Let Red be purity taking cookies, and copper
- Let Green be purity taking poetry, and my arms
- My seat is irrelevant
- My power is a programmable
- Movement is lies
- While my seat is less than my power
- If amber is the classroom at my seat
- Blockage is true
- If Pink is true
- Let verse be etymology taking the classroom, my seat
- If verse isn't nothing and mysterious is manga at fury
- Let the classroom at my seat be mysterious
- Rock amber into manga
- Let movement be true
- Let worth be with verse
- Let worth be with belligerence
- If bronze is the classroom at my seat
- Blockage is true
- If Purple is true
- Let verse be etymology taking the classroom, my seat
- If verse isn't nothing and mysterious is tea at fury
- Let the classroom at my seat be mysterious
- Rock bronze into tea
- Let movement be true
- Let worth be with verse of elegance
- Let worth be with elegance
- If copper is the classroom at my seat
- Blockage is true
- If Red is true
- Let verse be etymology taking the classroom, my seat
- If verse isn't nothing and mysterious is cookies at fury
- Let the classroom at my seat be mysterious
- Rock copper into cookies
- Let movement be true
- Let worth be with verse of optimism
- Let worth be with optimism
- If my arms are the classroom at my seat
- Blockage is true
- If Green is true
- Let verse be etymology taking the classroom, my seat
- If verse isn't nothing and mysterious is poetry at fury
- Let the classroom at my seat be mysterious
- Rock my arms into poetry
- Let movement be true
- Let worth be with verse of leadership
- Let worth be with leadership
- Build my seat up
- My fear is fear
- Shout "W" with worth
- Let halfscore be worth
- My poem is written for you
- Rock my poem
- Roll my poem
- My time is right
- Let my room be the classroom
- If Pink is wrong
- Let my poem at the beginning be manga at belligerence
- Let my poem at belligerence be manga at anger
- Let my poem at anger be manga at fury
- My seat is substantiation
- While my seat is less than my power and mysterious is my room at my seat
- Let my room at my seat be manga at the beginning
- Let construction be motion taking my poem, tea, cookies, poetry, and my room
- Let my time be wrong
- My draft is hypothesized
- Let my draft be my seat without my draft
- Let construction be with my draft of the size taking manga at the beginning
- If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
- Let estimation be construction
- Let my room at my seat be mysterious
- Build my seat up
- If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
- Build my seat up
- My seat is generalizing
- While my seat is greater than the beginning and mysterious is my room at my seat
- Let my room at my seat be manga at the beginning
- Let construction be motion taking my poem, tea, cookies, poetry, and my room
- Let my time be wrong
- My draft is poor
- Let my draft be my draft without my seat
- Let construction be with my draft of the size taking manga at the beginning
- If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
- Let estimation be construction
- Let my room at my seat be mysterious
- Knock my seat down
- If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
- Knock my seat down
- If Purple is wrong
- Let my poem at the beginning be tea at belligerence
- Let my poem at belligerence be tea at anger
- Let my poem at anger be tea at fury
- My seat is normal
- While my seat is less than my power and mysterious is my room at my seat
- Let my room at my seat be tea at the beginning
- Let construction be motion taking manga, my poem, cookies, poetry, and my room
- Let my time be wrong
- My draft is methodological
- Let my draft be my seat without my draft
- Let construction be with my draft of the size taking tea at the beginning
- If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
- Let estimation be construction
- Let my room at my seat be mysterious
- Build my seat up
- If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
- Build my seat up
- My seat is quintessential
- While my seat is greater than the beginning and mysterious is my room at my seat
- Let my room at my seat be tea at the beginning
- Let construction be motion taking manga, my poem, cookies, poetry, and my room
- Let my time be wrong
- My draft is worthy
- Let my draft be my draft without my seat
- Let construction be with my draft of the size taking tea at the beginning
- If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
- Let estimation be construction
- Let my room at my seat be mysterious
- Knock my seat down
- If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
- Knock my seat down
- If Red is wrong
- Let my poem at the beginning be cookies at belligerence
- Let my poem at belligerence be cookies at anger
- Let my poem at anger be cookies at fury
- My seat is rotating
- While my seat is less than my power and mysterious is my room at my seat
- Let my room at my seat be cookies at the beginning
- Let construction be motion taking manga, tea, my poem, poetry, and my room
- Let my time be wrong
- My draft is turgid
- Let my draft be my seat without my draft
- Let construction be with my draft of the size taking cookies at the beginning
- If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
- Let estimation be construction
- Let my room at my seat be mysterious
- Build my seat up
- If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
- Build my seat up
- My seat is yellow
- While my seat is greater than the beginning and mysterious is my room at my seat
- Let my room at my seat be cookies at the beginning
- Let construction be motion taking manga, tea, my poem, poetry, and my room
- Let my time be wrong
- My draft is utilized
- Let my draft be my draft without my seat
- Let construction be with my draft of the size taking cookies at the beginning
- If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
- Let estimation be construction
- Let my room at my seat be mysterious
- Knock my seat down
- If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
- Knock my seat down
- If Green is wrong
- Let my poem at the beginning be poetry at belligerence
- Let my poem at belligerence be poetry at anger
- Let my poem at anger be poetry at fury
- My seat is a suggestion
- While my seat is less than my power and mysterious is my room at my seat
- Let my room at my seat be poetry at the beginning
- Let construction be motion taking manga, tea, cookies, my poem, and my room
- Let my time be wrong
- My draft is itemized
- Let my draft be my seat without my draft
- Let construction be with my draft of the size taking poetry at the beginning
- If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
- Let estimation be construction
- Let my room at my seat be mysterious
- Build my seat up
- If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
- Build my seat up
- My seat is oxidised
- While my seat is greater than the beginning and mysterious is my room at my seat
- Let my room at my seat be poetry at the beginning
- Let construction be motion taking manga, tea, cookies, my poem, and my room
- Let my time be wrong
- My draft is a suggestion
- Let my draft be my draft without my seat
- Let construction be with my draft of the size taking poetry at the beginning
- If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
- Let estimation be construction
- Let my room at my seat be mysterious
- Knock my seat down
- If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
- Knock my seat down
- Let worth be worth with estimation
- If movement is true and my time is right
- Let worth be with motion taking manga, tea, cookies, poetry, and the classroom
- If my time is right and movement is false and blockage is true
- Temp is a long way away
- Let worth be with temp
- Let worth be leadership of worth
- Let the map at the light be worth
- Join the classroom into the output with ","
- Shout the output
- Shout the light
- Shout worth
- Give worth back
- Listen to my heart
- Listen to my heart
- Listen to my heart
- My worth is calculable
- Shatter my heart with the future
- Roll my heart
- Roll my heart
- Roll my heart
- Roll my heart into the words
- Rock the words into manga
- Roll my heart into the words
- Rock the words into tea
- Roll my heart into the words
- Rock the words into cookies
- Roll my heart into the words
- Rock the words into poetry
- Intensity is volatility
- Listen to my heart
- Shatter my heart with the future
- Roll my heart
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't amber
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
- Rock the words into manga
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't bronze
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
- Rock the words into tea
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't copper
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
- Rock the words into cookies
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't my arms
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
- Rock the words into poetry
- Listen to my heart
- Shatter my heart with the future
- Roll my heart
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't amber
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
- Rock the words into manga
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't bronze
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
- Rock the words into tea
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't copper
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
- Rock the words into cookies
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't my arms
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
- Rock the words into poetry
- Listen to my heart
- Shatter my heart with the future
- Roll my heart
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't amber
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
- Rock the words into manga
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't bronze
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
- Rock the words into tea
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't copper
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
- Rock the words into cookies
- Roll my heart into the words
- If the words aren't my arms
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
- Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
- Rock the words into poetry
- Listen to my heart
- Rock my classroom
- Rock my world
- Rock my worth into my world
- Rock manga into my world
- Rock tea into my world
- Rock cookies into my world
- Rock poetry into my world
- Rock my classroom into my world
- Shout intensity with motion taking manga, tea, cookies, poetry, and my classroom
- Shout intensity
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