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23 Dec Part 2

a guest
Dec 24th, 2021
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  1. My plans are now final
  2. Cast my plans into the future
  3. My friend is always known
  4. Let Natsuki be my friend
  5. Cast Natsuki into amber
  6. Build my friend up
  7. Let Yuri be my friend
  8. Cast Yuri into bronze
  9. Build my friend up
  10. Let Sayori be my friend
  11. Cast Sayori into copper
  12. Build my friend up
  13. Let you be my friend
  14. Cast you into my arms
  15. Let belligerence be my plans over my plans
  16. Let anger be belligerence with belligerence
  17. Let fury be belligerence with anger
  18. Elegance is audaciously overstated
  19. Let optimism be elegance of elegance
  20. Let leadership be elegance of optimism
  21. Let the beginning be leadership without leadership
  22. Forbidden is embarrassment
  23. Let disallowed be forbidden with belligerence with belligerence
  24. Let nonpermitted be disallowed with belligerence with belligerence
  25. Let illegal be nonpermitted with belligerence with belligerence
  26. The plinth is fixed
  27. Rock the map
  29. The size takes a hint
  30. If a hint is amber
  31. Give belligerence back
  33. If a hint is bronze
  34. Give elegance back
  36. If a hint is copper
  37. Give optimism back
  39. If a hint is my arms
  40. Give leadership back
  42. Give the beginning back
  44. The finger takes a hint
  45. If a hint is amber
  46. Give belligerence back
  48. If a hint is bronze
  49. Give anger back
  51. If a hint is copper
  52. Give fury back
  54. If a hint is my arms
  55. Give fury with belligerence back
  57. Give the beginning back
  59. Etymology takes the word and the time
  60. My derivation is whispering
  61. My target is unknown
  62. If amber is the word at the time
  63. My target is now
  65. If bronze is the word at the time
  66. My target is noble
  68. If copper is the word at the time
  69. My target is musical
  71. If my arms are the word at the time
  72. My target is quietness
  74. If my target isn't the time and mysterious isn't the word at the time
  75. My poetry is experienced
  76. Let my derivation be my target without the time
  77. If the time is greater than my target
  78. Let my poetry be nothing without my poetry
  79. Let my derivation be nothing without my derivation
  81. Let an hour be the time with my poetry
  82. While my target isn't an hour
  83. If mysterious isn't the word at an hour
  84. My derivation is roundabout
  86. Let an hour be an hour with my poetry
  89. If the word at my target isn't mysterious
  90. My derivation is roundabout
  92. Give my derivation back
  94. Purity takes a word and a look
  95. Integrity is true
  96. My spot is triumphant
  97. While mysterious isn't a word at my spot
  98. Let a phrase be a word at my spot
  99. If a phrase isn't a look
  100. Let integrity be lies
  102. Build my spot up
  104. Give integrity back
  106. Motion takes manga and tea and cookies and poetry and the classroom
  107. Worth is determined
  108. Shout "S"
  109. Join the classroom into the output with "-"
  110. Shout the output
  111. Blockage is false
  112. Estimation is cumulative
  113. Construction is fulfilling
  114. The light is brightened
  115. My snack is nutritious
  116. While fury is as great as my snack
  117. Let the light be the light of fury
  118. If amber is manga at my snack
  119. Let the light be the light with belligerence
  121. If mysterious isn't manga at my snack
  122. Let the light be the light with belligerence
  124. Build my snack up
  126. My snack is nutritious
  127. While fury is as great as my snack
  128. Let the light be the light of fury
  129. If bronze is tea at my snack
  130. Let the light be the light with belligerence
  132. If mysterious isn't tea at my snack
  133. Let the light be the light with belligerence
  135. Build my snack up
  137. My snack is nutritious
  138. While fury is as great as my snack
  139. Let the light be the light of fury
  140. If copper is cookies at my snack
  141. Let the light be the light with belligerence
  143. If mysterious isn't cookies at my snack
  144. Let the light be the light with belligerence
  146. Build my snack up
  148. My snack is nutritious
  149. While fury is as great as my snack
  150. Let the light be the light of fury
  151. If my arms are poetry at my snack
  152. Let the light be the light with belligerence
  154. If mysterious isn't poetry at my snack
  155. Let the light be the light with belligerence
  157. Build my snack up
  159. Let the light be the light of the plinth
  160. Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the beginning
  161. Let the light be the light of the plinth
  162. Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at belligerence
  163. Let the light be the light of the plinth
  164. Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at anger
  165. Let the light be the light of the plinth
  166. Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at fury with belligerence
  167. Let the light be the light of the plinth
  168. Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the plinth with belligerence
  169. Let the light be the light of the plinth
  170. Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the plinth with fury
  171. Let the light be the light of the plinth
  172. Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the plinth of anger
  173. Let the light be the light of the plinth
  174. Let the light be the light with the finger taking the classroom at the plinth with fury with fury
  175. Shout "L" with the light
  176. If mysterious isn't the map at the light
  177. Let worth be the map at the light
  179. If mysterious is the map at the light
  180. Let Pink be purity taking manga, and amber
  181. Let Purple be purity taking tea, and bronze
  182. Let Red be purity taking cookies, and copper
  183. Let Green be purity taking poetry, and my arms
  184. My seat is irrelevant
  185. My power is a programmable
  186. Movement is lies
  187. While my seat is less than my power
  188. If amber is the classroom at my seat
  189. Blockage is true
  190. If Pink is true
  191. Let verse be etymology taking the classroom, my seat
  192. If verse isn't nothing and mysterious is manga at fury
  193. Let the classroom at my seat be mysterious
  194. Rock amber into manga
  195. Let movement be true
  196. Let worth be with verse
  197. Let worth be with belligerence
  201. If bronze is the classroom at my seat
  202. Blockage is true
  203. If Purple is true
  204. Let verse be etymology taking the classroom, my seat
  205. If verse isn't nothing and mysterious is tea at fury
  206. Let the classroom at my seat be mysterious
  207. Rock bronze into tea
  208. Let movement be true
  209. Let worth be with verse of elegance
  210. Let worth be with elegance
  214. If copper is the classroom at my seat
  215. Blockage is true
  216. If Red is true
  217. Let verse be etymology taking the classroom, my seat
  218. If verse isn't nothing and mysterious is cookies at fury
  219. Let the classroom at my seat be mysterious
  220. Rock copper into cookies
  221. Let movement be true
  222. Let worth be with verse of optimism
  223. Let worth be with optimism
  227. If my arms are the classroom at my seat
  228. Blockage is true
  229. If Green is true
  230. Let verse be etymology taking the classroom, my seat
  231. If verse isn't nothing and mysterious is poetry at fury
  232. Let the classroom at my seat be mysterious
  233. Rock my arms into poetry
  234. Let movement be true
  235. Let worth be with verse of leadership
  236. Let worth be with leadership
  240. Build my seat up
  242. My fear is fear
  243. Shout "W" with worth
  244. Let halfscore be worth
  245. My poem is written for you
  246. Rock my poem
  247. Roll my poem
  248. My time is right
  249. Let my room be the classroom
  250. If Pink is wrong
  251. Let my poem at the beginning be manga at belligerence
  252. Let my poem at belligerence be manga at anger
  253. Let my poem at anger be manga at fury
  254. My seat is substantiation
  255. While my seat is less than my power and mysterious is my room at my seat
  256. Let my room at my seat be manga at the beginning
  257. Let construction be motion taking my poem, tea, cookies, poetry, and my room
  258. Let my time be wrong
  259. My draft is hypothesized
  260. Let my draft be my seat without my draft
  261. Let construction be with my draft of the size taking manga at the beginning
  262. If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
  263. Let estimation be construction
  265. Let my room at my seat be mysterious
  266. Build my seat up
  267. If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
  268. Build my seat up
  271. My seat is generalizing
  272. While my seat is greater than the beginning and mysterious is my room at my seat
  273. Let my room at my seat be manga at the beginning
  274. Let construction be motion taking my poem, tea, cookies, poetry, and my room
  275. Let my time be wrong
  276. My draft is poor
  277. Let my draft be my draft without my seat
  278. Let construction be with my draft of the size taking manga at the beginning
  279. If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
  280. Let estimation be construction
  282. Let my room at my seat be mysterious
  283. Knock my seat down
  284. If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
  285. Knock my seat down
  289. If Purple is wrong
  290. Let my poem at the beginning be tea at belligerence
  291. Let my poem at belligerence be tea at anger
  292. Let my poem at anger be tea at fury
  293. My seat is normal
  294. While my seat is less than my power and mysterious is my room at my seat
  295. Let my room at my seat be tea at the beginning
  296. Let construction be motion taking manga, my poem, cookies, poetry, and my room
  297. Let my time be wrong
  298. My draft is methodological
  299. Let my draft be my seat without my draft
  300. Let construction be with my draft of the size taking tea at the beginning
  301. If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
  302. Let estimation be construction
  304. Let my room at my seat be mysterious
  305. Build my seat up
  306. If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
  307. Build my seat up
  310. My seat is quintessential
  311. While my seat is greater than the beginning and mysterious is my room at my seat
  312. Let my room at my seat be tea at the beginning
  313. Let construction be motion taking manga, my poem, cookies, poetry, and my room
  314. Let my time be wrong
  315. My draft is worthy
  316. Let my draft be my draft without my seat
  317. Let construction be with my draft of the size taking tea at the beginning
  318. If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
  319. Let estimation be construction
  321. Let my room at my seat be mysterious
  322. Knock my seat down
  323. If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
  324. Knock my seat down
  328. If Red is wrong
  329. Let my poem at the beginning be cookies at belligerence
  330. Let my poem at belligerence be cookies at anger
  331. Let my poem at anger be cookies at fury
  332. My seat is rotating
  333. While my seat is less than my power and mysterious is my room at my seat
  334. Let my room at my seat be cookies at the beginning
  335. Let construction be motion taking manga, tea, my poem, poetry, and my room
  336. Let my time be wrong
  337. My draft is turgid
  338. Let my draft be my seat without my draft
  339. Let construction be with my draft of the size taking cookies at the beginning
  340. If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
  341. Let estimation be construction
  343. Let my room at my seat be mysterious
  344. Build my seat up
  345. If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
  346. Build my seat up
  349. My seat is yellow
  350. While my seat is greater than the beginning and mysterious is my room at my seat
  351. Let my room at my seat be cookies at the beginning
  352. Let construction be motion taking manga, tea, my poem, poetry, and my room
  353. Let my time be wrong
  354. My draft is utilized
  355. Let my draft be my draft without my seat
  356. Let construction be with my draft of the size taking cookies at the beginning
  357. If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
  358. Let estimation be construction
  360. Let my room at my seat be mysterious
  361. Knock my seat down
  362. If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
  363. Knock my seat down
  367. If Green is wrong
  368. Let my poem at the beginning be poetry at belligerence
  369. Let my poem at belligerence be poetry at anger
  370. Let my poem at anger be poetry at fury
  371. My seat is a suggestion
  372. While my seat is less than my power and mysterious is my room at my seat
  373. Let my room at my seat be poetry at the beginning
  374. Let construction be motion taking manga, tea, cookies, my poem, and my room
  375. Let my time be wrong
  376. My draft is itemized
  377. Let my draft be my seat without my draft
  378. Let construction be with my draft of the size taking poetry at the beginning
  379. If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
  380. Let estimation be construction
  382. Let my room at my seat be mysterious
  383. Build my seat up
  384. If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
  385. Build my seat up
  388. My seat is oxidised
  389. While my seat is greater than the beginning and mysterious is my room at my seat
  390. Let my room at my seat be poetry at the beginning
  391. Let construction be motion taking manga, tea, cookies, my poem, and my room
  392. Let my time be wrong
  393. My draft is a suggestion
  394. Let my draft be my draft without my seat
  395. Let construction be with my draft of the size taking poetry at the beginning
  396. If construction is less than estimation or estimation is nothing
  397. Let estimation be construction
  399. Let my room at my seat be mysterious
  400. Knock my seat down
  401. If my seat is forbidden or my seat is disallowed or my seat is nonpermitted or my seat is illegal
  402. Knock my seat down
  406. Let worth be worth with estimation
  407. If movement is true and my time is right
  408. Let worth be with motion taking manga, tea, cookies, poetry, and the classroom
  410. If my time is right and movement is false and blockage is true
  411. Temp is a long way away
  412. Let worth be with temp
  413. Let worth be leadership of worth
  415. Let the map at the light be worth
  417. Join the classroom into the output with ","
  418. Shout the output
  419. Shout the light
  420. Shout worth
  421. Give worth back
  423. Listen to my heart
  424. Listen to my heart
  425. Listen to my heart
  426. My worth is calculable
  427. Shatter my heart with the future
  428. Roll my heart
  429. Roll my heart
  430. Roll my heart
  431. Roll my heart into the words
  432. Rock the words into manga
  433. Roll my heart into the words
  434. Rock the words into tea
  435. Roll my heart into the words
  436. Rock the words into cookies
  437. Roll my heart into the words
  438. Rock the words into poetry
  439. Intensity is volatility
  440. Listen to my heart
  441. Shatter my heart with the future
  442. Roll my heart
  443. Roll my heart into the words
  444. If the words aren't amber
  445. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  446. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
  448. Rock the words into manga
  449. Roll my heart into the words
  450. If the words aren't bronze
  451. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  452. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
  454. Rock the words into tea
  455. Roll my heart into the words
  456. If the words aren't copper
  457. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  458. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
  460. Rock the words into cookies
  461. Roll my heart into the words
  462. If the words aren't my arms
  463. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  464. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
  466. Rock the words into poetry
  467. Listen to my heart
  468. Shatter my heart with the future
  469. Roll my heart
  470. Roll my heart into the words
  471. If the words aren't amber
  472. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  473. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
  474. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  475. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
  477. Rock the words into manga
  478. Roll my heart into the words
  479. If the words aren't bronze
  480. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  481. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
  482. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  483. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
  485. Rock the words into tea
  486. Roll my heart into the words
  487. If the words aren't copper
  488. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  489. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
  490. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  491. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
  493. Rock the words into cookies
  494. Roll my heart into the words
  495. If the words aren't my arms
  496. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  497. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
  498. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  499. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
  501. Rock the words into poetry
  502. Listen to my heart
  503. Shatter my heart with the future
  504. Roll my heart
  505. Roll my heart into the words
  506. If the words aren't amber
  507. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  508. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
  509. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  510. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
  511. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  512. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking amber
  514. Rock the words into manga
  515. Roll my heart into the words
  516. If the words aren't bronze
  517. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  518. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
  519. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  520. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
  521. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  522. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking bronze
  524. Rock the words into tea
  525. Roll my heart into the words
  526. If the words aren't copper
  527. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  528. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
  529. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  530. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
  531. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  532. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking copper
  534. Rock the words into cookies
  535. Roll my heart into the words
  536. If the words aren't my arms
  537. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  538. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
  539. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  540. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
  541. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking the words
  542. Let intensity be intensity with the size taking my arms
  544. Rock the words into poetry
  545. Listen to my heart
  546. Rock my classroom
  547. Rock my world
  548. Rock my worth into my world
  549. Rock manga into my world
  550. Rock tea into my world
  551. Rock cookies into my world
  552. Rock poetry into my world
  553. Rock my classroom into my world
  556. Shout intensity with motion taking manga, tea, cookies, poetry, and my classroom
  558. Shout intensity
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