
The one where Brad is a pinball wizard

Mar 7th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad stood positioned in front of the pinball game, his hands glued to either side of the machine with fingers poised to hit the buttons in a moments notice. His eyes watched the little metal ball bounce around inside the machine, pressing the buttons as it came back down to send it flying up again.-
  2. Covet: Kelsey had been off getting more quarters for them to spend. Coming back around the corner, she looked at Brad giving her hips a shake so they could hear them jingle. "We're stocked back up again."
  3. Alexithymiaa: "Good, because I'm hot on this game. I'm on pace to break the high score." He said without looking away from the game, too focused on winning for anything else right now.-
  4. Covet: "Oh really? That's great, Go Bradley Go!" she said because cheerleader of course. " How many more points do you need?" She asked him
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Uhhh..." He trailed off, stealing a quick glance at the rolling point counter at the top of the game before darting his eyes back to what he was doing. "About five hundred. But considering I'm closing in on their twenty three thousand, I think that's damn good."-
  6. iCarmelPviid has joined the chat
  7. LegacY3nz0 has joined the chat
  8. iCarmelPviid: Hey baby
  9. LegacY3nz0: hey baby
  10. iCarmelPviid: u ready to get yo ass whooped in bowling
  11. LegacY3nz0: bring it on baby
  12. iCarmelPviid rents us two pairs of shoes
  13. LegacY3nz0: lol
  14. iCarmelPviid: loll okkk
  15. iCarmelPviid: get from behind they counter rofl
  16. LegacY3nz0: loll
  17. iCarmelPviid walks down to bowling area with shoes
  18. iCarmelPviid: here bae
  19. LegacY3nz0: ok
  20. LegacY3nz0: u ready love?
  21. iCarmelPviid: o ladies first right
  22. iCarmelPviid: ii
  23. iCarmelPviid gets up and walks to my lanae
  24. iCarmelPviid lane*
  25. LegacY3nz0 looks at u
  26. iCarmelPviid: ooooo
  27. iCarmelPviid: z
  28. LegacY3nz0: z poor
  29. iCarmelPviid: they cheating
  30. LegacY3nz0: lol
  31. iCarmelPviid: su
  32. iCarmelPviid: :/
  33. iCarmelPviid: lol
  34. LegacY3nz0: ooo
  35. iCarmelPviid: <<<
  36. iCarmelPviid: mannnnn
  37. LegacY3nz0 has left the chat
  38. iCarmelPviid has left the chat
  39. Covet: "Oh, keep going, that is amazing!" Kelsey said with a grin, leaning over the glass on the game to watch the ball. "So.. did I tell you I heard back from my lawyer yesterday? He's sending a letter to them first telling the site that if they give up the photographer's name, and take the pictures down, we wont persue further legal action against them."
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Wow, really?" He asked without removing his eyes from the game, smashing his fingers into the buttons. "How long are they supposed to get to respond to the request before you're supposed to pursue something else?"-
  41. Covet: "They have until the end of this week." Kelsey told him as she also watched the silver ball bounce around. "Pressure, but still plenty of time to think it over. That's what Quincy wanted to approach it."
  42. Alexithymiaa: "I can't say it's a bad plan. I'm sure they're not willing to risk legal action against them for some stupid photographer who's probably freelance anyway. But in the off chance they do, what's the next step?" He asked, finally losing the game. He slapped his hand into the side of the machine, glancing at his score to see it was just shy of the high score.-
  43. Covet: "Awww.. so close hun." Kelsey said with a frown then turned her hip, "There's more quarters in there." She said indicating her pocket. "The next step would then be to file charges to the website, the whole summons thing will happen blah blah blah the court things."Kelsey said, "I don't really want to waste the money and time going after them, when the one I want to pay for this....humiliation, invasion of privacy... is the person who did it."
  44. Alexithymiaa: "Well yeah, obviously. But if theyre not willing to give up this person's name, do you have much of a choice?" He asked her, his fingers fishing down into the pocket of her shorts for another few quarters to drop into the machine to start a new game.-
  45. Covet: "Not really, but then they'll be just as much liable as the individual will be. If they want to take that on. It's not going to hurt me any more or less." Kelsey said with a shrug. "Mostly I just want out there, that celebrities of any caliber shouldn't have to deal with that kind of harassment."
  46. Alexithymiaa: "I think that's a very mature, role model kinda thing to say." He said with a grin since after all the shit, people were saying not so nice things about Kelsey. Focusing on the game again, he spoke. "So at this point it's just a waiting game then. What do we get to do with the person once they give up his name? Blackball him?"-
  47. Covet: "Thanks Hun. You're sweet." She told him with a soft smile, then leaned back over on her hands, " Yeah, the plan is to sue the crap out of him for a monetary price, so that maybe next time he'll think about doing something like this. Once his name is out there, media will do the rest of the work for us."
  48. Alexithymiaa: "That's probably true. Media is brutal. Well... you know." He said with a bit of a laugh, watching the little ball bounce around the machine. "I'm sure a lot of people in the limelight will stand with you, too."-
  49. Covet: Kelsey looked at him and nodded her head. " Yeah, I'm hoping for that. It's a pretty prominent issue right now. So thankfully getting support wont be the issue. It's keeping a level head and sticking true to myself that's going to be the bigger challenge I think."
  50. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but you've never had an issue with staying true to yourself before. Why would you start now?" He asked her, banging his hand onto the side of the game. "It's actually a pretty dominant part of your personality."-
  51. Covet: "Because it's not going to be what everyone expects." Kelsey told him. " I'm kind of done living up to everyone else's expectations. Outside of yours of course, but that's different."
  52. Alexithymiaa: "The only person's expectations you need to live up to, are yours. Don't worry about me or your parents or even Connor. We'll all accept you for who you are, even if we're surprised initially. What's important is for you to be comfortable being who you are." Losing the game again, he finally turned to face her, looking her over. "I think that's most important."-
  53. Covet: She smiled at him and walked to put her arms around his neck. "I love when you're saying nice mushy things like this. You're right. And you might have to remind me a little bit along the way, but I have no doubt you'll do that." Kelsey said giving him a kiss.
  54. Alexithymiaa: "I will absolutely remind you a little bit along the way so long as you don't try to be whoever you think I want you to be." He said, leaning down to kiss her lips. "What do you say we take this back to Talon?"-
  55. Covet: She smiled softly at him, kissing him back , swallowing hard as she nodded her head. "Mmm Sounds perfect to me." She said bouncing to make the quarters jingle, clearly amused as they headed out of the arcade.
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