
A Burglarious Brick

Oct 31st, 2018
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  1. [2018-07-22 13:33] *Syed Hundal snores.
  2. [2018-07-22 13:34] *Raffaello di Merlo shoves the snoring body into a ravine. a.k.a a three inch pothole.
  3. [2018-07-22 14:22] Joey Bites: Mya,
  4. [2018-07-22 14:23] *Atlach-Nacha traps Joey's tail under the brick.
  5. [2018-07-22 14:23] Raffaello di Merlo: Flawless victory.
  6. [2018-07-22 14:25] *Syed Hundal ...non-consensually ruffles Joey's hair.
  7. [2018-07-22 14:29] *Joey Bites got distracted. Of course the first thing to do when something lands on his tail is to try and scramble away.
  8. [2018-07-22 14:32] *Atlach-Nacha stands on the brick and crosses her arms.
  9. [2018-07-22 14:35] *Joey Bites yoWLS and whips around when he realizes this tactic isn't getting him anywhere. "Hatsuneplease. The tail. It's realreal sensitive."
  10. [2018-07-22 14:36] *Syed Hundal snorts.
  11. [2018-07-22 14:38] *Atlach-Nacha slowly slides the brick up along the tail, the heavy block going harshly against the grain.
  12. [2018-07-22 14:39] *Joey Bites HISSES, whirling on Hatsune teeth-first, snapping and biting at her fingers. Niceties are over!! This is war!!
  13. [2018-07-22 14:39] *Syed Hundal lazes and fans himself. Ugh.
  14. [2018-07-22 14:41] *Atlach-Nacha grunts and squirts some foul-tasting green ichor from the bite into his mouth. Her other hand grabs the catboy by the scruff and pulls forcefully, while her ankle hooks his and trips him.
  15. [2018-07-22 14:43] *Joey Bites scrabbles for the floor with his frontmost claws, but the scruffing makes him shrink in on himself defensively. "Hatsuneeeeee!"
  16. [2018-07-22 14:44] *Syed Hundal observes Joey's daily struggle with the spider wench. Sigh.
  17. [2018-07-22 14:44] Joey Bites: [sub]We're really best buds. Really![/sub]
  18. [2018-07-22 14:45] *Atlach-Nacha lightens her grip a bit to avoid hurting him more than necessary, but doesn't allow him to escape. She straddles his hunched back and bounces on him roughly until he's prone on the ground. "Relax."
  19. [2018-07-22 14:52] *Joey Bites spits out a sad mouthful of spider ick, reluctantly ceasing his struggles. :(
  20. [2018-07-22 14:55] *Atlach-Nacha reverses her seating, staring down at his slender rump for a moment before taking a hold of his pants and undies with striped hooks and yanking them both down in a single jerk. The long side of the brick slips betwen his legs and presses into both his nethers, deliciously dry and grainy. "Alright. Make your choice."
  21. [2018-07-22 14:59] *Syed Hundal idly rubs his junk through his pants.
  22. [2018-07-22 15:03] *Joey Bites snaps his eyes open, pupils dilating as the realization dawns on him. "WOAH HEY, I-- I'm-- I don't got the kinda experience the other kid has, that's-- that's a no-go, Hatty! It's not gonna fit"
  23. [2018-07-22 15:06] *Atlach-Nacha doesn't seem deterred by his lack of experience. "It's not gonna fit, that's what he said," she muttered under her breath. "Now then... pick a hole or I'll have to get another brick and fill both."
  24. [2018-07-22 15:07] *Syed Hundal ...would prefer neither of his [s]broodmare's[/s] tentative friend's holes get ruined by a fucking brick. Weh.
  25. [2018-07-22 15:10] *Joey Bites grimaces. Unfortunately for him, he's seen Hatsune in action and knows she isn't capable of empty threats. "You know this is fucking ridiculous, right? It's not gonna go in, and if you force it anyway it'll just tear the shit outta me!" He shakes his head in utter disbelief. Might as well go with the obvious choice for practicality's sake. "Not my asshole, okay?"
  26. [2018-07-22 15:11] *Little Blackbird [sub]winces.[/sub]
  27. [2018-07-22 15:16] *Atlach-Nacha rubs her chin, thinking of how to best proceed. "A sensible choice," she acquiesces before getting off him, flipping him over onto his back with a striped talon, and settling into position between his legs. Yanking off the pants and undies clinging to his ankles, she spits a glob of navy-blue grease into her hands and begins rubbing them together dexterously, like a masseuse preparing to give service. "Just stay still and don't make me nail you to the floor like I had to with that other guy."
  28. [2018-07-22 15:18] Syed Hundal: ...wait she did this to someone else?
  29. [2018-07-22 15:19] Joey Bites: [sub]Ohhh yeah. And that guy didn't have a pussy to fall back on.[/sub]
  30. [2018-07-22 15:20] *Syed Hundal whines.
  31. [2018-07-22 15:21] *Joey Bites swallows thickly. He's been subjected to a lot of fucked-up shit over the years, and he'd love to be able to shrug this off as routine, but even Syed's monster dick had been - y'know, dick-shaped, and not made of fucking concrete. "[sub]We don't have to do this. When did you graduate from pickles to bricks? 'Cuz I'll take the pickles instead. Please?[/sub]" He's dry as a fucking bone down there, and the prospect of the pain and discomfort imminent isn't helping matters.
  32. [2018-07-22 15:26] *Syed Hundal watches, forlorn. [sub]So much for fuckin' Joey tender. That cunt is gonna be torn to shreds and worthless by the time she's done.[/sub]
  33. [2018-07-22 15:29] *Atlach-Nacha slathers the precious slab of earthwork with the extra-slippery blue grease. In fact, it's so slippery that it appears to be gliding around the surface of the brick on its own... sometimes against gravity. "The pickles are more of a treat. And this isn't really about me having anything against you, so don't think of it that way. I just need to find a good home for this important brick." She prods his nether lips with the glistening-blue short end of the item, but it's obviously not going in like this. This will demand unorthodox solutions. Spreading his entrance with her thumbs, she chews and spits a wad of murky, blood vessel-dilating secretion into it. She normally injects this before drinking blood, but in a pinch, it can also give someone 'fake arousal' if applied to the right places.
  34. [2018-07-22 15:40] *Joey Bites sucks in a gasp despite himself, lower lips flexing involuntary at the coolness of the brick against the sensitive skin-- what the honest fuck? "Have you-- have you thought about a nice box? A safe? A safety deposit box at the bank, maybe? I normally just hide everything I wanna hang onto in the walls where-- what is thaAA--?!" He squirms against her touch when she spreads him around her fingers, producing yet another mystery substance of unknown origin and-- "BITCH EXCUSE ME? Did you just SPIT in me?!" He braces himself for the worst, half expecting the goo to start melting his insides on contact, but mostly it's just-- oh. Oh geez. Suddenly all the blood's being drawn southward and he can feel his lips swelling with unwanted arousal and his folds parting.
  35. [2018-07-22 15:43] Joey Bites: [sub]I gotta start doing line breaks I hate these big text walls. they feel awkward.[/sub]
  36. [2018-07-22 15:45] Syed Hundal: Tch.
  37. [2018-07-22 15:49] *Atlach-Nacha leans down and stares closely up his gradually parting tunnel all business-like, chewing on her lip while trying to gauge his capacity. "I don't trust banks. But I trust you." She pokes his dilating entrance with the brick again, and while it's still not fitting, things are getting closer. Holding the corners of the brick to the end of a striped talon, the rapidly files down the sharp parts on one side until the brick looks like a chubby artillery shell. Third try. The thuoghtfully rounded end parts his swollen lips and slides in, blue oil coating giving a a soft squelch as it seeped and soaked into his tunnel. Furrowing her brow and biting the corner of her lip in concentration, Hatsune began wedging the aerodynamic clay missile inside pushing his walls apart slowly but decisively.
  38. [2018-07-22 16:10] *Joey Bites chokes out an unhappy groan, the walls of his pussy flexing and fluttering in protest of the brick's girth. It's actually not... as terrible as he'd expected, now she's rounded out the corners, but it's still uncomfortably coarse and thick to the point of painful. It's enough to leave him raw, microtears opening on all sides of his passage with every inch of progress Hatsune makes. He's bleeding. "Hhnn. I don't have to tell you this fucking HURTS."
  39. [2018-07-22 16:12] *Little Blackbird clenches his thighs together.
  40. [2018-07-22 16:18] *Atlach-Nacha tries to suppress her smirk, her lips bending at a funny angle while her palm pushes the well-prepared brick further and further in. The glue grease peels off rapidly with every bit of progress, leaving a thick deep-blue trail in his tunnel and dripping out in a glistening trickle. Hatsune feels the resistance rise more and more, the porous earthwork now almost dry as it grinds along with increasing effort. The vessel-dilating agent wasn't a substitute to real arousal, and the inner parts of his canal also remain dry, but that doesn't stop the spider. Raising a clammy fist sharply, she slams into the back of the half-wedged artillery shell, driving it all the way in. The smoothly filed round front bulges against his cervix.
  41. [2018-07-22 16:24] Little Blackbird: Wow I'm almost jealous.
  42. [2018-07-22 16:27] Finvarre: [sub]I'm sure we can find another brick. Maybe if you ask the arachnid nicely she'll help you too...[/sub]
  43. [2018-07-22 16:27] Little Blackbird: Mnnno.
  44. [2018-07-22 16:28] Atlach-Nacha: [sub]There can only be one Brick.[/sub]
  45. [2018-07-22 16:29] Little Blackbird: Joey can keep that one. It's stained with his blood.
  46. [2018-07-22 16:29] *Joey Bites arches his back with a shuddering gasp and WHIMPERS, tears stinging at the corners of his eyes. "Hatsuneplease--!" He's tearing now, he can feel the blood hot and sticky between his thighs, smell the familiar metallic tang in the air. "Stop-- stop-- stop--" His walls flex and quiver uselessly around the breadth of it like his body's trying to eject it from inside him, but it only serves to scrape the delicate tissue raw. "What're you even tryin' to DO just--- just stop, please..."
  47. [2018-07-22 16:36] *Atlach-Nacha seizes his shoulders and nips his neck, injecting a small dose of feel-good juice. "It'll be fine." Returning her attention to his nethers, she curls her fist again and inserts it between his gaping lips, pressing her knuckles against the back of the brick. The well-defined shell bulge on his stomach makes him look like a tank shot him right in the pussy. With small but forceful thrusts of her arm, the spider wedges the brick even deeper, blood- and juice-smeared round top of the claywork parting his cervix and invading his womb.
  48. [2018-07-22 16:39] *Syed Hundal ...will definitely need to find a more suitable [s]victim[/s] mate, now. Welp.
  49. [2018-07-22 16:42] *Atlach-Nacha It's catboy's fault. He chose this.
  50. [2018-07-22 16:42] *Joey Bites utters a strangled moan. Okay, that-- that helps a little bit... dulls the pain, lets him feel it from a distance. He's safer here. Panic gradually subsides as his muscles grow lax, pelvic floor dropping and his cunt opening wider, obliging. His battered cervix is already torn and scarred from past misadventures by the time Hatsune gets there, and it makes the going just a little bit easier, the pinhole opening forced to accommodate the girth of the brick. "S... s'heavy..." he mumbles, eyebrows still knitted in vague dismay. He can feel it sitting in his gut like a-- well, a brick.
  51. [2018-07-22 16:43] *Syed Hundal shakes his head and prowls for someone else to badger.
  52. [2018-07-22 16:54] *Atlach-Nacha bites her lip at the scenic contrast of his mostly relaxed-looking face and the giant bulge of masonrwork in his tummy. It almost looks like he likes this. All it took was some persuasive nectar and a bit of corner filing. Inside of him, her fist punches the clay projectile in small bumps, wedging the smooth, thick and now well-lubricated 'warhead' all the way into his womb, the quivering walls of his innermost sanctum wrapping around it as snugly and flawlessly as if it always belonged there, stretching warily to accommodate the unexpected arrival. Hatsune strokes the catboy's hair and cheek with something almost like affection. With persistent effort of poking and pushing, the square back of the brick pops in beyond his cervix, red ring tiredly closing behind it. The spider slowly pulls out her hand, covered in grease, blood, and other fluids of all kinds from both of them. She drags her fingers over his face, leaving four trails of warpaint-like off-color sludge. "Take good care of my brick. I trust you."
  53. [2018-07-22 16:56] *Syed Hundal grimaces, struggling to understand the purpose behind this cruel, life-ruining act. Someone ought to put the cat down before internal bleeding takes him.
  54. [2018-07-22 17:01] *Joey Bites shudders beneath her touch, hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. He's sickly pale, vision swimming as his blood pressure drops from the shock of the trauma to his insides. Hurts. His insides hurt, his belly hurts, he can feel it weighing him down and rubbing him raw from the inside despite every effort to ignore the pain and focus on the warm, the numbness in his arms and legs. "Mmore." He thrusts a hand out limply, beckoning. "More. More-- juice."
  55. [2018-07-22 17:03] *Syed Hundal snorts derisively. Fuckin' pitiful.
  56. [2018-07-22 17:05] Joey Bites: [sub]you picked a junkie to lust after, bro.[/sub]
  57. [2018-07-22 17:05] *Atlach-Nacha decides that he's earned his helping and leans down to bite him again, deeper this time and injecting enough to make sure that everything will be just fine. Cuddles up to him and strokes the back of his head comfortingly.
  58. [2018-07-22 17:06] *Syed Hundal made a clear mistake. [sub]But to be fair, Joey was the only one around worth pursuing in the first place. [/sub]
  59. [2018-07-22 17:06] Joey Bites: [sub]RIP. I feel bad now.[/sub]
  60. [2018-07-22 17:07] *Atlach-Nacha He's doubly worth pursuing after this flashy dieselpunk hull reinforcement.
  61. [2018-07-22 17:07] Raffaello di Merlo: Inject the cat and then fuck him tbh.
  62. [2018-07-22 17:08] *Syed Hundal vehemently disagrees. With a slab of clay stuck in his womb, he will never satisfy Syed's needs. Grunt.
  63. [2018-07-22 17:08] *Atlach-Nacha Who knows. Maybe he will now give birth to healthy cat-golem babies.
  64. [2018-07-22 17:09] *Joey Bites drops his arm limply at his side, an appreciative moan bubbling up in his throat while his eyes roll back in his head. Theeere it is. Won't feel like it later, but just right now it feels totally worth the indignity.
  65. [2018-07-22 17:09] *Syed Hundal doubts anything coming out of that mangy stray will be anything resembling healthy, frankly.
  66. [2018-07-22 17:11] *Finvarre golf claps. "I've uttered the phrase, 'Fuck you with a brick' before. Never thought to act on it. Most impressive."
  67. [2018-07-22 17:12] Raffaello di Merlo: Can I have the brick as a souvenir when you're done fucking someone with it?
  68. [2018-07-22 17:13] *Syed Hundal snorts. [sub]It's inside the stupid cat. Have fun gettin' it out.[/sub]
  69. [2018-07-22 17:14] Raffaello di Merlo: .. th-.. there's.. a brick in the cat?
  70. [2018-07-22 17:15] Syed Hundal: ...yeah. It just got shoved into his womb. It ain't comin' outta there.
  71. [2018-07-22 17:15] Raffaello di Merlo: .. his wha-
  72. [2018-07-22 17:15] *Raffaello di Merlo leaves.
  73. [2018-07-22 17:15] Syed Hundal: Yeah.
  74. [2018-07-22 17:16] Mitzii: So what's up
  75. [2018-07-22 17:16] Raffaello di Merlo: I'm from Manhattan okay I can't handle whatever sins you fuckers are committing.
  76. [2018-07-22 17:16] Syed Hundal: Whole lotta nothing.
  77. [2018-07-22 17:16] *Raffaello di Merlo sips his spiced latte pissily.
  78. [2018-07-22 17:17] Mitzii: I read that.. very wrong
  79. [2018-07-22 17:18] *Joey Bites [sub]has a brick in him but it's all gravy, guys, it's fiiine[/sub]
  80. [2018-07-22 17:18] *Syed Hundal sharpens his axe. Grunt.
  81. [2018-07-22 17:20] Raffaello di Merlo: If it's a cocaine brick I'm less disturbed.
  82. [2018-07-22 17:20] *Raffaello di Merlo has done that when in Palermo before.
  83. [2018-07-22 17:20] Syed Hundal: It's a plain old brick.
  84. [2018-07-22 17:20] Raffaello di Merlo: Well fuck
  85. [2018-07-22 17:20] Mitzii: Y'all worry me
  86. [2018-07-22 17:21] *Syed Hundal had nothing to do with it.
  87. [2018-07-22 17:21] Mitzii: mm hmm
  88. [2018-07-22 17:22] *Finvarre also didn't have a hand in the brickening. Is ashamed to be innocent for once.
  89. [2018-07-22 17:22] *Syed Hundal points to the bleeding mess of a cat on the ground, and the aberrant spider woman responsible.
  90. [2018-07-22 17:23] Raffaello di Merlo: .. hot.
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