

Jul 4th, 2015
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  1. 22:27] <slgkat{trip}> i have a question
  2. [22:28] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Shoot
  3. [22:28] <slgkat{trip}> is it wrong to trance/"program" someone to not be able to leave you ever?
  4. [22:28] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Yes
  5. [22:29] <slgkat{trip}> why?
  6. [22:29] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Because that take away choice if your dom abuses you and treats you like shit you should be able to leave
  7. [22:30] <slgkat{trip}> well if theyre nice it doesnt seem bad
  8. [22:31] <stepford_fox{Marea}> That's if they are nice but if they are nice they shouldn't program someone to never leave them
  9. [22:32] <slgkat{trip}> if theyre worried about someone stealing their slave it may make sense
  10. [22:33] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Umm marea doesn't do that abd she worries all the time
  11. [22:33] <slgkat{trip}> mmk..
  12. [22:33] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Ok
  13. [22:35] <slgkat{trip}> i was just wondering
  14. [22:36] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Y
  15. [22:37] * slgkat{trip} shrugs
  16. [22:37] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Please tell me
  17. [22:39] <slgkat{trip}> it was just a question, i was wondering
  18. [22:40] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Triple did it to you didn't he
  19. [22:41] <slgkat{trip}> i was just wondering
  20. [22:42] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Kat you can trust me
  21. [22:43] <slgkat{trip}> i could leave if he allowed it.
  22. [22:43] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Ok that's wrong
  23. [22:44] * slgkat{trip} sighs
  24. [22:44] <stepford_fox{Marea}> You know it is wrong
  25. [22:45] <slgkat{trip}> hes a good, nice master
  26. [22:49] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Just nor the master for you
  27. [22:49] <slgkat{trip}> hes my master
  28. [22:50] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Kat do you think he is right for you
  29. [22:50] <slgkat{trip}> i dont know
  30. [22:50] <stepford_fox{Marea}> *pets
  31. [22:52] <slgkat{trip}> its hard to find a nice good master. im grateeful
  32. [22:54] <stepford_fox{Marea}> What about a nice good mistress
  33. [22:54] <slgkat{trip}> ive never had a mistress before
  34. [22:55] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Sweety we basically done everything a mistress and sub do
  35. [22:56] <slgkat{trip}> i guess yeah
  36. [22:59] <stepford_fox{Marea}> So you basically have experienced what a mistress is
  37. [23:00] <slgkat{trip}> okay
  38. [23:01] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Yep cuddles kissing some light play
  39. [23:02] <slgkat{trip}> mhm..
  40. [23:03] <stepford_fox{Marea}> *holds
  41. [23:03] <slgkat{trip}> *nuzzles you* i like it
  42. [23:05] <stepford_fox{Marea}> I like you to
  43. [23:05] <slgkat{trip}> i meant ive liked this whole thing, but of course you know i like you as well a lot :3
  44. [23:06] <stepford_fox{Marea}> I do
  45. [23:06] <slgkat{trip}> *cuddles you
  46. [23:07] <slgkat{trip}> *sighs* maybe ill never have the master thats right for me
  47. [23:08] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Aww*hugs you
  48. [23:08] <slgkat{trip}> *rests my head
  49. [23:12] <stepford_fox{Marea}> *pets
  50. [23:13] <slgkat{trip}> *nuzzles you softly
  51. [23:14] <stepford_fox{Marea}> *holds
  52. [23:14] <slgkat{trip}> sorry i probably shouldnt have said that
  53. [23:16] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Said what
  54. [23:16] <slgkat{trip}> about never having a maaster tthats right for me
  55. [23:18] <stepford_fox{Marea}> If you don't think triple is right
  56. [23:19] <slgkat{trip}> hes my master i wont complin
  57. [23:20] <slgkat{trip}> complain*
  58. [23:20] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Did he program you to do thatvto
  59. [23:22] <slgkat{trip}> no. only to not be able to leave, disobey, or lie to him
  60. [23:26] <stepford_fox{Marea}> *clutches fist*
  61. [23:27] <slgkat{trip}> what?
  62. [23:28] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Your master is a bad man
  63. [23:30] <slgkat{trip}> no he isnt
  64. [23:30] <stepford_fox{Marea}> People who program that on to their pets are bad people
  65. [23:31] <slgkat{trip}> he wants control like all masters do that doesnt make him bad
  66. [23:32] <stepford_fox{Marea}> But you don't control if pets leave
  67. [23:33] <slgkat{trip}> hes not cruel, hes never once had to punish me.. hes a good master
  68. [23:34] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Did you just hear what you say
  69. [23:34] <stepford_fox{Marea}> He never once had to punish me
  70. [23:35] <slgkat{trip}> what about it
  71. [23:39] <slgkat{trip}> thats good
  72. [23:40] <stepford_fox{Marea}> That was so must up its like a abuse victim saying he didn't hit me today because I was goid
  73. [23:40] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Good
  74. [23:41] <slgkat{trip}> i was saying that he hasnt at all..
  75. [23:41] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Because you haven't done anything bad
  76. [23:41] <slgkat{trip}> well yes
  77. [23:42] <stepford_fox{Marea}> So at what point does that make him a good master
  78. [23:44] <slgkat{trip}> most masters by now probably wouldve hes not as picky and doesnt tell me to do anything i cant
  79. [23:44] <slgkat{trip}> he only pushes me sometimes
  80. [23:46] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Sweety your literally saying my masters hit me so getting mind fuck is ok
  81. [23:47] <slgkat{trip}> Hes a good masterr.
  82. [23:48] <slgkat{trip}> master*
  83. [23:48] <stepford_fox{Marea}> He's a horrible master he literally ignores you and treats you like a toy
  84. [23:48] <slgkat{trip}> he doesnt treat me like a toy
  85. [23:48] <stepford_fox{Marea}> How does he treat you
  86. [23:50] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Sweety do you want to be my pet yez or no
  87. [23:51] <slgkat{trip}> no i have a master
  88. [23:51] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Do you want to leave triple
  89. [23:52] <slgkat{trip}> no
  90. [23:52] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Are you saying that because you think you can't get another dom
  91. [23:53] <slgkat{trip}> i cant leave and im fine with him
  92. [23:53] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Sally left
  93. [23:55] <stepford_fox{Marea}> You can leave if you really want to
  94. [23:56] <slgkat{trip}> want
  95. [23:56] <slgkat{trip}> i know she did and i dont wan to
  96. [23:57] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Can I trance you
  97. [23:58] <slgkat{trip}> im talking to master finally i dont think thats a good idea
  98. [23:58] <slgkat{trip}> at least not right now
  99. [23:59] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Gah
  100. 01] * Starting conversation with slgkat{trip}_
  101. [00:01] <slgkat{trip}_> dc
  102. [00:02] <stepford_fox{Marea}> I just want to save you
  103. [00:02] <slgkat{trip}_> im fine
  104. [00:03] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Your being held against your will
  105. [00:04] <slgkat{trip}_> i want to stay
  106. [00:04] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Ok i am going to trance you real quick
  107. [00:05] <slgkat{trip}_> why
  108. [00:06] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Because I have a feeling about something
  109. [00:06] <slgkat{trip}_> not now
  110. [00:06] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Y not
  111. [00:07] <slgkat{trip}_> im talking to him
  112. [00:07] <stepford_fox{Marea}> About
  113. [00:07] <slgkat{trip}_> you he says he talked to no mods today
  114. [00:08] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Not what I heard
  115. [00:08] * slgkat{trip}_ shrugs
  116. [00:10] <slgkat{trip}_> also that he never said marea told you to take me from himm
  117. [00:10] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Ok*takes a deep breath*
  118. [00:11] <slgkat{trip}_> you ok?
  119. [00:16] <stepford_fox{Marea}> I like you and I want you to be mine but if you don't want to be my submissive that is ok
  120. [00:17] <slgkat{trip}_> i like being submissive to you but i aleady am masters property
  121. [00:18] <stepford_fox{Marea}> You can leave to become mine
  122. [00:18] <stepford_fox{Marea}> But only if you choose
  123. [00:18] <slgkat{trip}_> cant leave, dont want to
  124. [00:19] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Just relax and let your mind enter a nice trance
  125. [00:19] <stepford_fox{Marea}> You love letting my words just carry you to a nice deep trance
  126. [00:19] <stepford_fox{Marea}> You have no reason to fight my words
  127. [00:20] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Your even relaxing and letting my words take you in to a nice deep trance
  128. [00:20] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Deeper then triple has taken you
  129. [00:23] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Your mind is just empty and in a nice deep trance deeper then triple has taken you aren't you
  130. [00:23] <slgkat{trip}_> yes
  131. [00:24] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Did triple program you to never want to leave him
  132. [00:25] <slgkat{trip}_> yes
  133. [00:26] <stepford_fox{Marea}> If that programming was not there would you leave him
  134. [00:27] <slgkat{trip}_> idk
  135. [00:27] <stepford_fox{Marea}> If I removed that programming would you tell triple
  136. [00:28] <slgkat{trip}_> maybe
  137. [00:29] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Yes or no
  138. [00:29] <slgkat{trip}_> no
  139. [00:32] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Do you mind if I remove that programming
  140. [00:33] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Kat
  141. [00:34] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Are you still there
  142. [00:38] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Kat
  143. [00:57] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Good night
  144. [00:57] <stepford_fox{Marea}> Awaken
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