

Feb 17th, 2023
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  1. whoami --> current user
  2. man whoami --> manual about certain command
  3. clear --> clear the screen (Ctrl+L)
  4. pwd --> current dir
  5. ls --> lists the files and folder in current dir
  6. ls /folder_path --> lists the files and folder in certain folder
  7. ls -l --> permisions, date and etc..
  8. ls -a --> including dot (hidden) files
  9. ls -al --> combine options
  10. cd --> change dir
  11. cd .. --> previous dir
  12. cd /../../ --> 2 previous dirs
  13. cd ~ --> home dir
  14. mkdir folder_name folder_name2 --> makes directories
  15. mkdir -p fl1/fl2/fl3 --> creates folder1 and inside folder 1 creates folder 2 and so on..
  16. touch file1.txt some_image.png --> creates file/s
  17. touch app.{js,html,css} --> creates app.js, app.html, app.css empty files
  18. touch {1..3}.txt --> creates 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt empty files
  19. rm -rv file1.txt some_file.jpg --> remove files and prints the deleted ones (-v verbose)
  20. mv pear.txt renamed_pear.txt --> rename a file
  21. mv some_folder/ SOME_folder --> rename a folder
  22. mv pear.txt some_img.png Some_Folder/ --> moves the files in certain folder
  23. cp file1.txt file2.txt --> makes a copy of file1
  24. cp -rv folder1/ another_folder --> folder copying
  25. head -7 file1.txt --> shows the first 7 lines of the file
  26. tail -7 file1.txt --> shows the last 7 lines of the file
  27. date > file1.txt --> replace the content of file1.txt with current date (instead of date it could be any command)
  28. ls -l >> file1.txt --> appends the list of current files and dirs in file1.txt
  29. cat file1.txt file2.txt --> prints the content of a files
  30. cat f1.txt f2.txt > new_file.txt --> concatenates 2 files into another new file
  31. cat -n f1.txt --> prints the file with a number on every row
  32. less f1.txt --> enters in a reading mode in a file (after that '/ someword' search for a word in the file)
  33. echo "some text" > file1.txt --> creates a file with some text
  34. echo *.??? --> prints every file name, that ends with a dot, and after the dot there are 3 chars
  35. echo app.{js,txt,html} --> app.js app.txt app.html
  36. wc file1.txt --> word count - prints rows/words/characters
  37. ls -l | wc > file1.txt --> Piping - combines commands
  38. sort file1.txt --> prints an alphabetically sorting of a file
  39. uniq file1.txt --> removes adjacent duplicates
  40. cmd | cmd | cmd .. --> pipe takes the output from one command and pass it as input to another (works from left to right)
  41. diff -u file1 file2 --> shows the difference between files (github style)
  42. find . -name '*a*' --> find everything with an 'a' in the name (files, dirs)
  43. grep green file1.txt --> highlights the matches of the word 'green' in file1
  44. du -h --> lists size of dirs
  45. history --> lists the history of the written commands
  46. history | grep 'some_word' --> searching for a certain word in the written commands
  47. ps --> current processes
  48. kill -9 PID --> force end a process (PID can be shown when type 'ps a')
  49. killall -9 node --> kills every process with a name 'node'
  50. some_command & --> runs a process in the background
  51. jobs --> shows the background processes
  52. gzip -k filename --> keeps the original file and a new compressed one
  53. gunzip filename --> extracts a compressed file
  54. tar -cf archive.tar file1.txt file2.txt --> adds two files into archive
  55. nano filename --> opens and edit a file (text editor)
  56. alias custom_command='ls -l' --> makes a custom command (shortcut) works only in the current terminal session
  57. cat file1.txt | xargs rm --> xargs pass the elaments of file1 in a list for 'rm' which removes them
  58. ln original_file copy_file --> creates a hard link (copy_file) which referes to the original one (both are pointing to the same file in memory)
  59. ln -s original_file copy_file --> something like a shortcut (if original is deleted, copy_file points to nothing)
  60. su another_username --> switch user
  61. sudo --> 'superuser do' gives admin privileges
  62. passwd --> change password
  65. Permissions of the file attributes:
  66. 1st char --> type:
  67. - --> file
  68. d --> directory
  69. l --> symlink (shortcut)
  71. 2nd, 3rd and 4th chars (permissions of the owner):
  72. r --> read
  73. w --> write
  74. x --> execute
  75. if it's '-' instead of 'r', it means the user cannot read the file and etc.
  77. 5th, 6th and 7th chars (permissions for the group owner and the members of the group):
  78. same possible group rwx
  79. 8th, 9th and 10th chars (permissions for everyone else):
  80. same possible group rwx
  82. chmod mode file --> change permissions
  83. chmod a-rw file1.txt --> '-' removes 'r' read and 'w' write permisions for 'a' everyone
  84. chmod a=r file1.txt --> '=' leaves 'a' everyone only with 'r' permissions
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