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Jan 5th, 2019
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  1. Vincent was extremely concerned about Julian, fearing for the teenagers life. He had to tell someone about what he saw, and he had just the right guy in mind. He had taken Julian's guardians phone number off his phone, after Julian had left it open one day. He saved it to his own phone, in case of an emergency. His hands trembeled, what does he say? 'Hi I'm Vincent I work with your kid(?) Julian?' No that's far too awkward. That's when his thinking got even worse. 'WHAT IF HIS GUARDIAN IS- No that's impossible!' He felt like a 13 year d girl writing a yaoi fanfiction on Wattpad and calling herself a 'sinner so naughty!!!' child. He sighed loudly, and decided to finally get this out of the way.
  3. 12:42 >Hello there! Are you Julian Luciens guardian? My name is Vincent Romano, a coworker of his. I would like to meet with you, say over coffee, and discuss something important about him! Text me back when you can!
  4. He waited, and kept waiting, and waited even more.
  6. 2:14 -Всем привет! Sorry about that wait, I had matters to attend to(vet visits with my cat. She has an ear infection ōwō) I'd love to meet and chat! Does Friday work?
  8. Vincent chuckled softly at the small face, and felt his heart rise at the Russian in the beginning. He still didn't think it could be him. That's impossible.
  10. 2:16 >It's quite alright. I have a cafe near my house, it's open until 12 am on Fridays so if you're a night person we can go whenever.
  13. 2:20 -Sounds great! Also I am not at all a night person. I'm usually in bed by 8:00, 8:30 at the latest. I'll see you there at 9:25 am? ^w^
  15. 2:23 >very specific, but alright! I'll see you then
  17. Vincent shut his phone off and sighed loudly, the text patterns felt so familiar. As he pondered over if it could possibly be the boy he had been obsession over since highschool, Fritz entered the room.
  19. He swore he heard the ginger man matter something along the lines of "You blacks and your like for trashy food," as he glanced at Vincent's coffee sitting in front of him on the table. Vincent shifted uncomfortably.
  21. "So... Fritz. How're things going with Julian?" He said, tensing up. He wanted to find out more about Julian's current situation.
  23. "Just perfect. For his birthday I got him clothes and he got drunk." Fritz smirked slightly. Vincent's stomach lurched. He knew smiles like that.
  25. "Last night I got that cute girl Ari drunk. Best blowjob I've ever had. You should try it out Vin! Unless you're still doing that gay shit."
  27. "You shouldn't be doing that... It's illegal and you're both underaged."
  29. "Oh fuck off you pansy fag. You could get so much drunk pussy if you just got over Seth or whatever the fuck his name is."
  31. "You shouldn't let him consent Fritz. He was drunk he couldn't think clearly. It's illegal too, it's pedophilia, rape, and underaged drinking."
  33. "It was a hand job Romano you're thinking too deep into it." Fritz sighed. "You're so uptight. I hate you asexuals that think all sex is evil and bad, or is it because you're Catholic? You probably believe in sex after marriage."
  35. "I'm saving myself for someone."
  37. "Oh my God you really are 15 aren't you?"
  39. "I AM NOT 15 I AM 20 GOD DAMNIT!"
  41. "Don't use the Lord's name in vain Vin."
  43. "Don't be a jackass." Julian said, slipping in and opening the fridge. He pulled out a bloody looking bag.
  45. "Ew Julian what the hell is that?" Vincent scrunched up his nose at the smell.
  47. "... Beef? Dumbass." Julian rolled his eyes.
  49. "You don't know how to properly cook beef."
  51. "Whatever. Have fun fucking my nephew on Friday."
  55. "Yes you are, he texted me saying a guy named Vincent I work with asked him to a cafe. You are going to fuck him."
  57. "Oh I see now, he's who you're saving yourself for." Fritz said.
  59. "I hope you both choke on purple dildos." Vincent muttered, standing up and walking out. He clocked out and decided to go home early. There was no buisness anyways, as usual.
  61. He got home and pondered over the texts, it couldn't possibly be Zeth. Zeth had to hate him, he pretty much abandoned him in highschool. He debated calling Julian's guardian for hours, but he wanted to wait. He didn't wanna disappoint himself and be upset during their meet.
  64. Julian was out with Piper and Xavier, getting hammered again. Xavier and him were dancing together, he was practically grinding on Xavier. Piper recorded it, drunk as shit. She was laughing extremely loud, causing the two boys to fall over in and start having fits of their own. The three decided to go sit at the bar. As Piper left, Xavier grabbing Julian, stroking his side.
  66. "You're pretty fucking hot, you almost look like a girl with that lipstick." Xavier whispered in his ear, kissing against Julian's neck. Julian chuckled and pulled Xavier's face closer to his mouth.
  68. "I can prove I'm not though. What do you say after a few more drinks we head back to my place and foul around?" Julian's speech was more slurred than usual.
  70. "You remind me of highschool so much."
  72. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Julian giggled and brought him back over to Piper. Piper raised her brow at the two.
  74. "Y'all fucking or something?" She asked, stealing a random shot from someone.
  76. "Maybe. Don't tell Fritz he'll kill me. But I mean, it's not really cheating. I don't love Fritz so I don't consider this cheating." Julian whispered to Piper. Piper nodded, thinking none of it at the time.
  79. It was now Friday, and Vincent was running to the cafe. He was about 15 minutes late now. He was scared his 'date' would have left. He ran inside and looked around. That's when it hit him. He saw a small boy with white hair, a reddish brown eye, glasses, and a small medical patch covering one of his eyes. It was Zeth. He felt pangs in his chest, he felt like shit. How could he show up late to a meeting, and have the person he's meeting be Zeth. He ran out before Zeth could notice him. He didn't think it was worth it anymore.
  81. 10:21 >Something came up at work. I'm sorry I didn't make it!
  83. 10:23 -That is quite alright. I'm sure we can reschedule.
  85. Zeth sighed, setting his phone beside him. He was rather excited to meet an old friend again. But at the same, time being reminded of his past hurt him.
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