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a guest
Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. ActuelVersion: 0.2
  3. OldVersion: 0.1
  4. on script load:
  5. set {_Ver} to text from ""
  6. if {_Ver} is not "0.2":
  7. broadcast "&b&l(Ura&3&lLoad&b&l) &fLe Loader a été mis à jour : &bVersion 1.0 %nl% &8(Copyright, NeiZow 2019)"
  8. send "&b&l[Update] &fMise a jour du Loader..." to console
  9. download from "CHANGER" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  10. send "&b&l[Update] &fMise a jour effectuée !" to console
  11. make console execute command "/sk reload Uraload"
  12. stop
  14. command /uraloader:
  15. permission: OP
  16. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission !
  17. trigger:
  18. send "&b&l(Ura&3&lLoad&b&l) &fLe Loader est installé en version 1.1 sur ce serveur."
  20. command /uraload [<text>]:
  21. permission: OP
  22. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission !
  23. trigger:
  24. if arg 1 is not set:
  25. send "&f&l&m&o-------&b&l&m--------------&f&l&m-------"
  26. send ""
  27. send "&b&l(Ura&3&lLoad&b&l) &f&nListe des skripts disponibles:"
  28. send " "
  29. execute console command "/tellraw %player% ["""",{""text"":""&f[&a⬇&f] "",""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""/uraload live""},""hoverEvent"":{""action"":""show_text"",""value"":""&fTélécharger le skript""}},{""text"":""&f- Skript de /live ""},{""text"":""&8(Dev: NeiZow)""}]"
  30. execute console command "/tellraw %player% ["""",{""text"":""&f[&a⬇&f] "",""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""/uraload other""},""hoverEvent"":{""action"":""show_text"",""value"":""&fTélécharger le skript""}},{""text"":""&f- Skript Other ""},{""text"":""&8(Dev: NeiZow & Plaayeur)""}]"
  31. send " "
  32. send "&f&l&m&o-------&b&l&m--------------&f&l&m-------"
  33. if arg 1 is "live":
  34. send "&b&l(Ura&3&lLoad&b&l) &fTéléchargement du skript: &bLive"
  35. delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  36. create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  37. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  38. wait 10 seconds
  39. execute console command "sk reload Live"
  40. wait 50 ticks
  41. send "&b&l(Ura&3&lLoad&b&l) &fTéléchargement terminer !"
  42. wait 1 second
  43. send "&b&l(Ura&3&lLoad&b&l) &fCommande disponibles..."
  44. stop
  45. if arg 1 is "other":
  46. send "&b&l(Ura&3&lLoad&b&l) &fTéléchargement du skript: &bOther"
  47. delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  48. create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  49. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  50. wait 10 seconds
  51. execute console command "sk reload Other"
  52. wait 60 ticks
  53. send "&b&l(Ura&3&lLoad&b&l) &fTéléchargement terminer !"
  54. stop
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