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Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. import datetime
  2. import gzip
  3. import sqlite3
  4. import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
  6. import requests
  7. from retrying import retry
  8. import sys
  10. rtti_url = sys.argv[1]
  11. username = sys.argv[2]
  12. password = sys.argv[3]
  14. @retry
  15. def mlrealtime_downloader(rtti_url):
  16. now =
  17. print('{} downloading: {}'.format(now, rtti_url))
  18. r = gzip.decompress(requests.get(rtti_url, auth=(username, password)).content).decode('utf-8')
  19. return r
  22. def mlrealtime_parser():
  23. mlrealtime = mlrealtime_downloader(rtti_url)
  24. mlrealtime_xml = ET.fromstring(mlrealtime)
  25. tmc_map_version = mlrealtime_xml.get('MAP_VERSION')
  26. tmc_units = mlrealtime_xml.get('UNITS')
  27. tmc_feed_version = mlrealtime_xml.get('VERSION')
  28. tmc_created_timestamp = mlrealtime_xml.get('CREATED_TIMESTAMP')
  29. tmc_table_version = mlrealtime_xml.get('TMC_TABLE_VERSION')
  30. xmlns = mlrealtime_xml.tag[0:mlrealtime_xml.tag.find('}') + 1]
  32. timestamp_tuple = datetime.datetime.strptime(tmc_created_timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
  33. year = timestamp_tuple.year
  34. month = timestamp_tuple.month
  35. day =
  36. hour = timestamp_tuple.hour
  37. minute = timestamp_tuple.minute
  38. second = timestamp_tuple.second
  40. now =
  41. print('{} opening: {}_{}_{}_{}.sqlite'.format(now, year, month, day, hour))
  43. conn = sqlite3.connect('{}_{}_{}_{}.sqlite'.format(year, month, day, hour))
  44. cursor = conn.cursor()
  45. create_tmc = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmc (year int, month int, day int, hour int, minute int, second int, tmc_created_timestamp varchar(32),tmc_map_version int,tmc_units varchar(16),tmc_feed_version varchar(8),tmc_table_version float,tmc_ebu_country_code varchar(4),tmc_extended_country_code varchar(4),tmc_table_id varchar(4),roadway_id varchar(16),roadway_description varchar(255),place_code int,place_description varchar(255),queue_direction char(1),length float,type char(2),speed float,speed_uncapped float,free_flow float,jam_factor float,confidence float,traversability_status char(1),ss_length float,ss_speed float,ss_speed_uncapped float,ss_free_flow float,ss_jam_factor float,ss_traversability_status char(1))"
  46. create_shp = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS shp (year int, month int, day int, hour int, minute int, second int, tmc_created_timestamp varchar(32),tmc_map_version int,tmc_units varchar(16),tmc_feed_version varchar(8),tmc_table_version float,tmc_ebu_country_code varchar(4),tmc_extended_country_code varchar(4),tmc_table_id varchar(4),functional_class int,link_id varchar(16),length float,form_of_way varchar(8),shape varchar(512),type char(2),speed float,speed_uncapped float,free_flow float,jam_factor float,confidence float)"
  47. cursor.execute(create_tmc)
  48. cursor.execute(create_shp)
  51. for child in mlrealtime_xml:
  52. if child.get('TY') == 'TMC':
  53. rws_tmc = child
  54. tmc_ebu_country_code = rws_tmc.get('EBU_COUNTRY_CODE')
  55. tmc_extended_country_code = rws_tmc.get('EXTENDED_COUNTRY_CODE')
  56. tmc_table_id = rws_tmc.get('TABLE_ID')
  57. for rw in rws_tmc:
  58. tmc_rw = rw.attrib
  59. roadway_id = tmc_rw.get('LI')
  60. roadway_description = tmc_rw.get('DE')
  61. ss_list = []
  62. for fis in rw:
  63. for fi in fis:
  64. for child in fi:
  65. if child.tag == xmlns + 'TMC':
  66. tmc_rw_fi_tmc = child
  67. place_code = tmc_rw_fi_tmc.get('PC')
  68. place_description = tmc_rw_fi_tmc.get('DE')
  69. queue_direction = tmc_rw_fi_tmc.get('QD')
  70. length = tmc_rw_fi_tmc.get('LE')
  71. if child.tag == xmlns + 'CF':
  72. tmc_rw_fi_cf = child
  73. type = tmc_rw_fi_cf.get('TY')
  74. speed = tmc_rw_fi_cf.get('SP')
  75. speed_uncapped = tmc_rw_fi_cf.get('SU')
  76. free_flow = tmc_rw_fi_cf.get('FF')
  77. jam_factor = tmc_rw_fi_cf.get('JF')
  78. confidence = tmc_rw_fi_cf.get('CN')
  79. traversability_status = tmc_rw_fi_cf.get('TS')
  80. if len(tmc_rw_fi_cf) > 0:
  81. for sss in tmc_rw_fi_cf:
  82. for ss in sss:
  83. ss_length = ss.get('LE')
  84. ss_speed = ss.get('SP')
  85. ss_speed_uncapped = ss.get('SU')
  86. ss_free_flow = ss.get('FF')
  87. ss_jam_factor = ss.get('JF')
  88. ss_traversability_status = ss.get('TS')
  89. ss_list.append(
  90. [ss_length, ss_speed, ss_speed_uncapped, ss_free_flow, ss_jam_factor,
  91. ss_traversability_status])
  92. else:
  93. ss_list = [[]]
  94. for ss in ss_list:
  95. if len(ss) > 0:
  96. ss_length = ss[0]
  97. ss_speed = ss[1]
  98. ss_speed_uncapped = ss[2]
  99. ss_free_flow = ss[3]
  100. ss_jam_factor = ss[4]
  101. ss_traversability_status = ss[5]
  102. tmc_sql = "insert into tmc values ({},{},{},{},{},{},'{}',{},'{}','{}',{},'{}','{}','{}','{}','{}',{},'{}','{}',{},'{}',{},{},{},{},{},'{}',{},{},{},{},{},'{}')".format(
  103. year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tmc_created_timestamp,
  104. tmc_map_version,
  105. tmc_units, tmc_feed_version, tmc_table_version, tmc_ebu_country_code,
  106. tmc_extended_country_code, tmc_table_id, roadway_id, roadway_description,
  107. place_code, place_description, queue_direction, length, type, speed,
  108. speed_uncapped, free_flow, jam_factor, confidence, traversability_status,
  109. ss_length, ss_speed, ss_speed_uncapped, ss_free_flow, ss_jam_factor,
  110. ss_traversability_status)
  111. cursor.execute(tmc_sql)
  112. else:
  113. tmc_sql = "insert into tmc values ({},{},{},{},{},{},'{}',{},'{}','{}',{},'{}','{}','{}','{}','{}',{},'{}','{}',{},'{}',{},{},{},{},{},'{}','','','','','','')".format(
  114. year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tmc_created_timestamp,
  115. tmc_map_version,
  116. tmc_units, tmc_feed_version, tmc_table_version, tmc_ebu_country_code,
  117. tmc_extended_country_code, tmc_table_id, roadway_id, roadway_description,
  118. place_code, place_description, queue_direction, length, type, speed,
  119. speed_uncapped, free_flow, jam_factor, confidence, traversability_status)
  120. cursor.execute(tmc_sql)
  121. if child.get('TY') == 'SHP':
  122. rws_shp = child
  123. shp_ebu_country_code = rws_shp.get('EBU_COUNTRY_CODE')
  124. shp_extended_country_code = rws_shp.get('EXTENDED_COUNTRY_CODE')
  125. shp_table_id = rws_shp.get('TABLE_ID')
  126. for rw in rws_shp:
  127. for fis in rw:
  128. for fi in fis:
  129. for fi_elem in fi:
  130. if fi_elem.tag == xmlns + 'SHP':
  131. functional_class = fi_elem.get('FC')
  132. link_id = fi_elem.get('LID')
  133. length = fi_elem.get('LE')
  134. form_of_way = fi_elem.get('FW')
  135. shape = fi_elem.text
  136. if fi_elem.tag == xmlns + 'CF':
  137. type = fi_elem.get('TY')
  138. speed = fi_elem.get('SP')
  139. speed_uncapped = fi_elem.get('SU')
  140. free_flow = fi_elem.get('FF')
  141. jam_factor = fi_elem.get('JF')
  142. confidence = fi_elem.get('CN')
  143. shp_sql = "insert into shp values ({},{},{},{},{},{},'{}',{},'{}','{}',{},'{}','{}','{}',{},'{}',{},'{}','{}','{}',{},{},{},{},{})".format(
  144. year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tmc_created_timestamp, tmc_map_version,
  145. tmc_units, tmc_feed_version, tmc_table_version, shp_ebu_country_code,
  146. shp_extended_country_code, shp_table_id, functional_class, link_id, length,
  147. form_of_way,
  148. shape, type, speed, speed_uncapped, free_flow, jam_factor, confidence)
  149. cursor.execute(shp_sql)
  150. conn.commit()
  152. mlrealtime_parser()
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