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Nov 24th, 2012
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  1. 08:28 < PsychoticBoy> Fuck the SEC, gigavps stole my money
  2. 08:28 < PsychoticBoy> violating a contract
  3. 08:29 < PsychoticBoy> he got 2 options: 1 pay up or 2 feel the consequences
  4. 08:29 < PsychoticBoy> by 2 everyone knows what I mean
  5. 08:30 <@assbot> [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24558 @ 0.00050413 = 12.3804 BTC [-]
  6. 08:30 <@assbot> [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11259 @ 0.00050326 = 5.6662 BTC [-]
  7. 08:30 <@assbot> [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21683 @ 0.00050247 = 10.8951 BTC [-]
  8. 08:30 < PsychoticBoy> I will invest as much btc a needed to...............
  9. 08:30 < PsychoticBoy> 2k should do it
  10. 08:32 < PsychoticBoy> at this point gigavps is stealing our money, he took my money without any ID or such, so paying me back would also not require any ID or such
  11. 08:32 < PsychoticBoy> We all know who he really is so should be easier to hunt him than Trendon Shavers
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