

Jan 4th, 2018
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  1. CPP RIGHT NOW opened memo on board DTG.
  2. CURRENT ChanServ [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  3. [#DTG] Welcome to the memo for Destroy the Godmodder! If you have no idea what that is, go look it up you nerd.
  4. CPP: [00:23:53]
  5. CPP: [00:23:52]
  6. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  7. CUC: Dawn of the final day?
  8. CUC: What...
  9. CPP: [00:23:51]
  10. CURRENT ambiguousTheoretician [CAT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  11. CAT: Hmm. Not quite aligned to the beginning of the Summer of Steven, so it isn't that.
  12. CPP: ((what, yes it is))
  13. CPP: ((what did I mess up))
  14. CUC: Tomorrow at seven...
  15. CUC: oh
  16. CPP: [00:23:50]
  17. CUC: yep
  18. CAT: Ah, there we go. Yeah.
  22. CAT: Hah.
  23. CUC: hah
  24. CUC: so, what to do...
  25. CAT: Not just a mere warhead. This is a Quartizine-class thermonuclear cluster fusion bomb they're dropping down.
  26. CUC: Nah, it's-- wait. I see what you did there.
  27. CUC: Anyway, what should we Pinary-do?
  28. CAT: My immediate response is Jeff.
  29. CUC: As was mine, more or less.
  30. CUC: /game 1
  31. CAT made PP an OP.
  32. CPP: [INPUT: /game 1 - 00:23:46]
  35. CAT: >Continue.
  36. CUC: >Continue
  37. CAT: Oh, by the way, did you see my pilot thing for some story about burls or other, Crystal?
  38. CPP: ((before I continue. a request. someone upload the entirety of the w.d. gaster bossfight and its aftermath from the previous jeff session onto pastebin and send me the link, please.))
  39. CUC: ye
  40. CPP: ((this is important.))
  41. CUC: oh boy
  42. CUC: was on mobile for that
  43. CAT: One sec, I might be able to get it.
  44. CAT: What day did we play it on, again?
  45. CPP: ((june 29th.))
  46. CAT: Wait, found it, nevermind.
  47. CPP: [00:23:41]
  48. CAT:
  49. CPP: ((thanks. NOW we can begin.))
  50. CPP: [> CONTINUE <]
  51. CPP: [Picking up from where we left off...]
  52. CPP: [You are Jeff Mason, a scientist investigating the ruins of the old Aperture Science facility. You have completed the second set of test chambers in Project Seven-X-Seven, and have found hints that the Advanced Superiors' influence extends down to this time period... But how? You also defeated a skeleton that may or may not exist.]
  53. CAT: >Enter the Asterism door.
  54. CUC: >^
  55. CPP: [DOOR 3 is inscribed with an ASTERISM and depicts a stick figure standing next to a rainbow with musical notes above it.]
  56. CPP: [You head through DOOR 3. It closes behind you. You feel weightless for a brief second as a TEST CHAMBER generates itself around you. A transmission starts up.]
  57. CPP: ["Cave Johnson here. I have to hand it to you, future torch-carrier of science. You've got a lot of guts if you've made it this far. A lot of charisma inside your head that pushes you to do things never before possible. The lab monkeys tell me that's a scientific variable called "determination." I just call it tenacity. Always good to have some of that. Never bend, never break. Not in the face of science! Anyway, going off on a tangent. Here's some advice for the next set of chambers.]
  58. CPP: ["These tests are all about experiments on hard-light. It's a tricky substance that we've spent years messing with, never quite perfecting it. No matter what help the lab monkeys manage to find, we can't exactly pinpoint the technology needed to turn abstract sunlight into solid matter. We'll get the hang of it eventually, but for now, we discovered something even more headache-inducing that accomplishes a similar effect.]
  59. CPP: ["That microphone you have is going to be part of our latest innovation - the Aperture Science Audiovisual Amplifier. Like what you did with the destabilizer, just take your microphone and hook it up to that machinery over there on the wall. It's pretty straightforward, I shouldn't need to tell you how it works. I mean, you made it this far, right?"]
  60. CPP: [The transmission ends.]
  61. CAT: >Hook microphone up to said machinery, if possible.
  62. CUC: >Hook it up to that machinery over there on the wall.
  63. CAT: >Examine room afterwards.
  64. CPP: [You move over to a set of golden machinery on the dilapidated wall behind you. The microphone easily fits into the slot, and you come away from the experience holding what appears to be a long golden staff, worn from age, with the microphone at the end. It hums with an intense power you can't quite place. You are now holding the AUDIOVISUAL AMPLIFIER!]
  65. CUC: Audiovisual Amplifier: A.K.A. the Vox, or probably a Fauxvox.
  66. ??? godmoddedGolem [?GG] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  67. ?GG: back
  68. ?GG: caught some pokemans
  69. CPP: [You examine the TEST CHAMBER. It is made of a long and narrow walkway bordered by water. Massive instruments that appear to be speakers dominate the walls and ceiling. There is a door far above you on the opposite wall.]
  70. CAT: >Say something into the Audiovisual Amplifier. Anything at all.
  71. CPP: [With no time to spare, the room whirrs to life, the speakers pulsing with a screeching noise the likes of which you've never heard. You clamp your ears shut at the sound, the vibrations so intense that loose rocks and machinery start jiggling around on the floor, splashing into the water. The water electrifies itself in response.]
  72. CPP: [If you keep standing around like this, you'll be thrown in, too. And then you'll be sleeping with the skeletal fishes.]
  73. CPP: [What. Do you do?]
  74. CUC: /afk
  75. CAT: Hmm.
  76. ?GG: waıt dıd we already start talkıng or
  77. CAT: ^
  78. CPP: ((?))
  79. CAT: ">Say something into the Audiovisual Amplifier. Anything at all."
  80. CPP: ((oh nvm.))
  81. CPP: [You speak into the AUDIOVISUAL AMPLIFIER, managing to yell the words "ANYTHING AT ALL!" over the chaos. There is a chaotic sound of interlocking machinery, and the sound from the SPEAKERS abruptly stops, replaced with something extremely odd.]
  82. CPP: [There are now floating cubes of rainbow-colored material floating through the air, arranged in an upward movement to allow you passage to the door at the other end. The cubes are all floating in the air, though, so you will need to jump to get across each one.]
  83. CAT: Hmm.
  84. CAT: >Attempt to command the cubes to get into an orderly line and connect to each other verbally?
  85. CPP: [You talk into the AMPLIFIER. "Get into an orderly line and connect to each other... uh, cubes!"]
  86. CPP: [The cubes' forms stutter with static before solidifying back. It seems that it doesn't matter what you say, only that you talk into the MICROPHONE, for the AMPLIFIER to do anything. If there is an instrument on the AMPLIFIER that will let you directly modify these cubes, you have yet to locate it.]
  87. CAT: I see.
  88. CAT: >Jump atop cubes to reach door.
  89. ?GG: >check self for any source of sound that mıght be constantly playable
  90. ?GG: >ıf none are avaılable just keep ventıng about the day
  91. ?GG: well tıme to watch zootopıa ıllegally
  92. CPP: [You use your PARKOUR SKILLS to try and reach the door. You have a PHONE that could make constant noise if you just played some kind of TEN HOUR YOUTUBE VIDEO or something.]
  93. ?GG: sweet
  94. CPP: [You successfully reach the DOOR, landing on your feet with a lot of force. The resulting sound is picked up by the MICROPHONE of the AMPLIFIER, and the cubes dissolve back into sound.]
  95. ?GG: >check battery levels
  96. CPP: [Your PHONE is at 74% BATTERY.]
  97. ?GG: oh, okay
  98. CURRENT abyssalUnderlord [CAU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  99. CAU: >PHONE BATTERY: Rise Up
  100. CAT: >Enter door.
  101. CPP: [You don't have a CHARGER!]
  102. ?GG: >fuck
  103. CPP: [You enter the EXIT DOOR.]
  104. CPP: [You enter TEST CHAMBER ⁂-02. A transmission starts up.]
  105. ?GG: "that's the beauty of complacency" -zootopıa
  106. ?GG: ı mean.
  107. ?GG: ıt's great but don't fuckıng preach ıt to kıds???
  108. CPP: ["Enjoyed that practical demonstration, I'd bet? If you're worried about sustained damage to your eardrums from those massive speakers, that's good. You should be. Try not to hear that for too long. There will be a complementary set of earplugs at the end of the test... not like it'll help.]
  109. ?GG: oh great, the end
  110. ?GG: why not now you ass
  111. CPP: ["So! The Audiovisual Amplifier. Somewhere in this test is a dial that will let you mess with the hard-light this beauty creates. You'll have to find it if you want to configure these cubes into more... managable shapes. Oh, one more disclaimer. Don't actually touch the hard-light with your skin. The lab monkeys have informed me of the side-effects. They involved "complete facial reconstruction" or something to that effect.]
  112. CPP: [The transmission ends.]
  113. CAT: Hah.
  114. CAT: >Examine room.
  115. ?GG: somethıng somethıng set you on fıre
  116. CPP: [You examine TEST CHAMBER ⁂-02. It is a cylindrical room, with the walls again constructed of SPEAKERS. They are not turned on yet, but you have a feeling that that will change soon. In the middle of the room is a large pillar. At the top of said pillar is the EXIT DOOR. There is another door in the middle of the pillar that is already open, but it is still pretty high up.]
  117. CPP: [The instant you take a step, the SPEAKERS activate. But then, after a few seconds, they stop.]
  118. CPP: [After the same amount of time, they start again.]
  119. CPP: [The cycle repeats itself.]
  120. CAT: >Search around for any sort of dial we can attach to the AA.
  121. CPP: [You do not see any kind of DIAL at the ground level.]
  122. CAT: >Speak into AA when speakers are active.
  123. CPP: [You speak into the AUDIOVISUAL AMPLIFIER once the SPEAKERS turn on again. Immediately, the sound hardens into a glowing ramp of hard-light that winds its way up the pillar in a helical formation.]
  124. CAT: >Wait to see if it disappears.
  125. CPP: [After a few seconds, the ramp blinks out of existence. Then, exactly on cue, it reappears.]
  126. ?GG: .....
  127. CUC: /back
  128. ?GG: welp
  129. CUC: >Hum into the AUDIOVISUAL AMPLIFIER, see if the ramp stays when the speakers stop
  130. CPP: [You hum into the AUDIOVISUAL AMPLIFIER while the SPEAKERS are quiet. Your audio interference causes the ramp to change back to sound! You quickly correct this.]
  131. CPP: [At least, you would have changed it back into sound if the ramp was there.]
  132. CAT: How long are the intervals between switches, exactly?
  133. CPP: [Ten or so seconds.]
  134. CUC: >Try speaking into the AUDIOVISUAL AMPLIFIER while the speakers are off, see if the ramp stays
  135. CAT: Is it possible for us to make it up to the door in the middle of the pillar in this time?
  136. CPP: [It doesn't.]
  137. CPP: [Looks like it. You'll have to gottsa go fest, as they say, though.]
  138. ?GG: :/
  139. CAT: >Try it with all your might the instant the ramp switches on, then. I suppose.
  140. CAT: >If we fall just short, attempt to grab onto the bottom edge of the door, possibly.
  141. CPP: [The instant the ramp switches back on, you run up it at full speed, trying to get to the middle door. You run all the way up, with the door in your sights... Only for you to come excruciatingly short of your goal. You start to fall, with no hope of grabbing the door's edge... When you suddenly stop in midair. Someone at the door is grabbing you.]
  142. CAT: >Is it Interrobang.
  143. CPP: ["Who else? Get up, Jeff."]
  144. CAT: Hah.
  145. CPP: [INTERROBANG pulls you up and over the door's edge. "You're welcome."]
  146. CAT: >"... Thanks."
  147. CAT: >Observe beyond the door before making any moves or statements.
  148. CPP: [INTERROBANG laughs. "Don't mention it. Here's the dial." INTERROBANG tosses a golden circular object towards you. "You're gonna need it."]
  149. CPP: [You look through the door. There appears to be three dilapidated posters and a desk that presumably held the dial.]
  150. CAT: >"How did you get here?"
  151. CPP: ["I walked."]
  152. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  153. CAC: Hey hey
  154. CAT: Hmm. Do we stick around to talk, or just continue along?
  155. CPP: ["Talking's good. You're not going to get much chances to talk to someone like me."]
  156. CPP: [You blink, having not said anything, but INTERROBANG just grins slyly.]
  157. CAT: Either a snake person or the Scribe, definitely.
  158. CAT: UC, GG: Any ideas on what to say?
  159. CPP: ((/afk))
  160. CAT: /AFK.
  161. CUC: /back
  162. CPP: ((/back))
  163. [#DTG] Welcome to the memo for Destroy the Godmodder! If you have no idea what that is, go look it up you nerd.
  164. CPP: [Please resubmit any previous commands.]
  165. CURRENT taintedChampion [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  166. CTC: I'm suddenly alive.
  167. CAC: Hey hey
  168. CPP: [Please resubmit any previous commands.]
  169. CTC: Pinary Piratepad lonk?
  170. CTC: also hello NumberSoup
  171. CTC: I can't ever spell your actual name.
  172. CUC: hello pinary
  173. CUC: glad you're back
  174. CUC: let's see..
  175. CPP:
  176. CUC: there were no previous commandds
  177. CTC: Oh
  178. CTC: I spelled it with a lowercase p
  179. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  180. ?GG: ...okay ı'm really weırded out by the fact that the anımals don't have vısıble genıtals, whıch ıs somethıng ı really wısh ı wasn't actually sayıng because god damn ıt
  181. CTC: Eh
  182. CTC: It's okay
  183. CPP: ((then continue the convo with interrobang?))
  184. CTC: It's sort of a human thing
  185. CUC: hrm...
  186. CUC: I have the urge to ask for a blessing from an Overseer.
  187. ?GG: you know what ı should have expected the sloth dmv
  188. CTC: Oh my God Twin
  189. ?GG: ı completely forgot about ıt
  190. CTC: I'm looking through your list of serial killers
  191. CTC: This is like noob level stuff.
  192. CUC: "I don't know why I'm saying this, but do you know how to get an Overseer's blessings?"
  193. CAT: /UNAFK.
  194. CAT made PP an OP.
  195. CPP: [INTERROBANG'S eyes narrow. "Overseer? Well, there's only one of those. But you're in way over your head if you even think you'll ever get a chance to see him."]
  196. ?GG: hahaha fuckıng hell
  197. CAT: Oh, if Interrobang can still read thoughts, "Either a snake person or the Scribe, definitely."
  198. CPP: ["I can still read thoughts, but I can choose to ignore them." Once again, you didn't talk. You contemplate asking INTERROBANG exactly who he's speaking to.]
  199. CAT: Hah. That's what I had assumed.
  200. CAT: In any case, I can't think of much else to say but 'what's beyond the Gate,' which will absolutely be denied.
  201. CPP: ["You've got that right."]
  202. CAT: >Attach dial to AA, then.
  203. CPP: [You attach the GOLDEN DIAL to the AUDIOVISUAL AMPLIFIER. It shakes rapidly, gleaming with an even more brilliant gold. "There you go. Now you can modify the shape of the hard-light. Go you."]
  204. CAT: >Say your farewells, and test out the dial features on the ramp.
  205. CPP: [You say goodbye to INTERROBANG, who nods. You test out the GOLDEN DIAL on the hard-light ramp, which has reappeared several times over.]
  206. CPP: [By messing with the dial, you turn the ramp into a staircase, an ice-skating rink, a bunch of baby ducks, some instant-death spikes, a column of solid light, and an EXCURSION FUNNEL pointing upwards towards the EXIT.]
  207. CAT: >Utilize EXCURSION FUNNEL to reach EXIT.
  208. ?GG: >touch ınstant-death spıkes 
  209. CAT: >Don't do that.
  210. CPP: [You push any thoughts of suicide aside, taking the EXCURSION FUNNEL to the EXIT DOOR, which you then walk through. The FUNNEL blinks out of existence by the time you leave.]
  211. CPP: [You enter TEST CHAMBER ⁂-03. A transmission starts up.]
  212. CPP: ["Now that you have that dial, you'll be able to mess with the shapes of hard-light at will. Try not to overuse it, though. Then it tends to get... unstable. Mistakes are made. You know the drill, right?"]
  213. CPP: [The transmission ends.]
  214. CAT: >Examine room.
  215. CPP: [You examine TEST CHAMBER ⁂-03. It is made of a narrow hallway, with the floor demolished to reveal row upon row of gleaming spikes. There is only one speaker in the walls, and it is situated at the middle of the hallway. The EXIT DOOR is at the other side. The SPEAKER is constantly blaring sound, not going through intervals like the earlier chamber.]
  216. CAT: >Speak into AA. Do not use the dial, yet.
  217. CPP: [You speak into the AUDIOVISUAL AMPLIFIER. The result is a narrow bridge of HARD-LIGHT covering only a small portion of the spikes. It is nowhere near close enough for you to jump to it.
  218. CAT: >Try the dial, then. Just once.
  219. CPP: [You turn the DIAL. The small bridge turns into an upside-down pyramid that still covers roughly the same area.]
  220. CAT: ГЕИ, ИХ УЦОСЦО ЦЕЛПХ. >(And you would) do it again.
  221. CPP: [You turn the DIAL again. The upside-down pyramid turns into a series of panels that blink out of existence at various intervals, but collectively cover the area of the spikes. It looks like the world's most dangerous game of hopscotch.]
  222. CAT: >Try it just one more time, to see if there are any other options here.
  223. CPP: [You turn the DIAL again. The series of panels turns into a set of six Vs that you can't really walk on. The AMPLIFIER grows warm in your hands.]
  224. CAT: >Switch it back to death hopscotch, quickly.
  225. CPP: [You witch the DIAL back to death hopscotch. The AMPLIFIER'S temperature remains at its current temperature.]
  226. CAT: Should we go for it?
  227. ?GG: oh, ıt
  228. ?GG: s
  229. ?GG: waıt can we, or ıs ıt just for sake of reference
  230. CPP: [Can you what?[
  231. ?GG: >try to flıp gravıty
  232. ?GG: 
  233. CPP: [You can't flip gravity just yet.]
  234. ?GG: ok
  235. CAT: So, are we going to attempt death hopscotch, or not.
  236. ?GG: sure
  237. CAT: Alright.
  238. CAT: >Make it hapen.
  239. CPP: [You attempt a highly dangerous game of DEATH HOPSCOTCH. You analyze the patterns of the platforms and then attempt to jump across all of them in quick succession.]
  240. CPP: [You somehow succeed, with all of your limbs intact.]
  241. CAT: Woo.
  242. CPP: [Upon closer inspection, the EXIT DOOR isn't an EXIT at all. It appears to be...]
  243. CPP: [A hard-light projection.]
  244. CAT: Hmm.
  245. CAT: >Hum into the AA, perhaps?
  246. CPP: [The projection suddenly fizzles out, replaced with a seething and bubbling mass of a substance you've become accustomed to. CORRUPTION.]
  247. CPP: [You hear an all-too-familiar sound. "hhhhhh..."]
  249. CAT: >ASQS: VPR.
  250. CPP: [You abruptly stop humming, but the damage has been done. Only a momentary sound awakens the AMPLIFIER. You are accosted by a FAUX.]
  251. CPP: ((/afk unfortunately))
  252. [#DTG] Welcome to the memo for Destroy the Godmodder! If you have no idea what that is, go look it up you nerd.
  253. CAT: I can provide for the funeral. I know a guy who's a bazzzillionaire.
  254. CURRENT canidaePsionic [CCP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  255. CCP: RIP
  256. CUC: is cool
  257. CTC: Battlefury is also dead
  258. CCP: yeαh, diep is pretty cool
  259. CAT made PP an OP.
  260. CTC: We shall mourn him as well.
  261. CUC: now /afk, dopping when I get back
  262. CCP: αltough the spαωncαmping on some of the modes is αβsurd
  263. CTC: Ciao
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