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a guest
Oct 29th, 2012
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  1. "Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on:
  2. we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls,
  3. we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep.
  4. Do not fuck with us."
  6. -Tyler Durden, Fight Club
  9. _ _ ___ ____
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  14. |_|
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  16. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@',.` .:+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  17. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#` ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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  50. Greetings citizens of the world
  51. Greetings citizens of Greece
  52. We are anonymous.
  54. The Greek government is prepared to testify to a vote
  55. in the Greek Parliament the new package of economic
  56. austerity measures of 13.5 billion euros which are expected
  57. to prolong the recession in Greece.
  59. Under the austerity measures, pensioners have seen a
  60. 60 percent fall in their pensions - meaning their life
  61. savings are now less than half what they expected.
  62. Meanwhile, the government is considering more cuts,
  63. raising the retirement age and putting a cap on free
  64. healthcare provision of just €1,500 per person per year.
  66. Greece used to have one of the lowest suicide rates in
  67. the EU but since 2010, the number of people taking their
  68. own lives has increased by 40 percent, with a large
  69. proportion from the older generation.
  71. Sixty-eight percent of Greece's population living below
  72. the at-risk-of poverty rate (ie, having an income below
  73. 60 percent of the national median) were spending over
  74. 40 percent of their income on rent or mortgage payments.
  77. More than 439,000 underage children are living below
  78. poverty level in Greece due to the ongoing crisis,
  79. according to a UNICEF report released on Oct. 16 on
  80. the occasion of the World Feed Day 2012 and the
  81. International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
  83. The popularity of far right parties, including the
  84. neo-Nazi Golden Dawn, has risen in tandem.
  86. Your goverment failed you.
  88. Greek citizens, it's time to revolt.
  89. Do it while you can. Stick it to the Man.
  90. You must resist. We stand by your side.
  92. We gained full access to the Greek Ministry of Finance.
  93. Those funky IBM servers don't look so safe now, do they...
  94. We have new guns in our arsenal. A sweet 0day SAP exploit
  95. is in our hands and oh boy we're gonna sploit the hell
  96. out of it. Respectz to izl the dog for that perl candy.
  98. We retrieved confidential goverment documents, credentials etc.
  99. ***************************************************************
  101. ***************************************************************
  103. ***************************************************************
  104. Citizens of Greece you are paying Banks and international
  105. hedge funds. They own your lives. Revolt before it's too late.
  106. The austerity measures should not pass.
  108. We need to say no more.
  111. “We are Anonymous.
  112. We are Legion.
  113. We do not forgive.
  114. We do not forget.
  115. Expect us.”
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  255. username=YDE183 password=0123TOUR
  258. Save by benjaltf4 ~ @benjaltfquatre
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