
Thing 3

May 16th, 2015
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  1. >You can see your chest puff out much further than humanly possible, aaaand you're back in freak out mode.
  2. >You start to hyperventilate. You want to move but you have no limbs; you're feeling incredibly claustrophobic.
  3. >Thing slides towards you slowly. "Anon! Anon you need to focus."
  4. >You keep looking over at Thing while you try to break free from the cacoon prison you apparently made yourself.
  5. "Thing help I-I can't move. I need to move. I can't- I can't."
  6. >Thing keeps trying to reassure you but you can't stop panicking.
  7. >Your situation is deteriorating as your body is loosing coherence, you're spreading out like you've seen her do when shes feeling lazy. Your adrenal glands are shot and soon you stop feeling the adrenaline that was keeping you so very hyper aware.
  8. >You're feeling floaty and foggy. You're mind has stopped moving a million miles a minute.
  9. "Thiiinng. Wha... whatsch happnng"
  10. >Your vision is blurry. Even moving your mouth is taking quite a bit of effort and your tongue feels too big for your mouth.
  11. >"Anon! Stay with me! ANON!" her words hit your ears as though you're under water.
  12. "I don't fell weelll."
  13. >The words leave your mouth slowly.
  14. >You can make out Thing hovering over your head. "Anon you trust me right? You know I wouldn't hurt you, right?"
  15. >You manage a weak nod.
  16. "I don't undershht.. undershtt-t.. wha"
  17. >You mumble and trail off, unable to speak further. You're eyes feel very heavy. Each time you close your eyes to blink it takes more effort to open them again.
  18. >"I'm so sorry Anon. You'll be safe. I'll hel" are the last words your ears hear before you lose consciousness.
  19. >Thing is freaking out. Where Anon was is a thick puddle of biomass. She had to move quickly .
  20. >Thing flattened herself out over the biomass and began taking it into herself, making sure to get Anon's brain stored intact inside herself as quickly as possible.
  21. >After she was done she sat down and started bawling. She had't felt like this much of a monster since she first met Anon, and he wasn't currently around to comfort her.
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