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Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. It's been a long time coming and an even longer time of me holding my tongue. My purpose of this post is to inform all LEO's of how TIRED I am of having to deal with BS not only from civilians, but also from within the department. I've been with the Sheriff's Office for a LONG time now. Not as long as other senior LEO but I've but my work in and have done a lot along the way. It's quite irritating when the whole reason I joined this community is becoming the reason to make me stay out of game
  2. To IA, keep listening to all the BS that salty ex cops and rogue civs feed you. I can promise you, you'll never have me for a THING. Yea I'll cuss someone out here and there to put them in place, but my character and my personal being are those that simply refuse to tolerate crap from ANYONE. I've never been one to blatantly disregard my SOP's, deliberately cause harm to my peers, or anything that would jeopardize my career and standing in the Sheriff's Office. This is me stating if for the record, the next time someone tries to hinder me or pin me to ANY type of mischief, please expect me to fully go off on you. My personal opinion and it's been the opinion of quite a number of other LEO and Command Staff, but I guess I have to be the one to open my mouth, the department has been nothing but a complete JOKE and hostile environment since IA has become their own "division". I for one will not let anyone bully me, harass me, or act like they are above me just because their badge is different and their MAIN JOB is to INVESTIGATE, not ACCUSE their fellow LEO. Example: the next time a salty ex cop that hates me bc Im still standing comes to you with some BS with obvious intent to get me fired, how about come to me and get my side of it rather than going ahead and taking their side. I'm tired of having to fear coming on duty simply because there are people who dislike who I am or how I operate. As long as I'm doing my job, and DAMN GOOD AT IT, leave me the hell alone.
  4. To everyone else, I apologize far in advance if you feel negatively towards me after reading this post. But I can't sit back and just let things happen to not only myself, but to others that are too afraid to voice their opinion. We are here to be a TEAM, not enemies out to get one another simply because you hate them for WHATEVER reason. My way of seeing it, when we put on our uniforms and badges each day, we put them on as a UNIT, a FAMILY that swears to protect not only one another, but also those around us. Again, I've been here for a while. I've stuck by everyone's side through all the crap we've seen as a department, and I'll continue to fight for all LEO and for the better of the county until there's an explosion that kills us all.
  6. I see each and every one of you as a family member and I'll always be here to talk to anyone that needs someone to talk to. I greatly appreciate those that have continued to have my back through all the crap before, and rest assured I'll always have your back, as that's what officers do.
  8. This isn't me giving up, this me not giving in to anymore crap and hoping if anyone in the Sheriff's Office feels negatively towards me for WHATEVER reason, come to me and talk to me about it.
  10. I sincerely thank you all that read this.
  12. See you on patrol.
  14. Regards,
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