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a guest
Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. const translations: TranslationDictionary = {
  2. passwordForm: {
  3. write: {
  4. header: 'Write your password for login',
  5. title: 'Write password',
  6. show: 'Show password',
  7. change: 'Change account',
  8. forgot: 'Forgot password?',
  9. errors: {
  10. incorrect: 'Incorrect password',
  11. fail: 'Authentication failed',
  12. },
  13. in: 'to sign in',
  14. },
  15. create: {
  16. title: 'Create password',
  17. header: 'Now create password',
  18. errors: {
  19. expired: 'Session expired',
  20. },
  21. },
  22. show: 'Show password',
  23. },
  24. smsForm: {
  25. title: 'Sms code',
  26. notReceived: 'SMS-Code not received?',
  27. resend: 'Try again!',
  28. resendSuccess: 'SMS was resend successfully',
  29. phone: 'Please enter your SMS-Code\nwhich has been sent to\n\n',
  30. sent: 'Sms successfully sent',
  31. errors: {
  32. toMany: 'To many requests, try again later',
  33. expired: 'Sms expired or max tries limit exceeded',
  34. },
  35. },
  36. phoneForm: {
  37. title: 'Phone number',
  38. header: 'Please type in your mobile phone number\nfor login or registration',
  40. },
  41. forgotPasswordPhoneForm: {
  42. title: 'Forgot password',
  43. header: 'Please type in your mobile\nphone number',
  44. errors: {
  45. notFound: 'Account not found',
  46. },
  47. },
  48. home: {
  49. title: 'SMARTMONEY',
  50. rightBtn: 'Logout',
  51. balance: 'balance',
  52. services: 'Services',
  53. favorites: 'Favorites',
  54. templates: 'Templates',
  55. noFavorites: 'You didn\'t add any\n provider to favorite',
  56. selectAll: 'Select all',
  57. noTemplates: 'You didn\'t add any template',
  58. addTemplate: '+ Add template',
  59. tapBackToExit: 'Tap back again to exit',
  60. },
  61. fingerPrint: {
  62. title: 'Finger print',
  63. enable: 'Enable finger print',
  64. enable2: 'Enable Fingerprint',
  65. skip: 'SKIP FOR NOW',
  66. skipDescription: 'You can set up it later',
  67. description: 'Fingerprint lets you login to Pay&Go and\nconfirm your payments later',
  68. },
  69. common: {
  70. errors: {
  71. title: 'Errors occurred',
  72. manyRequests: 'Too many requests, try again later',
  73. unknownError: 'Unknown error occurred',
  74. connectionFailed: 'Connection failed',
  75. },
  76. edit: 'Edit',
  77. add: 'Add',
  78. ok: 'OK',
  79. hello: 'Hello',
  80. next: 'Next',
  81. success: 'Success!',
  82. confirm: 'Confirm',
  83. cancel: 'Cancel',
  84. delete: 'Delete',
  85. typeForSearch: 'Type for search...',
  86. goToMain: 'Go to main',
  87. save: 'Save',
  88. retry: 'Retry',
  89. areYouSure: 'Are you sure?',
  90. yes: 'Yes',
  91. no: 'No',
  92. loadMore: 'Load more',
  93. },
  94. onBoarding: {
  95. payments: {
  96. title: 'Payments',
  97. text: 'Pay your Utilities, Tv and Internet providers bills with your phone',
  98. },
  99. regularPayments: {
  100. title: 'Regular payments',
  101. text: 'Forget manual paying of the same bills every month',
  102. },
  103. fingerPrint: {
  104. title: 'Fingerprint',
  105. text: 'Pay your Utilities, Tv and Internet providers bills with your phone',
  106. },
  107. skip: 'SKIP',
  108. next: 'Start',
  109. },
  110. fingerPrintModal: {
  111. readyToScan: 'Use fingerprint scanner to login',
  112. successScan: 'Scan successful. Logining...',
  113. authFailed: 'Error. Please scan again',
  114. lockout: 'Too many attempts. Please scan later',
  115. },
  116. providerSearch: {
  117. title: 'Choose provider',
  118. search: 'Search',
  119. notFound: 'No providers found',
  120. },
  121. provider: {
  122. paymentOptions: 'Payment options',
  123. },
  124. settings: {
  125. title: 'Settings',
  127. walletNumber: 'Wallet number',
  128. personalInformation: 'Personal information',
  130. security: 'Security',
  131. editPassword: 'Edit password',
  132. touchID: 'Touch ID',
  134. payments: 'Payments',
  135. regularPayments: 'Regular payments',
  137. generalSettings: 'General Settings',
  138. notifications: 'Notifications',
  139. language: 'Language',
  141. logout: 'Log Out',
  142. logoutModalText: 'Log out Pay&Go?',
  143. logoutModalCancelButtonText: 'No, cancel',
  144. logoutModalOkButtonText: 'Yes Log out',
  145. },
  146. payment: {
  147. amount: 'Amount',
  148. continue: 'Continue',
  149. save: 'SAVE AS TEMPLATE',
  150. saveDesc: 'Use template to pay with just one tap',
  151. template: 'Template name',
  152. errors: {
  153. title: 'Payment error',
  154. empty: 'Value can not be empty',
  155. format: 'Incorrect format',
  156. general: 'Something went wrong, try again',
  157. },
  158. statuses: {
  159. NEW: 'in progress',
  160. IN_PROGRESS: 'in progress',
  161. REJECTED_BY_PROVIDER: 'rejected',
  162. CANCELED_BY_USER: 'canceled',
  163. SUCCESS: 'success',
  164. },
  165. },
  166. personalInformation: {
  167. title: 'Personal Information',
  168. firstName: 'First name',
  169. lastName: 'Last name',
  170. fatherName: 'Father name',
  171. email: 'Email',
  172. phone: 'Phone',
  173. gender: 'Gender',
  174. genderValue: {
  175. Male: 'Male',
  176. Female: 'Female',
  177. },
  178. birthday: 'Birthday',
  179. country: 'Country',
  180. city: 'City',
  181. address: 'Address',
  182. passportNumber: 'ID Number',
  183. passportPhoto: 'ID Photo',
  184. selectPassportPhoto: 'Select ID Photo...',
  185. cancelButtonTitle: 'Cancel',
  186. takePhotoButtonTitle: 'Take photo...',
  187. chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: 'Choose from gallery...',
  188. },
  189. paymentDetails: {
  190. title: 'Confirmation',
  191. subTitle: 'Payment details',
  192. commission: 'Commission',
  193. total: 'TOTAL',
  194. repeatPayment: 'Repeat payment',
  195. },
  196. map: {
  197. title: 'Terminals',
  198. },
  199. paymentConfirm: {
  200. title: 'Payment confirmed',
  201. subTitle: 'Receipt was sent to your email',
  202. details: 'Show details',
  203. regular: 'Make this payment regular',
  204. },
  205. changePassword: {
  206. title: 'Edit password',
  207. oldPassword: 'Old password',
  208. newPassword: 'New password',
  209. newPasswordConfirmation: 'Repeat new password',
  210. passwordWasSuccessfullyChanged: 'Password was successfully changed',
  211. },
  212. paymentHistory: {
  213. title: 'Payment history',
  214. from: 'From',
  215. to: 'To',
  216. nothing: 'Nothing...',
  217. },
  218. templateItem: {
  219. template: 'Template',
  220. buttonText: 'Pay now',
  221. name: 'Name',
  222. category: 'Category',
  223. provider: 'Provider',
  224. option: 'Payment option',
  225. },
  226. regularPayment: {
  227. title: 'Regular payment',
  228. name: 'Payment name & status',
  229. categoryAndProvider: 'Category & provider',
  230. auto: 'Auto',
  231. lastDayOfMonth: 'Last day of month',
  232. repeatTime: 'Repeat time',
  233. week: {
  234. one: 'week',
  235. other: 'weeks',
  236. },
  237. day: {
  238. one: 'day',
  239. other: 'days',
  240. },
  241. month: {
  242. one: 'month',
  243. other: 'months',
  244. },
  245. every: 'Every',
  246. everyDate: '{{prefix}} {{every}}{{suffix}}',
  247. everyPeriod: '{{prefix}} {{every}} {{period}}',
  248. st: 'st',
  249. nd: 'nd',
  250. rd: 'rd',
  251. th: 'th',
  252. add: 'Add regular payment',
  253. empty: 'You don\'t have any\nregular payments',
  254. },
  255. templateEdit: {
  256. createTitle: 'Create template',
  257. editTitle: 'Edit template',
  258. name: 'Template name',
  259. created: 'Template was successfully saved',
  260. },
  261. regularPaymentEdit: {
  262. title: 'Regular payment',
  263. name: 'Payment name',
  264. created: 'Regular payment was successfully saved',
  265. provider: 'Provider',
  266. repeatTime: 'Repeat time',
  267. dateOrTime: 'Date or time',
  268. },
  269. regularPaymentRepeatTime: {
  270. payByDate: 'Pay by date',
  271. payByTime: 'Pay by time',
  272. deleteSetting: 'Delete setting',
  273. areYouSure: 'Are you sure?',
  274. lastDay: 'Last day',
  275. addDate: '+ Add date',
  276. addTime: '+ Add time',
  277. days: 'Day(s)',
  278. weeks: 'Week(s)',
  279. months: 'Month(s)',
  280. dateForPay: 'Date for pay',
  281. payEvery: 'Pay every',
  282. payDayOfMonth: 'Pay day of month',
  283. },
  284. notificationSetting: {
  285. title: 'Notifications',
  286. news: 'News',
  287. },
  288. connectionError: {
  289. title: 'Network error',
  290. text: 'No internet connection. Please try again\nor restart application',
  291. reconnect: 'Reconnect',
  292. },
  293. drawer: {
  294. dashboard: 'Dashboard',
  295. terminalsMap: 'Terminals map',
  296. paymentHistory: 'Payment history',
  297. settings: 'Settings',
  298. logout: 'Log out',
  299. },
  300. };
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