
Omake City Raider

Nov 5th, 2015
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  1. “You promised to tell me…”
  3. Night time and he hadn’t been able to shake the questions of his subordinate... not quite sure why but somehow it felt a bit, embarrassing... to have to explain such an intimate process to a creature who literally spent most of its life clinging to his body.
  5. “Ahem...” Atrotos cleared his throat, it didn’t seem very much like he was going to get out of this particular ‘talk’ just by stalling, and really it was more his method to simply power on though the unfamiliar in hopes of getting back to familiar ground. “Well... ah... Sin...”
  7. “You’re stalling...” He could hear the pout inherent in the words even if he couldn’t see its ‘face’.
  9. “Ok. Ok. Look, you know how you lay eggs right?” He began, a bit unsure of his direction.
  11. “Yes.”
  13. “For me it isn’t quite like that. Infact for most non-slimes it’s not like that. For us it takes two people to make a new being. Where you would lay your eggs in a creature where ever it’s warm, I have to place my seed in the female’s front. I’m male so I don’t grow babies in my own body, someone like Ellyria however is female, her body is built to take in seed from a male and nurture growth. A new baby is born that way.” Atrotos try to explain, attempting to pull from the knowledge which he’d gained upon his tier up in combination with tidbits he’d learned otherwise.
  15. “Does it feel good to have a baby inside?” It sounded almost absent about that particular idea, wondering.
  17. “I don’t really know... the Flesh-shaper wants us to do it so I suppose that it’s right.” He muses almost absently.
  19. “Can you show me?” There’s a hopeful tone in his near constant companion’s voice as it seemed to writhe and move around him in what he could only describe as a suggestive manner. “I feel like it should be… fun?”
  21. “It’s a lot of fun. But don’t you just lay eggs?” He asked the bubbling pink slime, even as she began to flow into spots where she’d normally have avoided, the pink coat of his companion covering his legs even as tendrils of slime licked at the loincloth covering his manhood.
  23. “I think so... maybe? Maybe I can hold your eggs?” It sounded almost hopeful as it flickered and caressed his thighs a soothing song seeping from its body in a vibrant buzz. Even now he could practically taste it, the prayer to the Flesh-Shaper which made him stronger being applied to shake and stimulate his flesh.
  25. “My seed aren’t eggs Sin.” He stroked the bubbling pink even as it surrounded and caressed his swelling cock; the warm length slicked by its sultry caress, as tendrils traced themselves along the underside like a tongue.
  27. It ignored his statement, entranced almost as it continued to caress and tease, tendrils sliding down towards heavy testicles as they lavished attention to each of the heated hanging orbs. A strange attraction seemed to hold his companion as it began to gently play with and stimulate them, the gentle hum of prayer becoming ever stronger even as it played.
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