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a guest
Nov 11th, 2019
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  1. Run C:\Windows\System32\SndVol.exe
  2. Sleep 200
  3. WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, toggle, ahk_class #32770
  4. WinMove, ahk_class #32770,, 1307, 396, 100, 100
  5. +::
  6. WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, toggle, ahk_class #32770
  7. q::
  8. PixelGetColor, AlteColor, 1486, 643
  9. Loop,
  10. {
  11. Sleep 2000
  12. Send, 1
  13. Sleep 4500
  14. PixelSearch, Px, Py, 60, 111, 1352, 583, 0x161F5C, 30, Fast
  15. if ErrorLevel
  16. {
  17. movemouse = 0
  18. }
  19. else
  20. {
  21. movemouse = 1
  22. }
  23. if(movemouse = 1)
  24. {
  25. MouseMove, %Px%+15, %Py%+15, 50
  26. }
  27. Sleep 100
  28. Loop 900000
  29. {
  30. PixelGetColor, currentcolor, 1486, 643
  31. if (currentcolor=AlteColor)
  32. {
  34. }
  35. else
  36. {
  37. Sleep 50
  38. Click, Right
  39. Sleep 500
  40. break
  41. }
  42. }
  43. }
  45. WaitPixelColor(p_DesiredColor,p_PosX,p_PosY,p_TimeOut=0,p_GetMode="",p_ReturnColor=0) {
  46. l_Start := A_TickCount
  47. Loop {
  48. PixelGetColor, l_OutputColor, %p_PosX%, %p_PosY%, %p_GetMode%
  49. If ( ErrorLevel )
  50. Return ( p_ReturnColor ? l_OutputColor : 1 )
  51. If ( l_OutputColor = p_DesiredColor )
  52. Return ( p_ReturnColor ? l_OutputColor : 0 )
  53. If ( p_TimeOut ) && ( A_TickCount - l_Start >= p_TimeOut )
  54. Return ( p_ReturnColor ? l_OutputColor : 2 )
  55. }
  56. }
  57. Escape::
  58. ExitApp
  59. Return
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