

Oct 9th, 2019
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  1. SpielerTode:
  2. active_on_kill: true
  3. active_on_death: true
  4. ignore_env_or_mobs_deathcause: false #Prevent the player from execute command when get killed from enviroment or mobs
  5. prevent_suicide: true #Prevent the player from execute command by killing themselfs.
  6. execute_for_killer:
  7. - '/givepoints'
  8. execute_for_defeated:
  9. - '/removepoints'
  10. give_punkte:
  11. command: /givepoints
  12. type: RUN_COMMAND
  13. runcmd:
  14. - "$text$&eGut gemacht, Farmer. Hier hast du einen Punkt."
  15. - "$Script$%PlayerData%points+1"
  16. - "$text$&ePunkte &8• &e$PlayerData%points%"
  17. execute_mode: EVENT_ONLY
  18. remove_punkte:
  19. command: /removepoints
  20. type: RUN_COMMAND
  21. runcmd:
  22. - "$text$&eGuter Versuch. Du bekommst einen Punkt abgezogen."
  23. - "$Script$%PlayerData%points-1"
  24. - "$text$&ePunkte &8• &e$PlayerData%points%"
  25. execute_mode: EVENT_ONLY
  26. rawmessage_example:
  27. command: /raw1
  28. type: RAW_TEXT
  29. text:
  30. - '&aHello &b$player! &aHover your mouse over me!; &dMAGIC'
  31. - '&0[&d*&0]&e Click me; &eClick Here for suggest the command &d/mycmd;/mycmd'
  32. - '$RUN_COMMAND$&0[&e*&0]&c Set the time to day; &eClick for Execute;/time set day'
  33. - '$OPEN_URL$&0[&e*&0]$random_color Open; &eClick for open;'
  34. 'addcredits':
  35. command: /addcredits
  36. type: RUN_COMMAND
  37. runcmd:
  38. - '$Script$%PlayerDataFor%$arg1%Credits+$arg2'
  39. - "$text$New $arg1 balance : $PlayerDataFor%$arg1%Credits% Credits"
  40. required_args: 2
  41. error-message: "Usage : /addcredits <player> <amount>"
  42. 'removecredits':
  43. command: /removecredits
  44. type: RUN_COMMAND
  45. runcmd:
  46. - '$Script$%PlayerDataFor%$arg1%Credits-$arg2'
  47. - "$text$New $arg1 balance : $PlayerDataFor%$arg1%Credits% Credits"
  48. required_args: 2
  49. error-message: "Usage : /removecredits <player> <amount>"
  50. Plugins:
  51. command: /Pl
  52. type: TEXT
  53. text:
  54. - "&7"
  55. - "&8• &7Rang-Plugins: &9PermissionsEx&7, &6NameTagEdit"
  56. - "&8• &7Chat-Plugins: &aEssentials&7, &1MyChat"
  57. - "&8• &7PvP-Plugins: &c1vs1"
  58. - "&8• &7Weltbearbeitungs-Plugins: &5WorldEdit&7, &bHolographicDisplays&7, &aArmorStandTools&7, &dWorldGuard"
  59. - "&8• &7Development-Plugins: &eConfigEditor&7, &cMyCommands"
  60. - "&7"
  61. permission-required: false
  62. permission-node:
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