

May 10th, 2016
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  1. ,Iraleos... Feline creatures made by pure love or pure hatred, depending mostly. If they're made from love, they are always smiling and like to cheer up stuff. Now for the pure love thingy abilities. They can summon people( Only with their permission, though. ), heal with a huge cost of energy and float with a even bigger cost of energy, but have average energy pools. Now for the pure hatred edge thingy. They have red eyes and have the following abilities: Incredibly sharp fangs, telekinesis, getting stronger physically at the cost of getting slower speed, and controlling fire. The two forms can dispell buffs and debuffs, or steal the buffs/debuffs/spells. If any of those forms feel intense feelings such as happiness or sadness they revert/convert. For example; If the "love" form gets happy, it can turn into a human at will( the creator of this custom may turn into a human at will anytime. The following people can: Nursery Aide Miho and her alts), but if it gets sad, it will go to the Hatred form, and vice-versa.
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