
meg's thor !!!

May 6th, 2018
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  48. please don't remove the credit
  49. thank yo
  50. --->
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  681. /*tutorial by; please don't remove this note*/
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  690. }
  692. #inside {/*the actual updates*/
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  709. <p><center>PRIVATE & SELECTIVE <p>616/MCU<br> <i>thor</i>
  711. <p>READ <a href="#?w=500" rel="box2" class="poplight"><b>RULES</b></a> BEFORE FOLLOWING</p>
  713. <p>WRITTEN BY <br><a href="#?w=500" rel="box4" class="poplight">MEG.</a><br>
  714. EST. 2011<br>
  715. <p>THEME AND CODE MADE BY <a href="">ARI.</a><br>
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  809. <br>
  810. <b>RULES.</b>
  811. <ul><li>This blog is so hella selective.</li>
  812. <li>I only single ship and shipping with <a href="">my Lady Sif</a>.</li>
  813. <li>I will pretty much unfollow if I feel like we don&rsquo;t talk and you spam my dash up.</li><li>This is my second or third Thor account, idk, but I&rsquo;ve been RPing him since mid July of 2011 (formerly <a href="">here</a>, by the same url as I have now).</li>
  814. <li>I write what I feel like. A lot or little, it&rsquo;s whatever.&nbsp;</li>
  815. <li>Mostly icon reaction imagery, poorly edited. WhAtEvEr.</li>
  816. <li>Do not fucking RP in my inbox, I swear to god, if I don&rsquo;t know you aka not a mutual, I will just delete it. Not even kidding. I hate that so much. This includes meme stuff or whatever. I don&rsquo;t reblog them.</li>
  817. <li>I&rsquo;ll also unfollow you if you&rsquo;re just an asshole. I don&rsquo;t have the time.</li>
  819. </ul><p><i>As of now, I&rsquo;ve been MIA for like, almost a year and I&rsquo;ve been back a short while, so I&rsquo;m feeling out a lot of new blogs. Some people don&rsquo;t like that. That&rsquo;s fine. Don&rsquo;t feel obligated to follow back. I usually get the hint after a week or two. I don&rsquo;t like a lot of competition either, makes me insecure for whatever reason. I&rsquo;m not here for a numbers game.&nbsp;</i></p>
  821. <p><strong style="line-height: 1.4;"><em>Mutual follows</em>:</strong><br><span style="line-height: 1.4;"></span></p><blockquote><p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">Holler at me if I miss a post.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">I don&rsquo;t usually give out personal information anymore, so message/IM me via Tumblr.</span></p><p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">If I&rsquo;m also following you, I don&rsquo;t mind if you come into my ask box, but reply via message or start a new thread. You know better if you know me. Don&rsquo;t test it.</span></p><p>Tag me in stuff only if we&rsquo;re mutually cool. I don&rsquo;t understand why people who&rsquo;ve never talked to me tag me in shit, it&rsquo;s weird and feels invasive.</p></blockquote><ul><li><span style="line-height: 1.4;">This blog will generally be SFW, I really don&rsquo;t post too many sexual/violent things.</span></li><li><span style="line-height: 1.4;"></span><span style="line-height: 1.4;">I don&rsquo;t acknowledge anything from MarvelNOW. <li>Thor is&nbsp;<em>always worthy</em>.</li></center>
  822. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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  826. <br>
  827. <br>
  828. <br>
  829. <center><b>ABOUT.</b>
  830. <p>Loosely MCU/comics based Thor Odinson, post whatever is the current MCU movie + some 616 influences <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>pre</em></span>-MarvelNOW+Secret Wars. That means do not refer to others being able to wield the hammer. He will consider them false and imposters.</p><p>That being said, this blog at time follows it&rsquo;s own verse and outside relationships not found in Marvel. Thor is also always <strong><em>worthy</em></strong>. I don&rsquo;t really have a timeline, but I just know I want Thor to always have hair, so I guess that&rsquo;s about where I&rsquo;m at. Thor has long hair, kek.</p><p><strong><em>As described</em>:</strong>&nbsp;</p><ul><li><span style="line-height: 1.4;">The Norse God of thunder and lightning, Thor wields one of the greatest weapons ever made, the enchanted hammer Mj&ouml;lnir. While others have described Thor as an over-muscled, oafish imbecile, he&rsquo;s quite smart and compassionate. He&rsquo;s self-assured, and he would never, ever stop fighting for a worthwhile cause.</span></li></ul><p><em><strong>Faceclaim</strong></em>:&nbsp;</p><ul><li><span style="line-height: 1.4;">Main: Chris Hemsworth</span></li></ul><p><strong><em>Powers and Abilities:</em></strong></p><ul><li>Strength, Endurance and Resistance to injury are greater than the vast majority of his own Asgardian race.&nbsp;</li><li>Extremely resistant to aging.</li><li>Can speak &lsquo;All Tongue&rsquo; which allows him to communicate with all languages and races, on Earth or beyond.</li><li>Immune to conventional disease</li><li>His flesh and bones are several times denser than a human&rsquo;s.</li><li>Can breath in space.</li><li>Trained in the art of war, superbly skilled warrior, highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship and hammer throwing.</li><li>Command the powers of the storm, causing rain, thunder and lightning.</li></ul><p><strong><em>Mj&ouml;lnir&rsquo;s Powers and Abilities:</em></strong></p><ul><li>Can absorb other energies into itself, which Thor can then release.</li><li>Channel the storm into blasts of energy that can destroy even secondary Adamantium.</li><li>When spun in a circle, can create portals.</li><li>Allows Thor to fly.</li><li>Can only be lifted by those worthy enough to wield it.</li>
  831. </div>
  833. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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  837. <center>
  838. <br>
  839. <br>
  840. <br>
  841. <p><b>THE MUN.</b></p>
  842. <li>I&rsquo;m Meg.</li>
  843. <li>Detroit, EST time zone.</li>
  844. <li>Mun is of age, 1989.</li>
  845. <li>Doesn&rsquo;t give a shit about much.</li>
  846. <li>Knows comics up to 2013 runs and&nbsp;gave up, so rather just MCU most of&nbsp;this blog, I guess.</li>
  847. <li>Read Snorri&rsquo;s <em>Prose Edda</em>, Crossley-Holland's&nbsp;<em>The Norse Myths,</em>&nbsp;and Gaiman&rsquo;s <em>Norse Mythology.</em> So, yeah, I may incorporate mythology into roleplay.</li>
  848. <li>RPing Thor since July 2011. Third blog.</li>
  849. <li>I&rsquo;m a full time stylist and salon manager in-progress, and spends a lot of time&nbsp;with my boyfriend playing Fallout 4 and&nbsp;watching wrestling.&nbsp;</li>
  850. <li>I apologize if I come off slightly unapproachable and rude in my about/rules/here sections,&nbsp;but I&rsquo;ve been here a hot minute so I&rsquo;m just&nbsp;tired and remain in my bubble. I just want to avoid formal bulllshitting. Oop. I&rsquo;m WoRkInG oN iT.</li>
  851. <li><em><strong><a href="">Other RPs</a></strong></em></li>
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  853. </div>
  854. </html>
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