
Fire Emblem Peri/Tharja

Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. >Dubcon but only on the surface. You put up a fight to keep up appearance but really that's part of the game. Your words say that you lament Peri fattening you up to keep you "safe" but deep down you love being spoiled and doted on. The size of your gut proves it. Denial but you're not really fooling anyone.
  2. >Nah, for me I feel the first part because I feel like of I admitted liking she'd probably change the mood of how she fattens, going from scary dominanting to soft Dom and loving (which is also nice but not what I'd want), and even then, eventually you're going to reach a size where you start to panic, and all the fun is gone, but she's just gonna keep on feeding... And fattening... And feeding... And fattening...
  3. Also as a nonsensical one that gets my dick rock hard, the same scenario with Seras Victoria in a bloodrage.
  4. >Fuuuuuuuuuck yes. That sounds hot as all hell.
  5. >Also I feel like as far as Fire Emblem fats goes, Tharja would be great for this in rapid Weight gain flavor, cursing you so you swell up at random intervals, hiding behind tents and biting her lip as she watches you blimp more and more, before eventually confronting you in your tent with you like 800 lbs after about 2 hours, you ask her to stop, she just puts on this face of disappointment, saying "You really want me to stop it?" And as soon as you say yes, she casts the hex four more times, pushes you down, straddles your swelling thighs, with a lusty and devilish smirk before simply uttering coldly, "too bad"
  6. >What if Tharja cast hexes to reduce your metabolism and increase your appetite but did it subtly so you think it's your fault? You come to her for help and she offers treatment in exchange for using your body as her personal plush toy. She mocks your soft, gradually balloning body, rubbing her toned abdomen against your potbelly and eventual gut. She taunts you for your lack of willpower and laments just how fat you'd be without her and her help in slowing the gain. Little do you realize that the treatments are placebos as you thank her for her help even as she places food in front of you to gorge yourself with, claiming that dieting and exercise would just cause you to gain more weight, and you believe her.
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