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May 2nd, 2019
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  1. [11:41] *** This channel was created on 15 Apr 2019 17:49:27.
  2. [12:04] <fanquake> Will this channel be logged anywhere/the discussions recapped?
  3. [13:00] <jnewbery> I'm not logging it but this a public channel so you're welcome to set it up!
  4. [14:07] <Emcy> nice idea for a channel
  5. [15:43] <ironbutt> hi, i'm new in IRC and actually not sure if it works or not
  6. [15:45] <booyah> ATH when?
  7. [15:46] <booyah> wait, wrong channel. PR rev when? :)
  8. [15:46] <booyah> 3 hours, nice
  9. [18:29] <emzy> Wow full here.
  10. [18:32] <bilthon> hi there, I'm a bit early I know
  11. [18:32] <bilthon> I just wanted to take some time to switch to that PR's branch
  12. [18:33] <bilthon> it seems it has been merged already
  13. [18:34] <emzy> I just build the master. Not shure if that is right.
  14. [18:35] <bilthon> I also have a previously cloned version of the repo at master. But I think to target the specific PR we should clone from here:
  15. [18:37] <bilthon> well in this case since #15557 appears to have already been merged the master would already contain it
  16. [18:38] <moneyball> bilthon: it was recently merged but still worthwhile reviewing. future PR reviews will probably include PRs that are still open. either way a valuable learning experience and would be valuable if we find a bug :)
  17. [18:38] <bilthon> sure, of course
  18. [18:42] <bilthon> the PR is a github concept, not git right?
  19. [18:42] <bilthon> I mean, there's no command that would allow me to "switch" to the unmerged PR branch since it is in another repo
  20. [18:43] <bilthon> I'm cloning the whole repo from instagibbs and it takes its sweet time
  21. [18:43] <jnewbery> You can check out the pull request branch directly from
  22. [18:43] <jnewbery> git fetch upstream pull/15557/head:pr15557
  23. [18:43] <bilthon> or maybe can I just apply a patch to master and review it there?
  24. [18:43] <jnewbery> git checkout pr15557
  25. [18:43] <jnewbery> (assuming is your upstream remote)
  26. [18:44] <jnewbery> details on checking out pull requests from github:
  27. [18:45] <bilthon> great! that's what I wanted
  28. [18:45] <bilthon> learning something already
  29. [18:46] <bilthon> git fetch origin pull/15557/head:pr15557
  30. [18:46] <bilthon> is what worked for me
  31. [18:47] <MarcoFalke> If you have a large hard drive and fast internet connection, you may also download all pull requests in one go:
  32. [18:47] <MarcoFalke> jnewbery: Could link to in the gist?
  33. [18:48] <jnewbery> bilthon: that's because your 'origin' remote is My setup is to have my 'origin' remote pointing to jnewbery/bitcoin and my 'upstream' remote pointing to bitcoin/bitcoin
  34. [18:48] <jnewbery> MarcoFalke: good idea. Thanks
  35. [18:49] <jnewbery> done
  36. [18:51] <jnewbery> we'll get started in 10 minutes
  37. [18:52] <ecurrencyhodler> :+1:
  38. [19:01] <jnewbery> Hi folks!
  39. [19:01] <harding> Hi!
  40. [19:01] <dmkathayat> Hello!
  41. [19:01] <schmidty> hola
  42. [19:01] <amiti> hi!
  43. [19:01] <bilthon> hi there
  44. [19:01] <jnewbery> We usually start Bitcoin Core IRC meetings with a 'hi' so it's clear who's at keyboard. Feel free to say hi here!
  45. [19:01] <kcalvinalvin> Hi
  46. [19:01] <peevsie> hi!
  47. [19:02] <emzy> Hi
  48. [19:02] <ajonas> Hi!
  49. [19:02] <RubenSomsen> hi :)
  50. [19:02] <mryandao> hi
  51. [19:02] <merehap> Hey!
  52. [19:02] <MrPaz> Hi!
  53. [19:02] <aj> *yawn*
  54. [19:02] <TomA> Hi
  55. [19:02] <bitcoinerrrr> hey ya'll
  56. [19:02] <b10c> Hi!
  57. [19:02] <sebastianvstaa> hi
  58. [19:02] <jnewbery> I expect we'll take a couple of weeks to figure out the format. We can iterate as we figure out what works best
  59. [19:02] *** bitcoinerrrr is now known as juscamarena.
  60. [19:02] <moneyball> hi
  61. [19:02] <jnewbery> aj! Glad you could make it!
  62. [19:02] *** juscamarena is now known as juscamarenaaa.
  63. [19:02] <fanquake> heh aj
  64. [19:03] <jnewbery> and fanquake!
  65. [19:03] <aj> fanquake: woah
  66. [19:03] <udiWertheimer> Hi
  67. [19:03] <rafeeki> hi all
  68. [19:03] <jnewbery> welcome to our antipodean insomniacs
  69. [19:03] <manjaroi3> hi
  70. [19:04] <ariard> hi!
  71. [19:04] <jnewbery> I'll start by giving a very brief summary of the PR and then throw open to questions
  72. [19:04] *** manjaroi3 is now known as justinmoon.
  73. [19:05] <jnewbery> bumpfee is a command in the Bitcoin Core wallet to create an RBF transaction. It takes an unconfirmed transactions and then 'bumps' the fee on it by reducing the value of the change output
  74. [19:05] <jnewbery> previously that command would fail if there wasn't a change output, or the change output was too small
  75. [19:05] <jnewbery> this PR allows the fee to be bumped on transactions without change or with small change by adding a new input to the bumped transaction
  76. [19:06] <jnewbery> (I choose it a couple of weeks ago before it was merged, but I think it's still useful to review even though it's now merged)
  77. [19:06] <jnewbery> I think that's enough summary from me. Did anyone have any questions about the PR?
  78. [19:06] <jnewbery> don't be shy :)
  79. [19:06] <moneyball> thanks for that description. it more clearly explains it than what is in the PR summary.
  80. [19:07] <bilthon> oh this is a very nice feature, I had a tx with no change stuck in the mempool for days once because I could not bump its fee
  81. [19:07] <ecurrencyhodler> hi
  82. [19:07] <jnewbery> yeah, instagibbs description is accurate, but assumes some knowledge of what bumpfee is already doing
  83. [19:08] <udiWertheimer> The description mentions negative value inputs. What are those?
  84. [19:08] <bilthon> yeah, this brief summary definitely cleared things up for me
  85. [19:08] <emzy> Good summary!
  86. [19:09] <b10c> What is knapsack coin selection? quick tl;dr?
  87. [19:09] <jnewbery> udiWertheimer: good question! When selecting coins to include in a transaction, each coin has a value, but there's also the cost associated with spending that coin, because it adds to the weight of the transaction
  88. [19:09] <jnewbery> I think that instagibbs means adding coins where the cost of spending the coin is greater than the value of the coin
  89. [19:10] <harding> b10c: are you familar with: ?
  90. [19:10] <moneyball> b10c: section 3.4.4
  91. [19:10] <udiWertheimer> jnewbery: aaah gotcha. thanks!
  92. [19:10] <jnewbery> knapsack coin selection is the old method for doing coin selection in the wallet (pre branch-and-bound)
  93. [19:10] <ariard> Not on this PR specifically, but would you set out what process are you following when you review any PR on core, are you reading functions comment first? checking code flow change? etc
  94. [19:11] <afig_> SHP0119410
  95. [19:11] <merehap> Is there a privacy trade-off in adding the initially unselected output to bump the fee rate (i.e. mixing different outputs)? If there is, would that kind of topic come up during the PR review?
  96. [19:11] <jnewbery> ariard: I'll read the PR description, then do a quick skim through the PR branch commit-wise to get an idea of the overall shape of the changes, and then go through each commit in more detail
  97. [19:12] <b10c> thanks harding, moneyball
  98. [19:12] <harding> merehap: I don't understand the first part of your question, but privacy concerns should certainly come up on PR reviews.
  99. [19:12] <jnewbery> merehap: definitely privacy concerns are in scope for PR reviews!
  100. [19:13] <jnewbery> I think the question is whether adding a new coin allows a spy to correlate togther the inputs
  101. [19:14] <merehap> When bumping the fee rate and including a new output, you are linking previously unlinked outputs (by my understanding). Probably not important to go into depth here though.
  102. [19:14] <ariard> oky thanks
  103. [19:14] <merehap> Yeah
  104. [19:14] <rafeeki> is it typical for a PR like this to come with a pre-written test like
  105. [19:14] <udiWertheimer> merehap: unfortunately there’s usually some privacy-related trade off with bumping fees. Even if you don’t add an input, you will expose which of the outputs is your change output (the one that changes), which otherwise would be harder to figure out
  106. [19:14] <bilthon> what's up with the "concept ACK" replies down there
  107. [19:15] <mryandao> isnt that a similar risk to spending when you consolidate utxos without fee-bumping?
  108. [19:15] <jnewbery> It's a good consideration. Whenever you spend multiple inputs in the same transaction, you're revealing some information about the ownership of those coins (module coinjoin, P2EP, etc). That's true for normal transactions and bumped transactions
  109. [19:15] <merehap> Yeah, just curious how those trade-offs are exposed to the user.
  110. [19:15] <harding> merehap: ah. That's an interesting question. I think it didn't come up in the review because linknig together inputs in inherent in sending transactions at all, whether the user is sending a new transaction or bumping the fee of an existing transaction.
  111. [19:16] <merehap> Cool
  112. [19:16] <jnewbery> rafeeki: our test coverage in the wallet with functional tests is pretty good. I'd expect all big new features to include tests
  113. [19:17] <karimofthecrop> @jnewbery - can you repost your summary for those of us that weren't quite on time?
  114. [19:17] <jnewbery> bumpfee was added a couple of years ago and had pretty good test coverage, so it was pretty straightforward for instagibbs to add new tests
  115. [19:17] <fanquake> bilthon: Checkout It's basically a way of saying you agree with the changes, but haven't done much, if any review yet.
  116. [19:17] <jnewbery> thanks fanquake
  117. [19:17] <mryandao> the only bit i'm curious about is where the dust utxo gets destroyed and contributes to fee instead.
  118. [19:17] <MrPaz> so if I understand correctly, before you couldn't increase fee because there weren't enough sats in input and there was simply no way to add a new input. now there is a way to add new input to bump fee, and it will look for uneconomic inputs to use in bumping fee?
  119. [19:18] <mryandao> and dust threshold may increase/decrease in the future?
  120. [19:18] <ecurrencyhodler> karimofthecrop: bumpfee is a command in the Bitcoin Core wallet to create an RBF transaction. It takes an unconfirmed transactions and then 'bumps' the fee on it by reducing the value of the change output previously that command would fail if there wasn't a change output, or the change output was too small this PR allows the fee to be bumped on transactions without change or with small change by adding a n
  121. [19:18] <ecurrencyhodler> Copy pasted from jnewbery
  122. [19:18] <karimofthecrop> th
  123. [19:18] <karimofthecrop> thx
  124. [19:19] <jnewbery> adding a new input to the bumped transaction
  125. [19:20] <jnewbery> mryandao: that bit is here:
  126. [19:20] <jnewbery> yes, I suppose the dust threshold could change in future. It's a policy rule, not consensus
  127. [19:21] <mryandao> so yes, the idea here is my maybe-future-spendable dust gets chucked into fee and I overpaid.
  128. [19:21] <jnewbery> MrPaz: it will look for any inputs to add to the transactions. It just happens that it might pick uneconomical inputs as part of that knapsack search
  129. [19:21] <mryandao> but i guess, the dust is low enough to be immaterial
  130. [19:22] <harding> mryandao: I don't think that's something this PR changes, as it's Bitcoin Core's existing wallet policy to not send outputs that may cost more to spend than they're worth.
  131. [19:22] <jnewbery> mryandao: the idea is to not reduce that change output to below dust so that the replacement transaction is able to be relayed
  132. [19:22] <harding> (Or even somewhat above that limit, as eliminating change outputs brings a privacy benefit.)
  133. [19:23] <mryandao> mm ok - relay policy gotcha.
  134. [19:23] <-- TomA (4576f2e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server (Quit: Page closed).
  135. [19:23] <dmkathayat> jnewbery: What does CoinControl's m_min_depth do?
  136. [19:24] <rafeeki> jnewbery: thanks! I liked the idea of starting to contribute just by running/writing test cases. It surprised me that this one was so formulaic. I guess in future weeks we will see other examples that may need more testing?
  137. [19:24] <jnewbery> take a look at the definition of CoinControl here:
  138. [19:24] <harding> rafeeki: I think this PR probably could've used more tests, and contributions to testing are welcome independently from the PRs that implement the features.
  139. [19:25] <jnewbery> the idea of CoinControl is that it can be used to control how a transaction is constructed by the wallet
  140. [19:25] <jnewbery> I believe it's grown over the years, but I guess it was originally just for selecting which coins to include as inputs in the transaction
  141. [19:26] <kcalvinalvin> I don't think I'm quite understanding the policy rules. if (dust output > 0); return false; is this correct?
  142. [19:26] <jnewbery> m_min_depth just says "don't select coins that have fewer than this many confirmations as inputs"
  143. [19:26] <aj> harding: while you're reviewing adding tests yourself help you understand the behaviour, and you can send them to the author who can add them to the PR too. super helpful in my opinion
  144. [19:27] <harding> aj: agreed!
  145. [19:27] <jnewbery> refeeki/harding: manual testing of new features is always welcome. And like aj says, contributing automated tests to the PR author is a really helpful way to start contributing
  146. [19:28] <mryandao> we can only bumpfee once?
  147. [19:28] <jnewbery> eg one of my early contributions here: was adding tests for a new feature which didn't have test coverage
  148. [19:28] <harding> In case it's helpful to anyone, I took a quick look at the PR earlier and made notes about what I'd test for it:
  149. [19:29] <jnewbery> I really appreciate it when someone reviews my PRs and provides additional tests
  150. [19:29] <mryandao> src/wallet/feebumper.cpp#299
  151. [19:29] <merehap> harding: Yeah, very helpful.
  152. [19:29] <jnewbery> harding: awesome. Thanks!
  153. [19:30] <jnewbery> A comment like that in the PR is really helpful in review: "here's what I tested an my methodology"
  154. [19:30] <jnewbery> mryandoa: no, it's possible to bump multiple times
  155. [19:30] <jnewbery> BIP 125 describes bitcoin core's mempool policy for allowing txs to be replaced :
  156. [19:31] <jnewbery> each subsequent bump must fulfil those conditions, eg each must have a feerate higher than the previous
  157. [19:32] <dmkathayat> Not specific to this PR, but do you review PRs directly on github or on your terminal? I'm finding it tricky to just read through the line changes on github.
  158. [19:32] <mryandao> jnewbery: thanks for that.
  159. [19:32] <jnewbery> I never review on github, partly because the diff view is not very helpful, and partly to avoid trusting a third party
  160. [19:32] <rafeeki> harding/jnewbery/aj: thanks so much! great feedback and examples
  161. [19:32] <moneyball> bilthon: concept ACK just means that the reviewer acknowledges and agrees with the concept of the change, but is not (yet) confirming they've looked at the code or tested it. this can be a valuable signal to a PR author to let them know that the PR has merit and is headed in the right direction.
  162. [19:33] <jnewbery> I check out the branch locally and then run a difftool on each commit in turn, and then ACK the commit hash of the HEAD commit
  163. [19:34] <jnewbery> ymmv, but the current difftools I use are meld on linux and opendiff on mac
  164. [19:34] <aj> i find skimming on github helpful, but yeah, always actually review locally... i find "gitk" useful for getting an overview of changes
  165. [19:35] <mryandao> my tagger is broken, even browsing the python test scripts, the tags point back to the cpp source
  166. [19:35] <karimofthecrop> jnewbery: what do you mean "ACK the commit hash of the HEAD commit" - where do you ACK? On github?
  167. [19:35] <ariard> jnewbery: which are the good bitcoin dev tooling repos? Seems like everyone I've its own? Are they listed somewhere to dig in?
  168. [19:35] <dmkathayat> Great, thanks!
  169. [19:35] <ariard> s/I've/have/
  170. [19:35] <jnewbery> karimofthecrop: here for example:
  171. [19:36] <harding> ariard: has some tips on tools and tricks
  172. [19:36] <jnewbery> this means: I've reviewed the branch that ends in commit 184f878, and I think it's ready for merge
  173. [19:36] <karimofthecrop> I see, I hadn't noticed hashes in previous ACKs. Is this considerd best practice?
  174. [19:36] <jnewbery> that commit hash is from my local checkout of the branch, so unless my local tools are compromised, I know I'm ACKing the exact changes
  175. [19:36] <instagibbs> It's useful when a force push happens and links to old commits are lost on github
  176. [19:36] <jnewbery> If I took that commit hash from github, they could be lying to me
  177. [19:37] <instagibbs> (that too)
  178. [19:37] <ariard> harding: thanks this doc is great, was more thinking to pre-push git script to be sure I don't forget any tests before to PR
  179. [19:37] <fanquake> ariard I have some tools, info & random stuff in Has guides on how to gitian build, review certain types of PRs etc.
  180. [19:37] <instagibbs> although unless you gpg sign the ACK, they could just modify what you're saying :)
  181. [19:38] <fanquake> I still need to improve the docs, and push up some more stuff I have sitting locally.
  182. [19:38] <ariard> fanquake: thanks bookmarked, maybe could be linked at the end of
  183. [19:38] <jnewbery> instagibbs: indeed. If you want to fully remove trust, you can go the full MarcoFalke and sign/opentimestamp all of your review comments :)
  184. [19:38] <b10c> fanquake: thanks!
  185. [19:38] <karimofthecrop> does anyone devel in a docker container instead of a vagrant box?
  186. [19:39] <fanquake> ariard: I don't think that'd be the right place for personal type repositories.
  187. [19:39] <karimofthecrop> I have seen some docker containers, wondering if there is a preferred/blessed one.
  188. [19:39] <fanquake> There is also, if your looking for something more official.
  189. [19:40] <ariard> okay got it, it just to be aware of good practices to avoid having to rewrite same scripts it has already been done
  190. [19:40] <ariard> but yes we have all different setups
  191. [19:40] <instagibbs> a bit like herding cats, everyone has their own setup
  192. [19:41] <ariard> and workflow
  193. [19:41] <jnewbery> yeah, I think there probably is no royal road to your dev setup. You build it up over the years
  194. [19:41] <karimofthecrop> instagibbs: has there ever been problems due to inconsistent environments?
  195. [19:41] <amiti> would love to hear about some of your personal setups
  196. [19:42] <instagibbs> karimofthecrop, rarely? I mean, I say this as someone running a very common OS in developer circles
  197. [19:42] <fanquake> karimofthecrop: infrequently bugs have made it into the codebase due to lack of testing on certain OSes.
  198. [19:42] <karimofthecrop> is there a need for continuous integration to avoid that?
  199. [19:42] <emzy> Some OS that is missing testing?
  200. [19:42] <jnewbery> amit: vagrant, vim+various Tim Pope plugins, git :)
  201. [19:43] <jnewbery> *amiti
  202. [19:43] <mryandao> all tests passed on my end.
  203. [19:44] <ariard> jnewbery's great piece on tooling !
  204. [19:44] <jnewbery> haha thanks ariard. That's more about generally contributing than specific tools
  205. [19:45] <fanquake> emzy: One example was, which broke compilation on FreeBSD. Later fixed in
  206. [19:45] <amiti> hm yeah, have read that piece, but am more interested in build environments
  207. [19:45] <ariard> well at least read the sharpening the tool part sometimes ago, was helpful thanks
  208. [19:46] <fanquake> amiti: I test on macOS, then use a mixture of Docker & vagrant to test on other OS's. Generally build related stuff.
  209. [19:46] <jnewbery> we now have Travis and appveyor CIs for testing in linux/windows, although appveyor is still a bit flakey I think
  210. [19:46] <ariard> yes build is quicly a bottleneck when you want to parallelize your workflow
  211. [19:46] <afig_> wish i could be a little more involved in the chat but i am currently at work. This is helpful!
  212. [19:47] <fanquake> We've got at least one BSD CI now, but it's not integrated into the repo.
  213. [19:47] <karimofthecrop> fanquake: it would seem that a) this isn't a big problem and b) not many nodes on freebsd :P
  214. [19:47] <jnewbery> afig_: yeah, it's impossible to have a time that's convenient for everyone. Thanks for logging in anyway
  215. [19:47] <karimofthecrop> what afig_ said. very useful!
  216. [19:47] <kcalvinalvin> What distros are must checks for a PR
  217. [19:48] <fanquake> kcalvinalvin: rough list for build related changes
  218. [19:49] <instagibbs> kcalvinalvin, in general most changes won't require careful checks of that kind. Unless it involves low-level networking, GUI, ???
  219. [19:50] <jnewbery> kcalvinalvin: it's a good question. In this case, the changes are all at a higher application-level, so very unlikely to have portability issues
  220. [19:50] <jnewbery> ok, we'll wrap up in 10 minutes. If you have any questions that you've been holding back on, now's the time!
  221. [19:50] <fanquake> Also depends on what the expectations are in regards to building with provided libraries or depends. i.e qt is somewhat broken on debian atm:
  222. [19:51] <karimofthecrop> jnewbery: how would one go about picking a PR that could use some testing love, as you and harding suggested earlier?
  223. [19:51] <karimofthecrop> there are 294 currently open!
  224. [19:52] <jnewbery> I'm not sure if there's a quick way to identify which PRs could use additional testing without looking at them. In general, I'd recommend that you pick one subsystem that you're interested in (eg wallet, testing framework, rpc, net), and try to survey all the open PRs in that area, then identify which ones you think need additional testing/review
  225. [19:53] <fanquake> jnewbery: maybe worth mentioning ?
  226. [19:54] <mryandao> test/functional/ -- are we unlocking the wallet again after the rpc error was thrown when trying to bump fee?
  227. [19:54] <emzy> Is this helping?
  228. [19:54] <harding> karimofthecrop: there's also , which has the PRs planned to be discussed here in the next couple weeks. I don't know if any of them need more tests written, but it'd be worth checking.
  229. [19:54] <karimofthecrop> is it fair to suspect that "needs rebase" tag inidcates a) has enough love and/or b) is kinds stuck?
  230. [19:54] <karimofthecrop> ^kinds^kinda^
  231. [19:54] <-- amiti (6bd29f36@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server (Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
  232. [19:54] <jnewbery> or feel free to ask in #bitcoin-core-dev. An "I'm interested in helping test wallet/net/etc PRs and I'm looking for PRs to help on" would definitely be well received
  233. [19:55] <jnewbery> fanquake: yes, those are high-priority for review PRs. You should expect to see more action on those than the average PR. Definitely worth knowing what's on there and what other people are looking at
  234. [19:56] <jnewbery> karimofthecrop: if a PR has needed rebase for a while (say more than a week or so), then I interpret it as the author not actively working on it, so I tend to avoid review until it's more active
  235. [19:56] <harding> karimofthecrop: for how much love a PR has, you're probably looking for how many ACKs it has from well-know contributors.
  236. [19:57] <jnewbery> but definitely feel free to prod authors. You can leave a comment saying "I
  237. [19:57] <jnewbery> 'd like to review this, but I want to make sure that it's still being actively maintained"
  238. [19:57] <jnewbery> I think that's fine. I wouldn't mind recieving that comment on my PRs
  239. [19:57] <jonatack> hi! just learned about this excellent initiative. is there a link to a log of this chat?
  240. [19:57] <karimofthecrop> prod via public comment? or dm?
  241. [19:58] <jnewbery> either is fine I think
  242. [19:58] <harding> jonatack: AFAIK, we don't have logging setup, but I can put up something in a couple minutes when the chat is over.
  243. [19:58] <jnewbery> other contributors: feel free to chime in if you don't think that's a good idea
  244. [19:59] <jonatack> thank you
  245. [19:59] <jnewbery> harding: that'd be awesome (as long as other people think it'd be useful)
  246. [19:59] <kcalvinalvin> thanks for this, it was really helpful. Will be back next week
  247. [19:59] <fanquake> jnewbery: I agree either is fine. On GH just has the advantage of other interested parties also seeing that someone has reached out.
  248. [20:00] <jnewbery> ok, let's wrap it up here. Upcoming PRs to review are here:
  249. [20:00] <jnewbery> Thanks everyone!
  250. [20:00] <mryandao> the assumeutxo one looks like a big one
  251. [20:00] <jamesc> Thanks jnewbery!
  252. [20:00] <b10c> jnewbery: thank you!
  253. [20:00] <MrPaz> thank you!
  254. [20:00] <harding> jnewbery: thank you!
  255. [20:00] <merehap> Thanks! This was very helpful. Love the idea and thanks for taking the initiative to run this!
  256. [20:00] <sebastianvstaa> thanks jnewberry! that was very helpful. will be back next week.
  257. [20:00] <peevsie> This was great, thanks!
  258. [20:00] <emzy> Thanks jnewbery
  259. [20:00] <ecurrencyhodler> Thank you!!
  260. [20:01] <Lightlike> Thank you, very helpful!
  261. [20:01] <karimofthecrop> +1 all the thanks :D
  262. [20:01] <-- mryandao (~mryandao@gateway/tor-sasl/mryandao) has left this channel.
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  264. [20:01] <-- kcalvinalvin (6e0e9879@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server (Quit: Page closed).
  265. [20:01] <bilthon> thanks jnewbery, got sidetracked there with some of the links you guys sent, definitely will be back here next week
  266. [20:01] <rafeeki> thanks all! Looking forward to next week
  267. [20:01] <-- karimofthecrop ( has left this channel ("ERC (IRC client for Emacs 25.3.1)").
  268. [20:01] <RubenSomsen> Thanks John :)
  269. [20:01] <jnewbery> Feedback is most definitely welcome. Also let me know if you have suggestions for PRs to cover. The aim is for manageable sized PRs (ie 100-150 LOC change seems about right), not too much contextual knowledge required, and trying to cover all the different components
  270. [20:02] <jnewbery> Feel free to leave feedback in this IRC channel. I'll be monitoring through the week
  271. [20:02] <afig_> Thanks!
  272. [20:02] <iiiiiiiiii> would it be helpful if calendaring/events were created for the PR meeting?
  273. [20:03] <-- bilthon (be2b9b04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this channel.
  274. [20:03] <-- Lightlike (6d2881e5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server (Quit: Page closed).
  275. [20:05] <-- afig_ (642bef32@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server (Quit: Page closed).
  276. [20:05] <-- iiiiiiiiii (~iiiiiiiii@ has left this server (Quit: iiiiiiiiii).
  277. [20:05] <jnewbery> iiiiiiiiii: I'm not sure I can help you with that. It's 17:00 UTC Wednesday every week
  278. [20:06] <jnewbery> thanks especially to harding, aj, fanquake, instagibbs and MarcoFalke. Really useful to have your input
  279. [20:07] <harding> Here's a log:
  280. [20:07] <RubenSomsen> jnewbery: here's a link with the entire session:
  281. [20:07] <RubenSomsen> harding: ah, you beat me to it :)
  282. [20:08] <merehap> harding: Thanks! I'll now be able to refer back to this session long after I've lost the 20+ browser tabs that I opened from it. :-)
  283. [20:08] <merehap> RubenSomsen: Also thanks :-)
  284. [20:08] <jonatack> harding, RubenSomsen: thank you!
  285. [20:09] <davterra> thank you jnewbery
  286. [20:09] <-- sebastianvstaa ( has left this server (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
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  292. [21:50] <-- juscamarenaaa (2f94aac8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).
  293. [22:26] <realchain> Oh no, did I miss it?
  294. [22:29] <harding> realchain: only this week's meeting; we'll be doing it again next week on Wednesday at 17:00 UTC. Here's a log of this week's meeting if you want to read it:
  295. [22:30] <realchain> Thank you. Next week then
  296. [22:36] <-- realchain (29502ed4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server (Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
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  301. [00:07] <dmar198> did anyone take a log of the discussion from earlier today?
  302. [00:12] <emzy> Here's a log of this week's meeting if you want to read it:
  303. [00:16] <dmar198> thank you!
  304. [00:34] <dmar198> exit
  305. [00:34] <-- dmar198 (491226d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server.
  306. [10:27] <-- jonatack (52661ba3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server (Quit: Page closed).
  307. [12:15] <Zenton> hello, is this channel logged anywhere?
  308. [12:31] <fanquake> Zenton: no logs, but there is a recap of yesterdays chat up here:
  309. [12:32] <Zenton> thank you
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