
Kaingame Vecna stuff

Apr 27th, 2019
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  1. "The Cult of Vecna" is the broad, sweeping moniker given to numerous splinter organizations and sects that worship the God of secrets and necromancy, Vecna. In a generalizing sense, cult members are not known to be actively hostile towards any other faction, including Iounites, and have in fact integrated quietly into society with others none the wiser. The behavior of these cultists varies from sect to sect, but again, generalizing:
  3. 1. They prefer to hoard secrets, some mundane, some of which are ancient and forbidden for good reason. Foul rituals, the true names of devils, political blackmail. On rare occasions they squirrel away powerful artifacts they'd rather not see in the hands of the Iounites.
  5. 2. Vecnaites are known to use their knowledge for their own gain. While they hoard precious information they are not above trading it, for a price. Black markets of information supposedly exist all over Telgard.
  7. The worst among vecnaites are those who give necromancers a bad name, utilizing foul rituals like the one Daphne invoked to grant the Olrein brothers stolen vitality. Others are simple information brokers, who carefully trade tit for tat in an effort to keep the balance. The best among vecnaites are less heard of, but tend to be guardians who see themselves as protecting the populace from dangerous knowledge, whatever the cost.
  9. The cult at large is outlawed in Ashenia due to often illegal practices some of its more amoral members undertake and the long history between them and the churches of the Raven Queen and Ioun, who hold power in the region. The church of the Raven Queen disputes Vecna's claim to the domain of necromancy, claiming it a blasphemy that breeches the absolute domain over death the Raven Queen possesses. The Iounites mislike Vecnaites for ideologically opposed goals - the spread of knowledge versus the careful hoarding and use of it.
  11. Even in other regions though they tend to be mistrusted. They operate most openly in Ora Anguis, but even then rarely make themselves known without reason.
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