
Riu's new plaything

Apr 19th, 2020
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  1. Back in the day it used to be assumed that maids would take care of their young masters sex ed.
  2. Parents would hire candidates specificaly to pop their son's cherry. There would be no virgin aristocrats by the age of 14.
  3. Ppl say Kaavi is the greatest shotacon among MJS congregation, but they are wrong. Riu just knows a way to fuck little boys while keeping everyone happy while Kaavi grabs what she sees and doesnt care about consequences.
  4. She takes care of Chiori not because she likes her so much. On the oppoaite, that kid is obnoxious. However, Chiori has a lot of male friends her age and Riu always encourages them to come over or even stay the night.
  5. She keeps telling herself fhat she is 19 herself and being attracted to 13 yo boys is normal, since they are teens, so the age difference is really not that big. But she knows that even when she turns 40 she will seek the attention of clumsy and timid borderline children.
  7. Funny how she developed this affinity for younger boys. A few years back, when she just started all this meido thing, she was working at a cosplay cafe. Riu was very diligent and decided to stay late once and help the middle aged owner do the maintenance. She kinda liked the man and wanted to be praised by him. But he was kinda fucked up in the head, by which I mean he would rape the girls who showed affection towards him. Totally normal and actually cool guy otherwise, but a complete nut job in the women department. Riu never knew that and paid dearly.
  8. Luckily, it didnt last long, but she never forgot that lump in her chest when an familiar man would turn into a cruel beast you can't reason. Since then she started wondering what it'd feel like to be on the other side of the rape. However, she was repelled by the idea of violence, so she had to substitute for smt similar yet different.
  9. That is how she started "taking care" of younger boys. As long as she seduced someone innocent and inexperienced she felt in control and that was the only thing that turned her on.
  10. The first time she realized that was a few months after the incident, when she was helping Chiori and her classmate do the homework. They both had troubles with maths. Chiori would even say with all the naivite of a 11 yo princess she was, that they would marry one day. So Riu decided to organize a little study date to please her imouto.
  13. Riu had ulerior motive, when she started the study session. At some point Riu wanted to go make some tea in the kitchen and give Chiori some alone time with her sweetheart. Chiori, however, was eager to demonstrate her tea making skills and insisted on doing that herself as soon as she finishes the math quiz she clearly had no trouble with. Once they were alone, Riu felt the urge she hadn't realized she had.
  15. She looked at the boy intensely staring at his study book trying to figure out a fraction. And knew what she was about to do was wrong on so many levels. She was about to harass a middle school boy, cross Chiori, probably violate the law. But as she saw it it was the only way to find peace after what happened to her. Mb, if she did it this once, she'd be back to normal. All she had to do is go forward this one time and never do it again and it would be alright.
  17. She knew how gorgeous she looked in her new maid dress and how sweet her smell and how soft her skin were. She knew not even an innocent little boy could resist the temptation, even if he was hardly aware of his desires yet to manifest. She leaned closer to him, her heart pounding heavily as she was about to break the taboo. She leaned closer and whispered in a charming hushed tone:
  18. "Aren't these fractions tiring? Would you like to have a small breather?" — her hand quietly gliding over his thigh
  20. The boy just sat there not knowing how to react. Emboldened by his trance, Riu carried on.
  21. Chiori had never boiled tea before, so Riu and her new toy had plenty of time ahead of them. Riu kept caressing the boy's thigh each time moving slightly closer to his crotch.
  22. "Please relax, aren't you pleased a beauty such as me pays you this much attention?" -- she whispered into his ear and gave it a tesing bite. Then she laughed out loud and took away her hand.
  23. "I bet you were wishing for this to happen yourself. Could it be you became Chiori's friend to get closer to her onee-san?" -- she snickered some more
  24. The boy was tense and red as a beet, not knowing what to do, what was coming next or what all this meant. Was he doing something wrong? Is that how adults behave? Riu was quick to throw him off this never-ending loop of thought.
  26. "Here" -- she unfixed the buttons on her dress and opened it reveal a plain beige bra, -- "It is now your turn to touch me"
  27. The boy took a look at Riu's open chest. Then sweet the smell of Riu's body lotion hit him -- the smell he will instinctively seek for the rest of his life. But he still hesitated to move
  28. "You should be more proactive to become a real man, you know?" -- Riu took his hand and put it between her breasts. -- "Go ahead"
  29. The boy curiously slided over the cups of her bra a few times and then tried to put pressure in his touches.
  30. "Don't be afraid, I won't be angry if you are more rough"
  31. He started kneading Riu's breasts through the bra foam occasionally pinching a nipple. Riu was euphoric. She couldn't believe playing with someone as clueless as Chiori's classmate could be so fun. The boy, having gained some courage himself, pried his fingers under the bra to feel Riu's hard erect nipples.
  33. At this point Riu decided to take things one step further. Without a word she squeezed her hand under the boy's belt to reach his itchy hot dick.
  34. The boy trembled for a moment, when Riu touched it, but kept playing with her nipples. When she started stroking, however, he stopped and leaned back on his chair stretching out his tense legs. Riu herself was in heat and put her other arm beneath the folds of her dress into the steaming panties.
  36. "Riuuuu, where did you put that teapot teapot with cats?" -- shouted Chiori from the kitchen.
  37. "Have you checked the windowsill, young lady?" -- replied Riu trying to suppress her heavy breathing.
  38. "Ah, yes, here it is!"
  40. "We should finish soon, dear guest. Chiori will not be pleased if she sees us like that" -- whispered Riu at her partner. With these words she squeezed his dick harder, she tried to increase the amplitude of strokes but his pants were in the way. Reluctantly, she stopped to undo the pants and release the boys little cock. She then fell on her knees before the boy's chair
  41. "This way we will finish sooner"
  42. She closed her eyes and put the boys dick inside her mouth, while vigorously rubbing her clit.
  44. It took just seconds before the boy ejaculated and the stingy bitter sperm filled Riu's mouth. She was not finished yet, so she kept masturbating while sucking on the kid convulsing in pleasure.
  45. She kept thinking "This is it, this is it, I gotta remember it all. I will treasure this moment" while poking the kids deflating cock with her tongue.
  47. Finally she climaxed, opened her eyes and move away from the kid to take a good look at him. He was out of breath, his teeth clenched chest quickly moving up and down. It looked as if he was in pain and was about to start crying. But Riu knew, he wasnt. She liked what she saw. She wiped her lips with her hand and stood up to give the kid a wet kiss.
  48. She found it funny she could make a kid taste his own cum this way. The boy didn't fight it, and eagerly accepted the kiss.
  50. She then fixed her dress and sat down on her seat. Surprisingly, she didn't feel guilt or fear or anything negative at all. She liked every part of this new experience and wondered if it was enough to quell her thirst. She felt proud of leaving such a bright mark in this boy's life and entertained the thought of what she'd do next to him, if Chiori wasn't there.
  52. She looked at the boy zipping his pants lovingly and when their eyes met, she put her index finger to her smiling lips and winked at him.
  53. "Chiori will be back any minute now. She will be really disappointed in you if you haven't reduced this fraction when she arries"
  54. The boy grabbed his pencil and hurriedly went back to work.
  56. Some moments later Chiori entered the room
  57. "Heey, Riuu, could you open the window? The air is stifling!"
  58. She stood up and Chiori swiftly took her place to offer her guest a cup of tea.
  59. "Ah? You haven't solved this page yet? Jeez, didn't Riu help you at all? Riu, why didn't you show him how to find a common denominator while I was gone?"
  60. "We were covering some other, more fundamentsl gaps in that time, young lady. I am sure your guest will have no trouble figuring out fraction multiplication after our conversation"
  61. "Huh?.. I hope you didn't just tell jokes about me, did you? I could hear you laughing back there!"
  62. "Oh no, young lady, I assure you we did not discuss you at all"
  63. "I sure hope so, Riu. Could you please take the tray now?"
  64. "Most certainly, young lady" — Riu put the empty tray under her armit and covertly pinched the boy's ear lobe on her way out.
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