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May 23rd, 2019
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  1. r25 - 12th May, 2019
  2. 1. Updated audio chipset drivers
  3. 2. Min cpu freq on the little cluster has been upped from ~576MHz to ~748MHz. This provides a massive performance boost and a a considerable battery boost as well since the efficiency/energy used ratio is much better and those cpus can finish their tasks faster and enter idle sooner. It's a win-win situation
  4. 3. Merged a few patches from the Pixel 3a to greatly lower power consumption during usage & idle
  5. 4. Gaming performance massively improved
  6. 5. Performance during peak I/O workloads (such as updating or installing apps from the Play Store) has been greatly improved
  8. r24 - 11th May, 2019
  9. 1. Rebased on the correct tree. r23 I had mismerge of a different CAF tree
  10. 2. Updated to the latest Novatek touchscreen drivers
  12. r23 - 10th May, 2019
  13. 1. Update to the latest 4.9.174
  14. 2. Update to the latest CAF tag
  15. 3. Battery life improvements
  17. r22 - 28th March, 2019
  18. 1. Merged the latest CAF tree + 4.9.166 upstream. Roughly ~10k lines changed, so it's massive
  19. 2. Sustained performance is likely improved, made some changes according to user feedback
  21. r21 - 21st March, 2019
  22. 1. Massive update with over ~500 commits
  23. 2. Upstreamed to the latest shenenigans
  24. 3. K-lapse support
  25. 4. Added more magic
  27. r20 - 26th February, 2019
  28. 1. Merged 4.9.160
  29. 2. Merged a massive Kernel base update from CAF
  30. 3. Merged an updated WiFi driver
  32. r19 - 22nd February, 2019
  33. 1. Fix HDR video because of a Qcom merge
  35. r18 - 21st February, 2019
  36. 1. Updated tp 4.9.159
  37. 2. Merged some patches from CAF
  38. 3. Merged some patches from upstream for ZRAM
  40. r17 - 8th February, 2019
  41. 1. Updated to 4.9.155
  42. 2. Merged some updates from CAF
  43. 3. Merged some updates from Xiaomeme
  45. r16 - 25th January, 2019
  46. 1. Updated touch firmware from 9.1.24
  47. 2. Merged up to 4.9.152
  48. 3. Merged the latest CAF Kernel tree state
  49. 4. Power consumption should be substancially lower during runtime
  50. 5. Updated WiFi drivers
  52. r13 - 12th January, 2019
  53. 1. Slight performance improvement
  54. 2. Updated to 4.9.149
  55. 3. Updated to the latest CAF tree
  56. 4. Synced with Lineage's Kernel tree
  58. r12 - 27th December, 2018
  59. 1. Merged 4.9.147
  60. 2. Merged 8.12.27 touch firmware
  61. 3. Fixed dynamic stune boost feature
  63. r11 - 21st December, 2018
  64. 1. Merged dynamic stune boost
  65. 2. Merged 8.12.20 touch firmware
  66. 3. Black screens after calls should be finally fixed
  67. 4. Built with Clang 8.0.6
  69. r10 - 19th December, 2018
  70. 1. Merged the newer tag from CAF, ~10k changed lines in various drivers
  71. 2. Merged updated WiFi drivers
  72. 3. Slight changes to improve battery life
  73. 4. Another attempted fix for the black screen after a phone call bug
  75. r8 - 18th December, 2018
  76. 1. Merged 4.9.146
  77. 2. Added a possible fix for a weird ass bug where some users get black screens after a phone call
  78. 3. Merged some schedutil patches from upstream
  80. r7 - 14th December, 2018
  81. 1. Finally fixed WiFi. Now it's just built-in the Kernel, no more modules shit. I successfully tested it on 100% stock unrooted Memeui and on the latest LineageOS16, clean without any modifications. WiFi inits and loads up just like it should
  83. r6 - 13th Decekber, 2018
  84. 1. Merged 4.9.145
  85. 2. Fixed WiFi module loading on Miui Pie Beta and likely other weird ass roms
  87. r5 - 11th December, 2018
  88. 1. 100% re-done from scratch on top of the updated Pie CAF Kernel base. Exactly the same features as before, just more awesome
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