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Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. [13:28] Digitstral: Time had a funny way of bringing even the strongest to their knees and succumb to it. Well, save for her master. He always stayed strong. Always stronger than she. Her master in a weird way, reminded her of time. He never yielded, never stopped. Like time itself, he'd tenaciously come back again and again until someone or something collapsed beneath him. Even when he took her as his own, their fight had waged for hours on end before she collapsed in exhaustion. Both time, and he- had made her surrender.
  2. His estate however? The enormous estate had a few parts to it beginning to become run down, one half actually collapsed. He didn't care. He preferred his life to be in seclusion now as opposed to some ideas of Vampirekind that would live in lavish luxury and expense. The epitome of avarice.
  3. The estate had truly seen better days. A lot of people in the towns and small cities nearby claimed this place was haunted, and with good reason. The things that lurked here were things of nightmares after all. Some would even consider the lord of the manor the devil incarnate himself. Digitstral awoke as the sun's rays had gone down. Clambering to the rooftop near one of the old weathered tower-rooms of the manor. She leaned against the grimy mortar and her dark eyes peered out lazily on the once overgrown lawn that now looked more like a field blanketed in white.
  4. The old fountain in what had once been the courtyard was once green with lichen and mold overtaking it. Rainwater would collect a few inches in the main basin of the fountain. Slime coated the top of it, big fat bullfrogs used it as a literal dating-pool. They'd pair up and sing back and forth, and by the time summer's heat would permeate the area. The fountain would be nearly a gooey white and gray from frogspawn. Tonight however, it was eerily silent. The fountain now looked gray, ice cold, and had snow and icicles hanging from it.. The cacophony of croaks, creaks, and squeaks accompanied by the meshed chorus of crickets would every spring, and inwardly she delighted in the noise. She looked forwards to the sounds of spring, then the din of cicadas in the summer - even at night. And the owls in the fall. Winter however... Winter was silence, and muffled. When the world would recluse back into it's white shell, as if it had been embarrassed of the noises it made throughout spring, summer, and autumn. She didn't like Winter for that reason. It was silent, and cold... Much like her master.
  5. Ironically he loved winter. He loved the cold of it, like his heart. The way it chokes out life, freezes things and stops them dead.
  7. However... A noise caught her one long pointed ear tonight. Something out of place. Something different. Footsteps. Soft, careful footsteps. Something twinged in the back of her mind, alerting her that this domain she protected now had an interloper. Her dark eyes looked one way, then another. A sharp, hawklike stare observed the front yard before she rose to her bare clawlike feet. Her tail swung behind her long legs as she walked along the roof carefully. Knowing which places to avoid stepping since the roof was rotting and threatening to cave in here and there. She looked over the back of the house, the back yard was just as blanketed in white as the front. And again, in spring and summer it was just as overgrown and wild as the front. Roses grew wild, snaking and creeping up the crumbling remains of a trellis that was now sagging under it's own weight from the fauna. One had once been fine cut shrubs- now looked like white mountains.. Rearing up high like trees. It was hard to see beyond them, even at Digit's vantage point. All white, muffled and frozen. Goosebumps splayed on her naked inky blue flesh. She hadn't bothered with clothes, even in the icy winters. She simply had on a tattered loincloth to hide her genitalia. Her master was repulsed by her, he said he disliked seeing her complete nudity. The place between her legs was not something he should look upon when addressing his servant.
  8. She was an object for him. Like a hunting dog. And like a hunting dog, her master did not copulate with her. He preferred her to be on watch and alert.
  10. The back of the estate was simple enough. The door was slightly ajar, the changing in weather and swell/shrink of the wood making it impossible to fit back into the threshold anymore or the latch. Her master was asleep down in the basement sub levels. He'd arise and take his leave for the night to feed, and more than likely attend to whatever it was he did at night. He wanted Digit to watch the house, and his sleeping quarters. That was her purpose. To watch, and kill any who dare trespass.
  11. Though... Digit wasn't one for bloodshed like her master. If anything, she'd prefer to scare people away- and that was precisely what she did. Tonight however... Tonight might be a different story. She had to wonder if it was the adolescent boys again from the nearby villages. They often came here, trying to scare one another or impress a girl they brought with them.One good, well placed shriek and they'd go scampering back to their homes, shrieking themselves and usually- reeking of urine.
  12. She had found it good fun at first.... Now? It was just a reoccurring annoyance that would crop up every so often.
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