
How was GDQ/Where have you been?

Jul 3rd, 2019
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  1. You may be wondering why I haven't streamed in 12 days. Most of you know that I was attending GDQ, but that doesn't exactly explain the long absence. So, I'll write about my GDQ experience to avoid answering the same question 100+ times today.
  3. My GDQ trip (an 18+ hour drive) was a dual purpose drive for GDQ and to help Exarion move back to Minnesota. Myself, Bobelle, and Exarion made that drive in a single day, finally arriving at the hotel room at like 1 PM. I slept a few hours and got up to hang out with the boys, and we had some pizza/beer/5 guys. That night was one of the most miserable experiences of my life.
  5. I had some kind of INSANE stomach pain that lasted upwards of 8 hours. I can only assume it was the result of eating so strictly healthy and quickly going full degenerate, but I'm not sure. At any rate, it was absolute agony and it felt like it would never end. What a way to start a vacation right?
  7. The next 2 or 3 days were the only days I got to even somewhat enjoy in the trip. I got to enjoy many of my favorites (MP2, Stadium 2 mini-games, I even won the GDQ Brawl tournament lol) and hang out with some of my favorite people in the world. I also found out (when I did the random Mario Party stream late at night) that using my phone for data to stream works shockingly well, so moving forward I'll be taking steps to make sure I'll never have to take such a long break again.
  9. After those 2 days, myself, Bobelle, Exarion, Pokeguy, and Nix went to the casino. Everyone but Pokeguy won, and it was really fun! I'm glad we went. Unfortunately, that night I experienced the same grueling and excruciating stomach pain once again, somehow even worse this time. I really can't describe how being in that much pain for so very long and not knowing when it will end feels, but I somehow found my way to sleep at like 10 in the morning or something.
  11. When I woke up again, I noticed I was feeling pretty shitty, which is understandable, but in actuality it seems I had caught a more mild case of the GDFlu. I was pretty much completely out of energy at that point, and spent the majority of the rest of my trip in bed.
  13. It's really unfortunate, because I'm sure the people in my room, my friends, and everyone who wanted to hang out with me but didn't were expecting me to take a more active role in making sure everyone had a good and fulfilling trip, but I simply didn't have it in me this time. I regret it immensely, but it is what it is.
  15. On a more positive note, after a number of minor issues were resolved, Exarion successfully moved back, and Bobelle and I departed back for Louisiana. When we returned, we spent 20 hours in our remaining 2 days finishing a re-watch of my favorite anime, ending with the final installment which I hadn't seen and had been patiently waiting to see. It was really awesome, and definitely worth the wait.
  17. As I'm typing this, I've just dropped Bobelle off at the airport, and he's probably wondering why the fuck I'm not streaming yet. Well, my pastebin got a little lengthier than expected...oops.
  19. At any rate, I have missed you guys and streaming immensely, and I'm excited to go live and get back to the schedule again. I'll be spending the evenings moving the remainder of my shit out of my house, and continue living with my dad until the triathalon from there.
  20. Or rather, let's get that Sapphire record!
  22. gunLove,
  23. Gunner
  25. P.S. No proofread no bully
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