
Msg Messenger - Batch File

Mar 24th, 2013
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Batch 2.53 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. mode con cols=30 lines=11
  3. color 0a
  4. :check
  5. title Error!
  6. if not exist "C:" goto a
  7. if exist "%windir%\system32\msg.exe" (goto a) else (
  8. echo File not found -
  10. echo.
  11. echo.
  12. echo.
  13. echo.
  14. echo.
  15. echo.
  16. echo.
  17. echo Press any key to exit. . . )
  18. pause>nul
  19. exit
  20. :a
  21. set a=0
  22. cls
  23. title Msg Messanger
  24. set /p user=User:
  25. title Messaging [%user%]
  26. cls
  27. :b
  28. if %a%==10 cls & set a=0
  29. set /p msg=Message:
  30. if /i "%msg%"=="spambot" call:spambot
  31. if /i "%msg%"=="exit" goto exit
  32. if /i "%msg%"=="cls" cls & goto b
  33. if /i "%msg%"=="back" goto a
  34. msg "%user%" "%msg%" >nul
  35. if %errorlevel%==0 echo [SENT] & goto c
  36. if %errorlevel%==1 echo [DID NOT SEND] & pause>nul & goto a
  37. if %errorlevel%==9009 do (
  38. cls
  39. title Error! [9009]
  40. echo File not found -
  42. echo.
  43. echo.
  44. echo.
  45. echo.
  46. echo.
  47. echo.
  48. echo.
  49. echo Press any key to exit. . .
  50. pause>nul
  51. exit )
  52. :c
  53. set /a a=%a%+2
  54. goto b
  55. :spambot
  56. cd %cd%
  57. if exist "SpamBot.vbs" del "SpamBot.vbs"
  58. echo set shell=createobject("") >SpamBot.vbs
  59. echo strinput=inputbox("Type your spam message below.", "Spam Bot v1.0.0", "Type your message here...") >>SpamBot.vbs
  60. echo strtimes=inputbox("How many spam messages do you want to send?", "Spam Bot v1.0.0", "10") >>SpamBot.vbs
  61. echo strwait=inputbox("How much time do you need?", "Spam Bot v1.0.0", "5") >>SpamBot.vbs
  62. echo strspeed=100 >>SpamBot.vbs
  63. echo if not isnumeric ( strtimes ^& strwait ) then >>SpamBot.vbs
  64. echo x=msgbox ("You messed up in one of the questions or clicked Cancel, try again.", 48, "Closing") >>SpamBot.vbs
  65. echo wscript.quit >>SpamBot.vbs
  66. echo End If >>SpamBot.vbs
  67. echo strwait2=strwait*1000 >>SpamBot.vbs
  68. echo Do >>SpamBot.vbs
  69. echo msgbox "You have " ^& strwait ^& " seconds to put the cursur in the spam input!" >>SpamBot.vbs
  70. echo wscript.sleep strwait2 >>SpamBot.vbs
  71. echo for i=1 to strtimes >>SpamBot.vbs
  72. echo shell.sendkeys (strinput ^& "{ENTER}") >>SpamBot.vbs
  73. echo wscript.sleep strspeed >>SpamBot.vbs
  74. echo Next >>SpamBot.vbs
  75. echo wscript.sleep strtimes * strspeed >>SpamBot.vbs
  76. echo askagain=msgbox("Want to do the same spam again?",36) >>SpamBot.vbs
  77. echo if askagain = 6 then >>SpamBot.vbs
  78. echo y=msgbox ("Spam Bot Re-Activated!", 64, "Spam Bot v1.0.0") >>SpamBot.vbs
  79. echo End If >>SpamBot.vbs
  80. echo if askagain = 7 then >>SpamBot.vbs
  81. echo z=msgbox ("Press OK to close", 64, "Closing") >>SpamBot.vbs
  82. echo wscript.quit >>SpamBot.vbs
  83. echo End if >>SpamBot.vbs
  84. echo loop >>SpamBot.vbs
  85. start SpamBot.vbs
  86. goto :b
  87. :exit
  88. if exist "SpamBot.vbs" del "SpamBot.vbs"
  89. exit
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