
Some bullshit

May 29th, 2017
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  1. ChurchAeki: (lol everyone wasn't ready lol)
  2. Tsaaq: ((I'm ready now. Just doing room stuff tooooo.))
  3. iKamal: [ok i found them XD]
  4. iKamal: [has anyone posted anything?]
  5. Tsaaq: (Nope.))
  6. ChurchAeki: Charles would just come from a business meeting just a couple of blocks away; he has been in none-stop meetings since eleven o'clock in the morning and he just now getting his lunch break. "That should be the last one....hopefully I don't get another call to meet someone else." He says as he runs his fingers through his now well groomed hair, it was done up in some hair gel to make it neater than he usually has it. Walking into the resturant he could hear his stomach growling as the aroma of the food ingulfed him instantly as he waited to be seated.
  7. Tsaaq: "Daada..." She groaned, incredibly hungover as she sat at her usual booth with a cold compress on her head. "I need a bloody mary and something to huff. Like some cleaning shit. Give me that!" She snatched the rag from her grandfather and sniffed it deeply before coughing. "This isn't cleaning fluid. It's a stupid mixture of lemon and some other shit!" She groaned. // "No no, we no sell alcohol here. You know this." Mr. Hiraj told her gently. "I get you water and a salad." He smiled, flinching once she grabbed his cleaning rag. "Chemicals bad for the wood." He said before seeing the familiar male at the door. "Ah, here to eat again?" He asked with excitement.
  8. ChurchAeki: An exhaust smile would pull onto Charles lips. "Yeah, this time I'll eat...I'm starving. Table for one, yeah."
  9. iKamal: Kammie had been ignoring Charles's texts for most the day sicne she went to go pay a visit to mars. She had him get carlos to take the video of her down. she made her way into the resturant. She really did want to try those curry puffs and the place had decent prices. she pushed the door open and looked around. She moved to the side"Excuse me." she didnt realize it was charles who she was walking past. she saw libi who clearly was hungover. She felt bad for being so bitchy to libi and calling her becky. Mars had told her her name. She made her way over to Libi and sat down. she dug in her purse hearing she wanted something. she slid a flask over to her that had jackdaniels in it. She kept it to swig on when she was feeling stressed."here..."
  10. Tsaaq: She groaned loudly. "Grandpa if you don't fuck off..." She whispered before sighing. "Okay fine. A salad I guess." She called out as he walked away. Libi stared at Kammie curiously and gave her a skeptical raise of her eyebrow. "Um." She whispered. "What's in this? Poison?" She asked, taking the flash and sipping it before sighing with relief. // Mr. Hiraj smiled and directed him to a booth. "Right this way." He grinned and placed the lunch menu in front of him. "You pick something, my wife cook it. Very delicious." He told the male. He looked over to the table where Libi and Kammie had been and waved his hand. "I'll be over there in a moment!" He called out.
  11. ChurchAeki: Charles would slide his sunglasses off just as Kam would slip pass him, he really wasn't paying attention as his head was all in his stomach. As the host lead him to a table he would sit down and pick up the menu. "Let me get an FANTA Orange soda, with Chicken Seekh Kabab for now, yeah."
  12. iKamal: Kammie shook her head and smiled."If jack is poision then yes. It's a peace offering actually." she took a deep breath."we got off on the wrong foot Libi..right that's your name. Mars told me. I had a bad day and it turned into many bad days and I kind of took it out on you." she smiled softly and she was actually being nice to her.
  13. Tsaaq: She grit her teeth and cautiously took a longer sip from the flask then exhaled dramatically. Her eyebrows rose as she listened to Kammie. "You've been talking to Mars?" She muttered as she looked around. "I wanna talk to Mars." She said before biting the inside of her cheek. "I mean. It's not shitty or nothing. Everyday is a bad day for me. And I take it out on everybody. I know exactly what that's like." Libi said, rolling her eyes at her grandfather. "Well don't worry about it." She shrugged. // "I get that right away." He nodded his head as he wrote down the order and went to the back so he could hand the slip to Mrs. Hiraj. He emerged from the kitchen with Charles' drink and set it down before going to Libi's booth. "Anything for your friend?" He asked with a kind smile as he glanced at Kammie.
  14. iKamal: Kammie nodded."Yeah I talked to him today. They have a mangers position open at the bar figured he might of wanted it. I'm applying to go to school. Cosomotolgy
  15. iKamal: [mother trucker scratch that!]
  16. Tsaaq: ((tyt!))
  17. iKamal: Kammie nodded her head"Yeah I talked to Mars. They have a managers position open at the bar figured he might of wanted it. I'm applying to go to Beauty school. I quit my job att he bar so I would have time for it." she shrugged her shoulders she smiled to the Elder man and reached in her purse pulling out her wallet."Can I just get some Curry puffs please and a cream soda would nice as well." she opened her wallet and set a ten dollar bill on the table for the old man. She brought her attention back to Libi."Mars and I might argue alot but he is still my friend." she smiled some.
  18. ChurchAeki: His hands would wrap around the glass as the host came back with his drink, he gave him a simple smile and nod before he took a sip and closed his eyes as he was finally able to relax and drink something other than piss water beer in meetings. Opening his eyes he sat the glass down and leaned back to pull up his black button up ArMone shirt; as he did the butt of a glock would flas if anyone was close enough to see before he dug into his pants pocket and pulled out a note pad with two big wads of rolled up twenties and hundreds. Sitting them on the table he pulled the pin out of his shirt pocket and taped it on his lip as he set the money to the side and flipped the little note pad open and read over his notes and future tasks, payouts and business plans.. The bottom of his shirt would fold over the gun making an outline of it, he didn't notice but if he leaned back it would be completely noticable. "Alright..." He mumbles to himself scribbling in the pad before he removed the money clip from the stacks and started to split them up as he wrote down cuts, he wanted to get this done so when he went home he could sit in front of his TV and pass out later.
  19. Tsaaq: "Ooooohhh... I didn't know you guys were actually friends." She made a scrunched up face at her grandpa. "Thanks." She said with her teeth gritted before handing over the flask to Kammie. "Well, cool and shit. I don't really like school. I never did." She sputtered before looking over her shoulder. "Isn't that your boyfriend?" She asked lazily. // Mr. Hiraj nodded, retreating to the back with the order he came back out with Libi's salad then placed Charles' food in front of him. He stood there a moment. "Anything else sir?"
  20. iKamal: "Yeah kind of. We only really talked at work though." she nodded her head seeing Lbi grit her teeth when her grandfather came around. She could tell she didnt like him much. She looked over seeing Charles and smiled."umm yeah that's him." she grinned and took a napkin balling it up and tossing it at Charles to get his attention.
  21. ChurchAeki: Charles was too into his work and just grumbles, taking a twenty from the split pile that was for his cut and held it up to the old man. "Come back in ten minutes." He says as he continued to stare down at the pad as he picked up on of the Kababs and gnawed on it; the tast was good and it was juicy which was a plus as it took some of his attention away to enjoy the delicious food. Though as something hit him on the back of his head, he would slowly place down his Kabab and turn around. "Don't you.." His voice was raised, but his words would stop mid-ways into his sentence as he saw who was behind him; he huffs out a growl like sound before he turned around. The woman ignored his text all day and now think she could get his attention so easily, he went back to his paper work and eating.
  22. Tsaaq: She nodded her head again. "Can I have more whiskey?" She asked lethergically as she held her hand out for the flask again. She glanced down at the salad and poked at it with her fork. "That's so cool that you guys are like... In such a rad relationship that you guys are super independent." She smirked. "So have you seen that Mars guys' junk? What's the story there?" She asked quietly. "Daada, I swear to god sit down. You're gonna break a leg." She grumbled. // He watched the male then nodded his head. "Okay. Sounds good." He smiled again then went to Libi's table and kissed her forehead. "Shhhh. Be good." Mr. Hiraj said. "Be right back."
  23. iKamal: She gave Libi the flask."Help yourself I have more at home." she noted Charles get angry and rolled her eyes as he ignored."Yeah independent.." she sighed some and shook her head laughing as she asked if she ever seen Mars junk."What no never. Mars is nice and all but I wouldn't say we are that good of friends." she looked over at Charles. she pulled her phone out and texted him." why do you want to sleep with mars? I'm sure he wouldn't mind."
  24. ChurchAeki: (Lmao, that made it seems you texted him hat question lmao)
  25. iKamal: [no didnt mean it that way XD]
  26. iKamal: [i mean if charles wants to sleep with mars thats cool XD]
  27. Tsaaq: ((Sounds hot.))
  28. iKamal: [it does]
  29. ChurchAeki: His phone buzz in his shirt pocket, Illuminating the side of his pocket as the screen lit up. Putting his pen down and leaving the Kabab hanging out the corner of his mouth, he would pull out his phone and swip his finger across the screen; reading the text he would chuckle and place the phone down ignoring it, like she did him all day. What did she expect for him to not be upset, question on why she continuiously ignored him with no response; yeah he wasn't upset he was pissed off and didn't want to deal with the shit right now. Pulling the meat off the stick of the Kabab he would sit down and chew as he rolled up the ten little stakes he has made out of the two big stacks from before; placing rubberbands around them before he slipped each one back into his pocket. Closing his pad he would lean back and relaxed, enjoying his drink and small little first course, until the host returned to ask him for his main course.
  30. ChurchAeki: (Sick mind freaks we are.)
  31. iKamal: [XD]
  32. Tsaaq: She took the flask and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." She whispered as she began to sip. "I think I do but at the same time I feel like my friend would like him then I think maybe both of us could do it but then I just give up on the whole thought." Libi waved her hand at her. "I figured you might've slept with him. I don't know the skinny on everybody's gossip." She muttered. // Mr. Hiraj gave Kammie her curry puffs and drink then went over to Charles with a smile. "Ready?" He asked.
  33. iKamal: she shrugged and smiled."Just sleep wit him. Doesn't have to turn into a relationship or anything. IT's jsust sex." she took a curry puff and took a bite. she noted that Charles ignored her text."Just going to ignore me now Charles..." she called out to him before bringing her attenton back to Libi."you arent that bad.."
  34. ChurchAeki: "Yeah, let me get Butter Chicken, does it come with all that. Butter Chicken Cashews, Cream, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Onions with A Side Of Naan, Aged Basmati Rice And Soup Of The Day? Is so, I want the salad instead of the soup and no Rice but mash potatos if possible." He would slide his empty glass over to the edge of the table. "Can I get a refill too?" Hearing Kam he would speak with his back still turned to her. "Didn't you do that all morning to me? Don't make a scene Kam, you wouldn't like the outcome of it."
  35. Tsaaq: "Ehhhhh." Libi trailed off and waved her hand. "I really have to think about it actually. Maybe get some drugs out of it or something. Like how do I benefit y'know?" She asked before looking back at Charles. "Dude." She shook her head. "Wowwww." She dragged out. "Some fucking guys. Thats your boyfriend." Libi sighed before smirking a bit. "Uh, yeah! That's what I try to tell you!" She laughed. // Mr. Hiraj nodded his head and grinned at Charles. "Oh, very very good." He said with an excited nod. "I be right our with your drink! And then we'll get your food started. Be right back." He grinned.
  36. Tsaaq: ((Heyyy.))
  37. Polyblank: ((hellu, is this also like a I can stop in and get food to go place or a stay in strictly kinda place?))
  38. Tsaaq: ((No there's takeout and sit in options.))
  39. Polyblank: ((got it))
  40. iKamal: She rolled her eyes hearing Charles."I tol you what I was doing this morning. Something you didnt care about asshole." she got snippy with him not caring what the outcome was. She smiled to Libi."yeah drugs would be nice Mars defiantly has that. and as for him He keeps it up and he won't be shit to me." she was speaking of Charles who was right here and she hoped he would hear her as she stuffed another curry puff in her mouth.
  41. Polyblank: Deciding to take a break from job hunting for the day, Mars hopped into one of the local places in the area for some food, he made his way through the door and through to the counter past a few people as he waited behind a couple waiting to be seated, rubbing his eyes under his shades before tugging them back into his pockets, humming a tune to himself he was playing earlier trying to figure a good way to turn the beat into a good song.
  42. Polyblank: ((brb real quick))
  43. iKamal: [htfb bitch]]
  44. Tsaaq: ((Tyt.))
  45. ChurchAeki: Hearing Kam, Charles would ball up his fist is anger was getting the best of him right now; the fuck did she think she is, talking about him like that. He tried to remember what the doctor told him, before he bribed him to get out of that place; keep you mind clear and clam in conflicts do not let you anger fly free as your body wants it too. He did everything he could counted to ten, close his eyes and keep his breathing steady but it wasn't working one bit and as she spoke again he just flew off the handle hearing what she said to Libi. "The fuck you just say?" He jumped up, bumping the table a bit as he does and looked to Kam, his eye flaring with anger. "Say it again..." The veins in his neck started to pop out.
  46. Tsaaq: "Right. I mean he's hot and all but... I don't know. My number is already pretty high." She expressed with a fake sigh. Libi's eyes widened a little before she smirked. Delicious drama, yum yum yum. She took a sip from the flask again and handed it back to Kam. She needed it more than she did. She spotted Mars entering the restaurant and prayed her grandad didn't embarrass her. "Seat him over here!" She called out before Charles came over. Her eyes widened before she started to giggle. "Big man. Biggggg man." She smirked. // Mr. Hiraj went to grab Charles' food. He came out with a confused expression as he watched the exchange. He put down one of the plates and a new glass then approached Mars. "Where would you like to sit-" He began to aks before Libby yelled.
  47. iKamal: Kam stood up and bucked up to Charles."You fucking heard me. I said you keep it up and you won't be shit to me. You cna huff and buff all you want. You don't scare me." she looked up at him."the ony person here making a scene is you you dumbass." she pushed the flask back to Libi not wanting it. she stood her ground and didnt show any signs of backing down.
  48. ChurchAeki: He looked down to Libi then to Kam and then grins as he realized he had the high cards. "Oh?" He folds his arms across his chest, the thought that his name was in mostly everything of had him pull back and calmed him even more. "Toss methe Kam have me be shit to you, then toss those nails of yours, that hair due and your new apartment. Shit might as well give me the money back for your classes. I'm sure financial aid will be granted to you." He held out his hand. "While you at it that phone of yours, you still owe me one for breaking the brand new one I had given to you." He becons for the things he asked for with a small curl of his finger. "Come on.."
  49. Polyblank: ((back))
  50. Tsaaq: ((Wb!))
  51. iKamal: [wb dick o.o]
  52. ChurchAeki: (wb)
  53. Polyblank: ((ty cuntsteak))
  54. Polyblank: ((and ty other peeps))
  55. iKamal: [yw assmuncher]
  56. Covet: [webs]
  57. Tsaaq: Libi took the flask once more and polished off whatever was left in it, she turned over the flask and shook it to see if anything would come out and pouted a little. She covered the side of her mouth while trying not to laugh while Charles spoke. "Damn dude." She whispered. "That's why I don't like to owe people SHIT." Libi said with a raise of her eyebrow. "That stuff is hers now. Obvs. Whatcha gonna do? Sue her?"// Mr. Hiraj looked very upset as he watched the exchange and went to run into the kitchen to tell his wife.
  58. iKamal: Kammie sighed and looked at Libi."I'll be back." she smiled. she hated having her business out there. she walked with Charles to where ever he wanted her. She was even more pissed then before because he let everyone in the resturant know her business-
  59. Polyblank: Mars smiled at Mr. Hiraj and opened his mouth to speak before he was suddenly stopped by the shouting behind him as he turned to see Libi and a few of the others, he raised his eyebrow as he walked over and looked at the scene over the brim of his shades as he stood in front of the two fighting wavering low to Libi underneath them. "Just know if this is about to unfold into another bathroom situation, lock the door and check the windows this time?" He tried to lighten the mood with a bad joke as always as he shrugged and waltzed around them to get into the booth where Kammie was sitting and slid into the back end of it.
  60. ChurchAeki: He looks down to Libi ignoring her comment; though hearing Mars he would bite his fist at him before taking Kam by the arm and lead them down the Hall that lead to the bathrooms. Kicking them open he would push her in, their voice were loud but the words were harder to make out at the distance they were in. A bang would be heard as he slammed the door behind him and locked it within before turning to look at Kam, he hit the stall door just to the side of her having it swing open and bang against the wall only to wipe back with a rattle. He yelled and pushed her back against the wall each time she tried to move from him, asking questions that he gave no time for her to answer before he asked another one.
  61. Covet: Angel walked into her favorite place to eat, looking around at how busy the place was. She saw Mr. Hiraj walk off to the back and gave a slight frown but knew he'd be back up to take her order soon enough. She walked over to the booth where she saw Libi and some other guy, seeing as Kamisha just got up and left. "Hola Chica... How's your afternoon going?" She asked to Libi then glanced at the other guy, giving him a wave before looking back at Libi, hearing the bang in the bathroom area she raised a brow, "Who put a pepper in his pisser?"
  62. iKamal: She winced as he grabbed her by the arm and lead her off. She was not enjoying this one bit. She jumped when he slammed his fist into the stall and she was up agianst the wall with no way out. She felt trapped and it was starting to scare abit but she didnt show it. she tried to answer each question but he kept throwing more questions at her. she tried to push him away from her."Would you fucking stop you don't own me dammit! okay!" her voice echoed through the bathroom. she threw a few punches at hm feeling like shewasnt really safe at that moment and had to fight her way out.
  63. Tsaaq: "Eventful." Libi replied, walking Charles storm off with Kammie. "What a fucking clod that guy is huh?" She asked with a shake of her head. She shook her head at Mars. "If they fuck in my grandparent's restuarant I swear to god we'll have to set this place on fire." Libi said with a laugh. "He's pissed off because he bought Kammie hella shit or something so he thinks he owns her. Y'know? Typical uptown bullshit." She muttered. "Anyways... How are you guys?" She looked between Angel and Mars and picked at her salad.
  64. Polyblank: He waved to the new girl as he nodded at Libis comments. "Yeah...Ill be right back..." He began to get up as he heard all the banging and headed over to the door for the bathroom as he leaned his head against it trying to hear what they were saying at first before knocking trying to get a response. "So can I assume its just not coming out alright in there? Might I suggest fiber, or perhaps not using sandpaper to wipe your ass in there?"
  65. ChurchAeki: At first he took the punches she threw at him, yelling back at her. "I might not own you, but you will fucking respect me." He went to grab at his wrist to stop her from hitting him, but by accident he palm smacked her right across the face as he wrist slipped from his grasp; the force from it made a loud smack sound and he could see her cheek redden from the impact. His eyes would widen as he put his hands up. "I didn't..." He stepped towards her or tried to to look at her face, he reached out to touch the side of her hesitant of her yanking herself from him. "Hey...hey...I'm sorry." He says trying to smooth over what just happened.
  66. ChurchAeki: her*
  67. iKamal: She felt him smack her across the face and she balled her fist. She fell silent and justsaw him back off. Her eyes started to water up and the stingng feeling was still there. She heard mars at the door. She placed her own hand on the area he smacked her. She prayed Mars didn't hear the smack Everything was silent and her ears were ringing abit. She took a step back away from him as he tried to smooth it over like it was nothing. She never had someone hit her before espeically a man. She just stood there lost in thought. She couldn't think of what to say.
  68. Covet: "Are either of them from uptown?" Angel asked raising an eyebrow,"This is why I come down here, it's always eventful. I'll even help you set the place on fire. " She said with a smirk and looked at Libi's plate, "Are you even eating that, cause if not, I could go for a bite or two." She said, then peaked over to the bathrooms where the guy that was sitting with them went, watching like a spectator sport.
  69. Polyblank: Mars in fact did hear the smack as he began to bang on the door more, calling at them louder, his latin blood beginning to boil. "Ay, the fuck was that noise!? Kammie, you okay in there niña?!" He took a step back and stared at the door half expecting someone to be running out now. His fists clenched now at his sides.
  70. ChurchAeki: Hearing the guy outside of the door, Charles would move over to it and give it hard kick. "Fuck off." He moved back over to Kam and kneeled before her, trying not to seem overpowering. "I didn't mean too..." His voice was low now, more soothing then him yelling just a few moments ago. "You were hitting me and I tried to stop you and my hand slip...." He moved closer to her still on one knee in front of her, reaching out to grip her waist, if she allowed him to he would pull her close to him and press his head against her stomach. "I'm sorry...I'll make it up to you. Anything you want you can have it...anything."
  71. Tsaaq: Libi raised an eyebrow as Mars got up and walked towards the bathrooms. She turned to Angel and rolled her eyes. "Well that was a turn off." She whispered then stuck out her tongue, pretending to gag. She shook her head. "I don't know about the guy but the girl isn't. She's a downtowner." She whispered before shrugging. "Fuck off bitch, this is my fucking salad!" She slid her plate away and began to actually eat it. She heard the commotion in the back and shook her head. "Weak." // Mrs. Hiraj stormed out of the kitchen, yelling at her husband urdu. "No fight in restuarant! Get them out of my restuarant. I hear bang!" She shouted as Mr. Hiraj cautiously looked at the bathroom.
  72. iKamal: She heard Mars and felt Charles hugging her waist."Just let go of me please..." she pushed him away and let her hair down to hide the redness. she wiped her eyes quickly. she heard the owners yelling and sighed. she pushed Charles off of herand made her way out of the bathroom. She forced a smile at Mars."I'm fine. I promise. Just umm well I smacked his arm is all. " She gave him a convincing smile or at least she thought it was convincing."I need a drink..Where is Libi.." she made her way out to the other women in the resturant and left the two of them there."Hey libi did you drink the rest of my jack?" she picked up the flask and ran her figner sthrough her hair making sure her hair hid half her face.
  73. Covet: "Right?" She said agreeing wtih Libi's turn off comment. She saw her grandmother come out looking all sorts of angry . "Hola Mr. and Mrs. Hiraj... The bang is in the bathroom." She said pointing that direction, then continued her conversation with Libi, taking her hand back since she was told to fuck off, she laughed and leaned on her hand, watching the drama from the comfort of her booth, "If they were going to have uptown drama, the least they could do is keep it uptown. Then again... I don't want that near wear I live either, but it'd be nice to not have it where we eat. Your Grandparents are too nice to have to deal with this shit."
  74. Polyblank: Mars looked with wide red shot eyes of concern as she walked out in front of him, looking her over as best he could, seeing abit of red around where her hair hung over it, he wanted to say something but he could tell she didnt wish to have it noticed. He nodded as she would walk past him, eyeing Charles with a sort of death stare before turning on the ball of his foot and walking back into the restaurant and sitting back with libi the new girl and kammie.
  75. Tsaaq: "Don't talk to them. They're being extra as fuck." She waved her hand at them as they fussed. "I mean. I'm all for drama. Because usually I'm not involved." Libi shrugged then looked up at Kammie. "Sorry, plum out of jack." She replied, shaking the empty flask then handing it to her. "Soooooo." Libi paused then shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry." She whispered. "I have liquor at work and at home... Maybe some in my car. I cant remember-" She rambled and watched as Mars returned. "Well well well. Look who's back?" She said in a monotone then turned to Angel.
  76. ChurchAeki: As she pushed him again he would be sitting on the bathroom floor, with his knees bent upwards as his forearms rested on top of them; when the door opened and she stepped out he would see the guy outside the door before it closed leaving him in the bathroom by himself. Sighing he would get up from the floor and smooth his hair back, looking at himself in the mirror not even able to see the person he thought he was anymore. "Fuck." He loudly cursed as he pulled away from the bathroom sink and pulled open the door; he looked more grungy now, his expensive ArMone shirt wrinkled, his hair out of place and sliked back with strands of hair popping out of place, even his tigh was crocked and pulled down some. Walking back out to the resturant he would look over to the booth all of them sat in before seeing the old man and dug in his pocket as he did so the butt of his gun would flash a bit when he pulled his wallet out before his shirt went back down over it. "Sorry about the commotion.." He says as he opened his wallet and thumbed through the bills trying to come up with a sum that would ease the issue over. "200 sounds nice....yeah?" He glance up to the old man, before looking back down into his wallet. "Maybe 400 ?"
  77. ChurchAeki: tie*
  78. iKamal: Kammie took the flask and shrugged."IT's not a big deal Libi I gaveit to you drink gods knows itwouldn't last long." she let a soft chuckle escape her lips as she tried to lighten things up."I could really use a drink." she sighed and grabbed her purse tucking the flask in it. she knew she would mess up and play with her hair sooner or the other."I think i'm going to go get something you guys are welcome to come. I got a new place could use some breaking in." she put her purse on hershoulder and wrote her number on a napkin and left it at the table."I'll see you guys around." she made her way out of the resturant and got herself a cab heading home.
  79. iKamal: [i ahve to go make dinner ill be back later though]
  80. Tsaaq: ((Okie ttyl!))
  81. iKamal: [ttyl]
  82. Polyblank: ((later gator))
  83. Covet: "Oh mi jodido dios, Now he's going to try to buy your grandparents off... He must be uptown related...flashing money like that's iconic to our image." She said mumbling to Libi, then spoke louder, " I've got some at my place too, but that's not really helpful for here." She said then looked over at Kammie and Mars, giving another wave, "Glad you could come back and join us." Her tone was equally flat as Libi's, then her eyes watched as Kammie got up and left, " Or not.... I feel like I walked into some sort of twilight zone place or something today."
  84. Polyblank: He let kammie go as he took off his shades and jacket getting relaxed and sighing as he waited to finally be able to order his food, he felt tired as he let his head fall into his arms. "She probably didnt wanna stay after well...that. I dont blame her." He sighed and rubbed his eyes once more before sitting back up and stretching his arms. "So, what do we reccomend for food in this place?"
  85. Tsaaq: Libi shrugged her shoulders before turning her head. "Wow, what a piece of garbage." She muttered as she watched the scene unfold. "Alright well... See ya bitch." She waved as Kammie ran off. "At least I got some jack from all that." She whispered with a raise of her eyebrows, smirking a bit as she looked to Mars. "Uhh... Lamb over rice. Shit with lamb is always good." She replied. // Mr. Hiraj looked over the male and glanced at the money. His eyebrows furrowing as he spotted the gun Charles had and glanced back at his wife. "No no no. Is okay. Have good day." He waved him off with a forced smile, looking more worried than anything.
  86. ChurchAeki: It seemed he was a different person as he was more calm, maybe because he felt guilty or he was just really sorry for what happened in the bathroom. He watched as Kam left out the resturant not giving him a single glance; his body twisted to follow after her, but he paused as the old man spoke almost forgetting he was going to pay him. "" He pushed five-hundred into the olds man apron pocket. "All good yeah?" He shifted his sights back over to the table where the other were, before straightening out his shirt and walking out of the building.
  87. ChurchAeki: (Hope it was entertaining enough :D)
  88. Covet: "Well when anyone goes about making a scene... I can't say I blame them. Save it for the Tele Novela, Shit. " Angel said shaking her head, "Well as soon as Sancho over there is done trying to pay off the owners... I intend to order a kebab sampler plate. You get to try a little bit of everything. Chicken, Duck and Lamb , and it comes with rice and spicy chickpea soup." She said with a smile, "And the tea, hot or iced, is the best in Silver Hill." She said talking up the place.
  89. Covet: [Always :D]
  90. ChurchAeki: (Cya around)
  91. Tsaaq: ((Laters.))
  92. Tsaaq: ((Wooo, hello.))
  93. Artificer: ((ayye))
  94. Artificer: ((im getting real tired of IMVU not taking my money -.-))
  95. Tsaaq: ((:c))
  96. Artificer: ((just because I use peanuts as currency instead of money. Like WTH. If they take euros they should take peanuts.))
  97. Covet: [XD Oh Lucas... XD]
  98. Covet: [Who's post is it?]
  99. Tsaaq: ((This guy's.))
  100. Polyblank: "Tea might be alittle out of my mood right now, think ill have water, and maybe a sampler sounds good, if I dont like one Ill probably like the next." He waited for someone to come take his order as he pulled out his wallet and looked at the two of them. "Either of you want anything?"
  101. Tsaaq: "Already got this shit." She waved her hand at her salad. She looked at her grandparents and groaned. "Oh god they're coming this way..." She whispered. // Mr. Hiraj came over to Libi and slipped her the five hundred bucks. "We no want this criminal money. Here sweetie, you take. " He said. "Anybody want food?" He aksed, looking stressed.
  102. Artificer: Damian stepped into the restaurant, his eyes were heavy and bloodshot. He yawned, stretching out a bit before he continued towards the front. He saw Angel, and Libi sitting at a table and approached them, sliding into the booth next to the man he'd never met that was at their table. "Sup girls." He said, resting his head in his arms. "Im fucking dead." He groaned, closing his eyes for a moment, almost about to pass out right there.
  103. Covet: [Sorry I was off making cheese fries! I'm back now!]
  104. Artificer: ((you best be sharing mutha fucka))
  105. Polyblank: Mars sighed as he decided to decided to get up, the gut feeling he had wasnt making him suddenly feel for food as he got up and grabbed his jacket and hat. "On second thought Im gonna grab a bite at home, im beginning to feel like shit, Im gonna head home. Ill see you guys later." With that he let the guy who walked in take his side of the booth for himself as he waved and headed for the door.
  106. Polyblank: ((gotta go to dinner, ill bbl most likely))
  107. Tsaaq: ((Okie dokie.))
  108. Artificer: ((wow, did you know you have to be VIP to use IMVU's live chat customer support?))
  109. Tsaaq: ((Yep.))
  110. Artificer: ((i was about to bitch out some dude in india for not taking my peanuts. but now I just have to send them a message and wait.))
  111. Covet: Angel smirked at the guy and shook her head, " I'll get my own, but gracias." She said with a smile...hesitating because she didn't know his name. She watched him walk off and shrugged, "And who the hell was that guy?" She asked looking at Mr. Hiraj. "Kebab Sampler, lunch portions please." She asked then saw Damian walk up, "Hey Damian, weird seeing you during daylight hours."
  112. Tsaaq: ((Bwahahah.))
  113. Covet: [it's not even some dude in india.. it's some yuppie fuck in California who will tell you that they need to see your ID and all this shit if you want to get your credits faster. Best fast and easiest way to get credits. Put money on your paypal, then use paypal to buy credits when they are on sale. Saves you the bullshit run around from IMVU. ]
  114. Covet: [And it's instant so long as the money is on paypal]
  115. Artificer: ((I used paypal the first two times. AND IM SOME YUPPIE FUCK IN CALIFORNIA. ))
  116. Artificer: ((OH SHIT THERE THEY ARE.))
  117. Artificer: ((lol got half my credits.))
  118. Covet: [XD]
  119. Covet: [They must have heard your pleas]
  120. Artificer: ((They knew that once I heard it was some dude in CA I had the idea to find him and smack the shit outta him))
  121. Covet: [LMAO]
  122. Tsaaq: Libi took the wad of cash and raised an eyebrow. "Sweeet." She smiled and looked over to Damian with a sigh. "Me toooo. I had to drink to make myself feel better." Libi said with a shake of her head. "Well I just came into a little bit of money." She winked. // Mr. Hiraj went to disapear in the back where the kitchen was and got Angel's order and stuff.
  123. Artificer: Damian raised his head, watching the guy leave. He raised his brow, looking at the two girls as he pointed at the door. "Who da hell is that? You find another suave latino boy toy to replace me?" He asked jokingly. "Oooh looks like the next G is on Libi." He said, looking at the wad of cash.
  124. Tsaaq: ((Shhhhh :p))
  125. Covet: "How late did you guys stay out last night?" She asked them both then smirked at Libi, "Now don't go blowing that all in one place, or on one thing... unless it's booze and drugs ,then go nuts" She said with a laugh. "wait.. is that the Mars dude you were talking about? He didn't seem as cool as you were saying, Libs."
  126. Tsaaq: "Laaaaaaaate." Libi dragged out before turning to him. "Yeah thats Mars." She replied with a weak look. She groaned a little bit. "I mean, I tried to but he didn't quite fit the bill." Libi told Damian jokingly with a smirk. "No... I'm not replacing you shithead. He seemed cool when he called me hot and bought me food and drinks at the bar then he turned out to be a spaz." She rolled her eyed. "I was gonna cop some weed for us from him too."
  127. Artificer: "Way to fucking late. I dont know if I can really say I slept, because it was more like me just laying there, listening to my heart sound like its going to pop for like three hours." He said, holding his head in his hands. He reached up, grabbing the joint that was freshly rolled and tucked behind his ear. "I got us." He said, rolling the joint into the middle of the table.
  128. Covet: "Ugh.. He honestly probably doesn't even have good weed. It's probably mids anyways." Angel said writing the dude off. "Nothing but a bunch of flakes, besides, see Damian's got the good shit anyways. I trust his shit more than some scrub mexi caught up on his local telemundo drama."
  129. Covet: [Wow that was just a shit post.. I'm sorry... ]
  130. Tsaaq: ((Smfh.))
  131. Tsaaq: ((Sorry I was afk for a second.))
  132. Tsaaq: Libi shook her head as she looked at Damian. "You can always come over to my place jackass. We could've napped?" She offered. She laughed. "Jesus Angel... Tell us how you really feel?" She asked sarcastically.
  133. Artificer: "Well thats where you screwed up Angel." He teased, grabbing the joint and holding it out to her. "Cuz my shit is laced with angel dust." He joked before looking at Libi, smirking a bit. "I dont think I wouldve gotten much sleeping done at your place either."
  134. AALIYAH4301SHXT: yall hoes extra lol
  135. MzAvianaESCALANTE: lol
  136. Covet: "I can't even say I'm sorry. I just expect more out of my own people I guess." She said with a laugh. "Every mexican guy thinks he's a fucking pot dealer just because he grows a few plants in his mom's basement, but most of them have shit that'll just give you a headache before it gets you high." She said annoyed at the scrub still, then looked at Damian, "You're an exception, because you know what people really want. You know people expect quality over quantity. You're smart." She smirked then looked between the two of them. her mouth dropping as she laughed, "Desagradables, you two hookin up now?"
  137. Tsaaq: "Well shit. He claimed to have some good shit. Disappointment everywhere." Libi held her hand out for the joint. "You might be right but shut upppp." She went to kick Damian gently under the table. Libi's eyes widened and she shrugged her shoulders. "Uh.... I don't know..." She trailed off before sighing. "Yeah." She replied quietly and laughed.
  138. Artificer: Damian chuckled a bit listening to Angel praise his drugs. "Well I dont sell this shit. I get it for my own enjoyment, so I dont settle for the shit." He chewed the inside of his cheek, eyeing Libi as she admitted to their hooking up. "She made me do it, got me all drunk and Im pretty sure she spiked my drink. I feel so used." He said, faking a quiver in his voice, trying to kill any potential awkwardness with humor.
  139. Covet: "Get it Chica!" Angel said giving her a light shove, then looked at Damian, "And for that we share in return. But please.. spare me the dramatics, Libi's top box. Like you would even complain. She might have gotten the roofies from me." She said, with a casual shrug, clearly not caring much about them hooking up, "I've got my own little candy dish of things. I heard this weekend there's supposed to be a pop up rave, five pill entry goes into the bowl, and you take 2 as your party favors."
  140. Tsaaq: She laughed at swatted at Angel. "Stop bitch." She laughed loudly. "Oh wow, really jackass." Libi said as she shook her head at him. "I didn't make him do shit, okay? I might've been wasted and so was here but that's just a thing I do." She said as she shrugged. "Oooo a pop up rave? Sounds fucking rad. You up for it?" She asked Damian with a raise of her eyebrows.
  141. Artificer: Damian chuckled listening to the two of them "Nah your right, definitely cant complain." He said, looking Libi in her eyes for a moment, totally eye fucking her. "sounds like it could be fun. Not a huge fan of the pill parties, but I can always bring a little something to have fun with." Damian looked at his phone and groaned. "My shift starts soon. Ive gotta get going."
  142. Covet: "Psh, you're fine, Sounds like it was all consensual to me." Angel gave a shrug, then rolled her eyes at Damian. "Then I'll give you five to get in, you give us your two and you can bring whatever you wish." Angel said waving her hand then groaned, "Lame... Catch you around later?" She asked him.
  143. Tsaaq: She smirked at Damian and giggled a moment then shook her head."Oh yeah a trade I like that idea." Libi said with her eyebrows raising. She frowned and crossed her arms. "Fiiinnee. Text me. We'll hang out. We'll do lunch." She rambled with a wave of her hand.
  144. Artificer: Damian stood, leaving the joint on the table for the girls. "I will see you guys later." He started to walk away before he stopped, and turned on his heels. He bent over and gave Libi a kiss, tugging at her lip with his own as he pulled away. "Dont worry, I'll see you soon." He waved to Angel and began backing towards the door, "Now if youll excuse me, I have to go stick a bunch of old people with needles."
  145. Artificer: ((ill talk to yall later.))
  146. Tsaaq: ((Yeah slow ass kiki!!))
  147. Covet: [Sorry Sean got me distracted with discussion of our trip in July]
  148. Tsaaq: ((Where are we going now?))
  149. Covet: [Gold Beach Oregon from July 4th- 9th. Big ren faire thing going on]
  150. Tsaaq: ((Ohhh.))
  151. Tsaaq: ((Wanna change rooms bish))
  152. Covet: [Yeah... Something other than here, to see if we can get people to show up. ]
  153. Tsaaq: ((Whereee))
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