
[Story] No Name 4

May 27th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Ahnaf Abdullah - Write a story which includes the sentence: "He could never resist temptation."
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. The cold mornings and the bitter, harsh winds of winter woke Haku up. Immediately remembering all the pain and suffering he endured yesterday and fearing that which was to come today, he wished he had never woken up; he wished to have passed away in his sleep.
  5. Instead of lifting the blanket and stretching around in his cosy bed like one would expect, Haku shivered and clambered out of his huddled fetal position from the corner of the alley. This is because Haku didn't have a bed. In fact, he didn't even have a home.
  7. It seemed that the heavens had shed some mercy on Haku: some kind soul threw away a disposable plastic cup and it was in just the right orientation to capture some of the rain that showered last night. With great enthusiasm, Haku watered his mouth and irrigated his tongue with the gift from God. It was sweet and brownish in colour, but that probably had something to do with the unfinished coffee that was in the cup.
  9. After the brief but refreshing drink of water, Haku went to the sweet shop that harboured many customers.
  11. It was a great shop, its menus comprising of large stacks of pound cakes, delicious balls of chocolate and vanilla, scrumptious cheesecakes and fondues and jars filled to the brim with chocolate mousse, the texture and viscosity which resembled that of a mixture of honey and milk. Of course, Haku had never really tried them: one does not need to eat such things, merely looking at it is enough to imagine how empyrean and luscious the sensation could be.
  13. Haku crept up to the glass window which shielded the delectable wonders from his ravenous appetite. He gaped his mouth and gazed hungrily at the ostensibly well-made desserts. He could never resist temptation: He could not bring himself to pull himself together, avert his gaze and stop staring at the food with his little eyes gleaming and dehydrated mouth sighing. It was without a doubt, one of the most beautiful and attractive sights in the world.
  15. At that moment, a woman and her child from apparently opulent origins stepped out of the warm shop, an aromatic and billowing column of air closely following by. The amazing smell and the warmth of the draft were making Haku hallucinate. As he stood there frozen, a sad grimace printed on his face, he witnessed both the mother and her son eating a marvellously delicious chocolate eclair and a slice of cheesecake cooked to perfection, amid peals of laughter and wide, beaming smiles. Unaware of his profound provocation, the boy's teeth sank into the juicy, steaming pastry.
  17. He couldn't bear it anymore: After running into the alleyway, he broke down into tears, wailing and crying at the unfairness of it all. He did not want to live like this anymore: hungry, thirsty, lonely, and at the utmost depths of destitution.
  19. After what felt like hours, Haku swallowed the tears that he so much wanted to be wept. He stood up with a stance frailer than a flamingo's, his knees shaking and feet paralyzed with sadness.
  21. That's when he noticed the £10 note near his feet. It had something written on it.
  23. 'Go get your own eclairs, sweetie.'
  27. ----------------------------
  28. *He always liked to imagine what delicious foods taste like. Every day, he would dedicate an hour or two on imagining the most exquisite of dishes. Today he was busy spending imagining what a Pound Cake tasted like. According to the [very happy, sounds like exasperated] and delighted expressions of people chewing on Pound cake, Haku knew that it was definitely nothing less than amazing. {put in a 50-100 word priori incantatem description of Haku's imagination as he ate the pound cake}
  29. *Zabuza approaches him as the day ends "Kid, come with me"
  30. *
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