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In Asmo's Room

a guest
Sep 11th, 2016
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  1. DeadlyLoveless: Hm
  2. DeadlyLoveless: Welcome
  3. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Ty. Let me guess, someone by the name Sorcha has been here?
  4. DeadlyLoveless: Mhm
  5. DeadlyLoveless: Claiming that Asmo was married to a liar and cheater and then mentioned your wifes namer
  6. DeadlyLoveless: name*
  7. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Running her mouth I spect
  8. KeadeDeLaSoulz: She came to me earlier trying to make out that my wife and your husband were a thing
  9. DeadlyLoveless: I wonder why.
  10. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I wonder the same thing. But then, she is just another trouble maker who's out to ruin ppl's marriages and or relationships
  11. DeadlyLoveless: He words don't bother me or cause me any doubt. My fiance and I comminucate all the time.
  12. DeadlyLoveless: Her*
  13. DeadlyLoveless: Asmo says he needs to talk to you later btw.
  14. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Oh?
  15. DeadlyLoveless: mhm lol I'm on the phone with him
  16. KeadeDeLaSoulz: And it would be regarding? -Nods-
  17. DeadlyLoveless: this strange matter
  18. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I cannot turn my back on imvu for five minutes without someone trying to make out that my wife is up to no good, it always happens.
  19. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: wb kiyoko
  20. KiyokoYoshitaka: Merci.
  21. DeadlyLoveless: Welcome back Kiyoko
  22. KiyokoYoshitaka: Danke.
  23. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: yvw
  24. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I apologies for this matter m'am, I wouldn't have made my return however one needed to get this sorted.
  25. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Sorcha tried to make out some similarities between you and my wife of which I simply couldn't see.
  26. DeadlyLoveless: Similarities?
  27. DeadlyLoveless: Pray tell sir
  28. KeadeDeLaSoulz: One mo
  29. DeadlyLoveless: tyt
  30. KeadeDeLaSoulz: SIOIRICIHIA: / SIOIRICIHIA: <<
  31. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Thats not it
  32. KeadeDeLaSoulz: SIOIRICIHIA: the hand tattoo and the hand jewelry, also the nails
  33. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Completely different, wouldn't you think?
  34. DeadlyLoveless: Omg anyone can buy these things lol
  35. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Indeed
  36. KeadeDeLaSoulz: And just because someone may have something that someone else may have does not make them the same person
  37. DeadlyLoveless: hm.
  38. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: id say let asmo torture her to death
  39. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Aye, he could
  40. DeadlyLoveless: except it is an alt account
  41. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I'd love to rip that spine of hers out tbh.
  42. DeadlyLoveless: Who is the one in the picture
  43. KeadeDeLaSoulz: An alt indeed, and not the only one whom have tried shite like this
  44. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: maybe but alts can be killed to make the true account come out
  45. KeadeDeLaSoulz: That is my vika.
  46. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I do believe that your husband is an ally of hers.
  47. DeadlyLoveless: Ah. So red hair and nails is why I must be her?
  48. DeadlyLoveless: Yay Babe is home
  49. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Certainly not, ofc anyone who isn't blind could see that you and her are both different people.
  50. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I came here with the intent of warning you of this...Alt, before she tried her antics here though. I am too late
  51. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: true and im sure typing style is completely different
  52. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Indeed
  53. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: ik this because i have several accounts myself
  54. KeadeDeLaSoulz: -Nods-
  55. DeadlyLoveless: I could prove my difference but I am not willing to allow it to be well known. But this person can try whatever they wish but Asmo skypes me all the time and I am willing to skype to prove I am not the same person. On the other hand, I won't provide that extent of proof till last resort.
  56. DeadlyLoveless: Many people have several accounts and in my 12 years on IMVU I have had 13 accounts lol
  57. DeadlyLoveless: and only two of mine are active.
  58. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Ach, I wouldn't worry about proving that you aren't her and that she isn't you. It isn't needed, and I am sure that Asmo will agree as he too knows how both you and Vika talks.
  59. DeadlyLoveless: lol He knows. He and I have known each other for a while now.
  60. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Like I said she is just another who tries even with the thought of having "proof" when in reality what proof they think they have actually isn't but more nonesense in the hope of convincing those targeted that "this is the truth" when, it isn't. And the truth to that being is that it is far from it, anybody can buy stuff from shop and look like someonne else as well as someone can take pics and throw them all into an album it wouldn't mean shit.
  61. DeadlyLoveless: Interesting indeed though.
  62. DeadlyLoveless: Hey Babe ^^
  63. KiyokoYoshitaka: Asmo, did you recieve my message?
  64. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: -Asmo walked in reading the log then jotted names down- So who's this Sriracha chick
  65. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: on where?
  66. KiyokoYoshitaka: Skype.
  67. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Legion mind giving me a view please <L.E.G.I.O.N uncloak then opened a screen to show asmo his skype: Yes sir>
  68. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Ah sure i can do that
  69. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Quite, well Asmo...I'm afraid you must forgive me though you strike me as a man whom I have met and or spoken with once before. Though maybe you were under a different name? Anyhow, this Sorcha...I have no clue who she is though when she met Vika of whom it is to my understanding that you have an alliance with Scorpianis, when she met Vika she told her that she was family. That isn't true, I have never seen her before, I have never met her. All I know is that she has been watching Vika, including those she has been around, or with, and talking to...
  70. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Keade it's me
  71. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Yukora
  72. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Figured so
  73. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Long time bud. Also I want this chick here now please
  74. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: IF able
  75. DeadlyLoveless: I tried to invite her earlier it said she was offline
  76. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Aye I have been trying also
  77. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Let me check something
  78. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: -he walked to his lab to see al lscreens-
  79. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: come)
  80. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: under yall
  81. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: screen2
  82. KiyokoYoshitaka: I want a raise. > . >"
  83. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Sorcha has no interests yet it is older then a year. Also Kiyoko we quit that sicne we left the P.R.O.P.H.E.T.S
  84. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Anyways
  85. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: screem3
  86. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: screen3
  87. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: screen1
  88. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: there it is
  89. KiyokoYoshitaka: Right, right.
  90. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Sorcha is a suspect if interest
  91. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: and from what i've read is out to ruin relationships
  92. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: KEade have you had any confrontation in the past months with her
  93. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: give or take
  94. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Not until today
  95. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: And from what I understand you've been MIA
  96. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Vika spoke with her on and off
  97. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Mhm
  98. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: hmmm
  99. DeadlyLoveless: hm.
  100. KiyokoYoshitaka: .. Um.
  101. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Rather odd my name isn't in Vika's profile so how was i put in this
  102. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: That's what gets me
  103. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I quit imvu a week ago due to no end of bs and yet I find myself dealing with it once again
  104. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: just someone wanting to start drama and bs sir
  105. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Got back on to let some folk know I'm alive still and of how things are going
  106. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: My hypothesis leads me to believe that Vika and Sorcha are linked
  107. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: as in 1 network
  108. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Keade relax from this BS, ill take this task for ya
  109. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: This is but a Class D
  110. KeadeDeLaSoulz: -Nods-
  111. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Go and relax, feel free to hang here i don't mind
  112. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I wouldn't have thought the two were linked however Sorcha knows some history, how and why idk
  113. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Juliet, sweety my favorite spy
  114. DeadlyLoveless: It will be fine ^^ I can't stand being accused of something that isn't true. ^^ I will do anything I have to to clear it.
  115. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: yes sir
  116. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: /screen2
  117. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: I needa favor
  118. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: sir what would that be
  119. DeadlyLoveless: brb
  120. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Tyt
  121. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: tyt
  122. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: You will be under the radar to investigate this by spying on both Vika and Sorcha. MY hypothesis stands since I suspect since Sorcha knows a lot of history and my name was put in it that Vika may be using 2 accounts. According to the log she came here and left after verification of me not being her mate was guven
  123. KeadeDeLaSoulz: So, last I knew you were with Foxy. What happened there?
  124. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Who's foxy?
  125. KeadeDeLaSoulz: My ex sister :D
  126. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: I'm lost
  127. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: shutdown
  128. KeadeDeLaSoulz: She invited me to your wedding, this was round the time you and I had our issues
  129. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Ohhhh
  130. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: as you wish sir
  131. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Didn't work out
  132. KeadeDeLaSoulz: -Nods-
  133. DeadlyLoveless: <.< >.> ok now noone is underground lol
  134. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Babe scroll down
  135. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: my lab is down there
  136. DeadlyLoveless: Oh lol
  137. KeadeDeLaSoulz: And yes Vika is using two accounts however Sorcha wouldn't be that other account. I don't want to give that info out as she'd rein my ass and yeah, I've been in the dog house long enough as is
  138. DeadlyLoveless: is that a portal thing?
  139. DeadlyLoveless: oh
  140. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Sorcha knows history because she must have been there when things were going on
  141. KeadeDeLaSoulz: However all she knows or seems to know are bits and pieces
  142. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: both of oyu out the lab
  143. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Delasoulz was an ally to the kingdom of durt
  144. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: hmmm
  145. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Sorcha was stalking Vika's page
  146. DeadlyLoveless: Durt.
  147. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Vika went into durt to have it out with Sorcha but to also inform durt of a termination of alliance
  148. KeadeDeLaSoulz: As without me delasoulz is practically dead...As Vika so put it.
  149. DeadlyLoveless: As in Doc Durt?
  150. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Mhm
  151. DeadlyLoveless: Hm.
  152. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: i knew it
  153. KeadeDeLaSoulz: That alliance ended for two reasons
  154. KeadeDeLaSoulz: One being my leaving from imvu
  155. KeadeDeLaSoulz: And two? They are now in bed with someone whom Vika annd I had a very bad dealing with in the past.
  156. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Why was Sorcha there? To stir the pot.
  157. DeadlyLoveless: And who would that be if I may ask Sir.
  158. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Get info out of him so it seems
  159. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Any of you know of a XeroDeLaMortai?
  160. DeadlyLoveless: I do
  161. KeadeDeLaSoulz: That'd be him.
  162. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Delasoulz and Delamortai do not get along, for one reason...Vika.
  163. DeadlyLoveless: Doc is mixed with a many bad people/
  164. DeadlyLoveless: .*
  165. KeadeDeLaSoulz: I wish he wasn't
  166. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: -Asmo messeged Fallen to see if the P.R.O.P.H.E.T.S know of DeLaMortal-
  167. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Don't get me wrong he seems like a swell chap though who he's in bed with...Lol, a different story
  168. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Nothing but they are willing to pause the personal debat to solve this
  169. DeadlyLoveless: I have been part of that group of bad people he was with. It is better to stay away from.
  170. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: nor are affiliated withthat minor empire
  171. KeadeDeLaSoulz: -Nods-
  172. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Well I wouldn't be forming an alliance with them again
  173. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: she accept my friend request
  174. KeadeDeLaSoulz: So she's online then
  175. DeadlyLoveless: Now if we could get her in here
  176. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: sir your skype
  177. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: i needyo uto speak with her Juliet
  178. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: i found her acc already
  179. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: wen she gets online i will sir
  180. KeadeDeLaSoulz: She's in her room
  181. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: infintrated
  182. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: no one come
  183. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: til i call
  184. KiyokoYoshitaka: Mhmm..
  185. KeadeDeLaSoulz: -Nods-
  186. LovelyShipper: Hello all
  187. DeadlyLoveless: Welcome back
  188. LovelyShipper: Ty
  189. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: jackpot
  190. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: im getting the truth no one go in there
  191. Guest_Evilashel: Um? Go in where?
  192. KiyokoYoshitaka: ~:Sighs:~ I give up even trying.
  193. KeadeDeLaSoulz: -Nods-
  194. DeadlyLoveless: hm?
  195. LovelyShipper: Where exactly?
  196. DeadlyLoveless: some woman is causing problems, babe is figuring out why
  197. LovelyShipper: What's the name?
  198. DeadlyLoveless: SIORICIHIA
  199. LovelyShipper: Hm.
  200. LovelyShipper: When did she start pestering?
  201. KeadeDeLaSoulz: She did so earlier on
  202. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Alexa do not get involved
  203. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: im getting all answrs now
  204. LovelyShipper: Why not?
  205. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: she is singing like a canary
  206. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: because I got this
  207. LovelyShipper: Figures..
  208. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: LOWRI
  209. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: she's lowri
  210. KeadeDeLaSoulz: ...
  211. DeadlyLoveless: hm?
  212. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: bingo log sent
  213. KeadeDeLaSoulz: What she say?
  214. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: deadly has the log
  215. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Your welcome I had to resort to my old ways to do this and flirt
  216. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Very well.
  217. LovelyShipper: Would you mind sending it over to me?
  218. Guest_OKMB: get a gift from imvu today ?! I've tried successfully>
  219. Guest_OKMB: Click >> then select the gift
  220. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Lowri...Last I knew she was apparently dead IRL
  221. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Guess not
  222. EmpsJulietNoelDIOCSF: gd wanna be hackers
  223. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: shes not dead irl
  224. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: i researched her ip adress and all things linked to her
  225. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: she is alove and healthy
  226. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: alive*
  227. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: medical records are A ok
  228. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: minor things tho
  229. LovelyShipper: -brow raise-
  230. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: People come to me for hackingstuff too
  231. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: im a hacker myself
  232. DeadlyLoveless: So I was just a doll lol wow.
  233. DeadlyLoveless: Nothing that hasn't happened before lol
  234. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Harley it was a decoy excuse to get answers
  235. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Spy work
  236. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: I am a Triple agent
  237. DeadlyLoveless: Not you dear lol.
  238. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: oh
  239. DeadlyLoveless: And I know. I have been through this before lol
  240. DeadlyLoveless: the distraction to throw people off.
  241. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Keade this is but her playig a game on you
  242. KeadeDeLaSoulz: She always has been
  243. DeadlyLoveless: T_T back in my day as a guardian lol
  244. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: I will handle her myself
  245. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Truth be told it is because of her my empire was lost
  246. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: I may have left Scorpianis but i am stil la guardian tehre
  247. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: there*
  248. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Ach...I couldn't give a monkeys about Scorpianis tbh
  249. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: you and me both
  250. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Vika fled from delasoulz to help her bro with Scorpianis
  251. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Sad truth
  252. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: yikes
  253. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Scorpianis isnt surviving
  254. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: its jus ta club not an empire
  255. KeadeDeLaSoulz: And some of those she recruited
  256. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: tbh <.<
  257. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Tried coming between her and I
  258. KeadeDeLaSoulz: One of them even claimed that her and I are the same person
  259. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Still got the log
  260. KeadeDeLaSoulz: And it isn't surviving because Dragonis is hardly online, but then he has his reasons
  261. KeadeDeLaSoulz: With regard to Lowri though she turned an entire empire against eaach other
  262. LovelyShipper: Well that log almost made me wanna gag..
  263. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Oh I got her IP address >D
  264. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: >:D
  265. KeadeDeLaSoulz: -Nods-
  266. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Keade log off and relax
  267. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: your relationship is ok
  268. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Call me anytime you need assistance again
  269. KeadeDeLaSoulz: ...Until the next bat shit gobshite comes along.
  270. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: ill handle it
  271. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Its best you don't. Ppl have been trying to split her and I up for two years
  272. AsmoOfAgarthanCrypts: Nah I enjoy doing what I do
  273. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Hasn't worked
  274. KeadeDeLaSoulz: Anyway I'll leave you folk to it
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