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Dec 1st, 2019
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  1. –]Tutsks pronouns disrespected by /r/GamerGhazi 9 points 2 months ago
  2. Mmmmm Hmmmm,
  4. This is the thing:
  6. I've engaged with you in good faith, many times. I attempted to understand you, to see things from your perspective, and, the only thing you demonstrated is to be completely, and totally, absent of anything that could be considered Intelligence.
  8. You function as a not particularly bright AI that gets an input, gives an output, no thought, consideration, correlation, context, or anything resembling awareness, involved.
  10. And that is fine. I am not an ableist. Far from it. And if anyone doubts my words, its all up there in my post history.
  12. A couple months ago, I stated I was done. And I am. With you, in particular, and with Rara, and with this. This being playing low budget Phoenix Wright on easy with verbose, but completely unintelligent NPC's.
  14. And, its most of all, because you are boring as fuck. This is not an interesting back and forth. You offer absolutely nothing. You never do. None of these discussions ever do. All you do is spout nonsense which you deem right because you think is right, and arguing with you, is akin to arguing with a wall. There is no expectation that your mind will change, or that you will even understand what was said.
  16. Its really, really dull.
  18. That said, my points are self explanatory. The disingenuous mobsters professing to sell insurance would doubtlessly make the same argument you are "What's wrong with warning people things break?", while completely obviating the fact that things won't just break, they will break them. Same for you. You are threatening to ban someone if he displeases you, if not in so many words. Many people have pointed it. Why, it is possible you might have good intentions, but I honestly doubt it.
  20. And, as noted, the discussion is academic. But it exemplifies the biggest issue here:
  22. You think you are right because you think you are right, and no evidence will convince you to the contrary.
  24. I don't know if you have really low iq, if you are legit autistic, or really, what the issue is. Honestly, neither do I care. Again, the point with mentioning the Pewdiepie situation is self evident:
  26. If you are disconnected enough from reality that you don't think PDP is relevant, you shouldn't be here. But beyond that, that discussion exemplifies the issue I've been pointing out since I first engaged you a couple months back: This is tiresome. Why in the fuck should people be arguing with you that the number one gaming channel in the world, perhaps in history, is relevant. If I was making this stuff up, people wouldn't believe it.
  28. And, it always plays exactly the same. For proof? There is some imbecile, apparently from the mod team, arguing in twitter that apparently, PDP is normie culture, in perhaps the most pathetic b..but im right right? attempt I've ever seen.
  30. To put things succinctly: There is no point in addressing you, because you exist in a completely different reality, disconnected from our own. If your cope is that everyone hates you for whatever and you are merely persecuted for no reason, more power to you.
  32. But I think that even you, know that that is not the case.
  34. Consider these 3200 characters a parting gift. I really have nothing much to discuss with you. I may or may not hang around, at my option. And I am more than open to discussing any and all things with Hand, who I've also engaged, and who, I actually respect.
  36. You? You are a bad mod. Not because of who you are. Not because you are snarky. But because you lack the maturity, intelligence, and social skills to interact with others, and to understand, and perform a task that really, requires minimal thought, properly.
  38. I will, finally note, that in this same thread, you noted that "you are trying to be less of an asshole (PP)", and Hand noted that he keeps you around because you are trying. So, yes, you are a dick. Acknowledged by you, and Bane. No, nothing has been done about it, and nothing will be done about it. That was my point. Mod abuse is not covered in the rules. That was my point. You threatening people, is not covered in the rules. That was my point. You are a disingenuous individual without the minimal judgement required to even perform this task, as evidenced by the PDP situation and countless others. That is my point.
  40. And, I am posting this publicly, because I fully believe you will file this accordingly as you often do, in your "cope" drawer. And that is why I'm writing this publicly. Someone else might, at some point, have use of this. Or find it amusing. Or find value in my words. Or something.
  42. But talking to you as a person? Discussing anything with you? It is the quintessential "pearls before swine".
  44. QED.
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