
A Dream Come True

Jan 25th, 2017
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  1. “Mhhhhh! MMMMMMHHHHHHHHH!” Guy shouted from his gag. Gal was running down the halls with him slung over her shoulder. Reaching her dorm, she kicks the door open and tosses him to the bottom bunk. Shutting and locking the door behind her, she jumps in the bunk with him, taking her clothes off.
  3. “Finally, so long, I finally got you!” Gal says, drooling a bit from her mouth, her shirt flying off, revealing a risqué bra, slipping her skirt off and showing equally lewd panties. Her hands go to underneath Guy’s shirt, feeling his body as she sits on his crotch, grinding her hips on his. “I hope you’re ready, Guy, because today we’re going to have some fun.”
  5. Guy struggles to get the gag off, finally managing to do so after she finishes her little speech. “You insane bitch! What’s wrong with you?!” He shouts at her. “This is rape, kidnapping and all other kinds of-“While Guy was rambling, Gal slipped a pill in her mouth and forcibly kissed him, pushing the pill down his throat, making sure he swallowed it. “What hell did you just give me!?”
  7. “Oh, you’ll see. Just wait for it kick in,” she says, wriggling her ass. “In fact, I feel it right now.” She could feel Guy’s erection starting to poke at her ass. “Oh my Guy, I didn’t know you were such a naughty boy,” she giggled.
  9. “Y-you.....insane……” Guy shook his head, his head starting to cloud up with arousal, his senses started to fade out. He could only feel the throbbing need to release, to let loose. “W-where……..S-Satomiii….” He growled under his breath.
  11. “Correct, I had her make me something like this. Also helped she was looking for a test subject for something like this as well. But, before that-” Gal grabbed Guy’s arms that were tied in front of him and hooked them above his head on the bed frame. “There~ now let’s dig in.” She bend down and kissed him, her tongue entering his mouth. She played with it for a while, Guy trying to fight back and pull away, but he could feel his resistance fade as her kissing got more furious. He started to kiss back a little, his tongue entwining with hers.
  13. Gal breaks the kiss, licking her lips as she lifts Guy’s shirt more. “Mmm, I didn’t know you’d be so into this. I should have done this long ago.” Guy struggles a bit more weakly as he tries to break free, but Gal’s weight was enough to hold him down as she lifted more of his shirt. She then shimmed down to his pants, undoing the buckle and pants, pulling them down.
  15. She stares at the tenting boxers, rubbing a finger up the back of the bulge as she licks her lips again, waiting to see what’s underneath there. As she does, she hears Guy stifling his moans, his penis starting to pulsate and jump at her agonizing touch. She grabs the waist band, and slowly starts to pull it down, millimeter by millimeter, her nose starting to bleed at the sight she’s about to see. Down, the boxers comes down until-
  17. “Mr. Shonin, could you wake up your cousin?”
  19. “I guess I have to. Spark,” Guy sighs.
  21. “BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! I’m up, I’m up!” Gal shouts after getting electrocuted. She jumps up, her nose blood flinging up in the air.
  23. “Jesus Christ, Gal, what are you dreaming of now?” Guy asks, handing her a tissue.
  25. Gal looks at Guy and back at the tissue before feeling the drip from her nose. She quickly takes it and dabs her nose, putting pressure to make it stop and leaning back. Guy grabs her head and pulls it back. “Don’t, you’ll just choke on your own blood, pervert.”
  27. “Awww, you do care.” She says, slightly nasally.
  29. “Whatever. It’s time for lunch. You missed all of 4 period. You’re lucky I made you a copy of mine.”
  31. She jumps up and hugs him rubbing her face against his. “Awww, you’re so kind to your Nee-chan~.”
  33. “Never have I called you that, and GET OFF OF ME, YOU BLEEDING BROAD!” Guy roars as he jabs her side. Gal immediately falls over holding her side. “Now get up. I figured you didn’t make your lunch, so I made one for you. Eat it, and I expect the utensils back.”
  35. Gal coughs, grabbing the held out bento. “Look at you, so tsundere.”
  37. Guy looks at her, unamused. “I should’ve just left you sleeping,” he says face palming and walking away.
  39. Gal quickly gets up and walks by him, making small talk as they go out to the courtyard.
  41. ‘Maybe I could ask Satomi if she can do something for me’ Gal thinks to herself.
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