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a guest
Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. // Hardware cfg - Generated by QUAKE LIVE. Do not modify
  3. unbindall
  4. //seta clan " ^2r^3i^4z^5l^6a"
  5. seta name "crazidd"
  6. bind TAB "+scores "
  7. //bind Space "vstr rjump"
  8. bind 1 "exec autoexec.cfg"
  9. bind 2 "stoprecord"
  10. bind \ "toggleconsole"
  11. bind F9 "vstr vol_down"
  12. bind F10 "vstr vol_up"
  13. bind CTRL "+speed"
  14. bind m "+moveright"
  15. bind n "+back"
  16. bind r "messagemode2"
  17. bind d "dropweapon"
  18. bind t "messagemode"
  19. bind v "+moveleft"
  20. bind w "+acc"
  21. bind MOUSE2 "+moveup;"
  22. bind MOUSE3 "+movedown"
  23. bind F1 "vote yes"
  24. bind F2 "vote no"
  25. bind F3 "readyup"
  26. bind F5 "team r"
  27. bind F6 "team b"
  28. bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
  29. bind x "+forward"
  30. bind e "+chat"
  31. bind MOUSE4 "+zoom"
  32. bind F11 "screenshotJPEG"
  33. bind KP_DOWNARROW "toggle r_fullscreen; vid_restart"
  34. bind KP_PGDN "vid_restart"
  35. seta cg_fov "116"
  36. seta cg_zoomfov "75"
  37. //cazzate
  39. bind 3 "Say_team ^5LOW"
  40. bind 5 "Say ^5 Cigarette ^6plese ^3more cigaterette"
  41. bind 6 "Say ^4:)>>"
  42. bind 7 "Say ^6kiss this shoot kiss kiss"
  43. bind 8 "Say_team ^1push push push"
  44. bind 9 "say ^3omg ^2trololol"
  45. bind F7 "Say ^4 HI"
  46. bind F8 "Say ^3Nice ^4very ^3nice Niceeeee "
  48. // Weapon
  50. bind SPACE "weapon 6;cg_drawgun 2" // SHAFT
  52. bind ALT "weapon 5;cg_drawgun 0" // Roket
  54. bind z "weapon 7;cg_drawgun 2" // RAIL
  56. bind s "weapon 2;cg_drawgun 2" // Minigun
  58. bind MWHEELUP "weapon 8;cg_drawgun 0"// Plasma
  60. bind c "weapon 4;cg_drawgun 0"// Minelle MOUSE5
  62. bind MWHEELDOWN "weapon 3;cg_drawgun 0" // SG
  64. bind a "weapon 1;cg_drawGun 2" //gunlet
  66. unaliasall
  70. // mouse
  72. sensitivity "17.5" // 3.55
  73. seta m_accel ".1"
  74. seta cl_mouseAccelPower "2"
  75. seta cl_mouseAccel "0.020"
  76. seta cl_mouseAccelStyle "0"
  77. //seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "0"
  78. seta m_cpi "400"
  79. seta in_mouseMode "win32(Raw)"
  80. in_mouse "2"
  81. seta cl_mouseSensCap "0"
  82. seta m_yaw "0.015" // Asse orizzontale
  83. seta m_pitch "0.0153" //0.22
  84. seta cg_gunz "0" //0
  85. seta cg_gunx "0" //0
  86. seta cg_guny "0" //0
  87. seta m_filter "1"
  88. set ch_crosshair_l1nkje "1"
  89. seta cg_crosshairSize "1"
  90. seta cg_crosshairColor "5"
  95. seta cg_lagHax "-1"
  96. seta r_fastSkyColor "0x000000"
  97. seta r_teleporterFlash "0"
  98. seta cg_killBeep "8"
  99. seta cg_playerlean "1"
  100. seta cvar "1"
  101. seta com_blood "0"
  102. seta HitBeep "2"
  103. seta winkey_disable "1"
  104. seta cg_trueShotgun "0"
  105. seta cg_speedometer "0"
  106. seta cg_smokeRadius_haste "0" //8
  107. seta cg_smokeRadius_flight "0" //8
  108. seta cg_smokeRadius_dust "0" //24
  109. seta cg_simpleItemsRadius "21" //15
  110. seta cg_lightningImpactCap "700" //192 96
  111. seta cg_itemFx "3" //7
  112. seta r_Color "0x000000"
  113. seta cg_altplasma "0"
  114. seta cg_altlightning "2" //1
  115. seta cg_drawFriend "1"
  116. //seta rjump_1 "set freelook 0;+lookdown;vstr uhhh;+attack;+moveup"
  117. //seta rjump_2 "-lookdown;set freelook 1;-attack;-moveup"
  118. //seta rjump "vstr rjump_1;vstr uhhh;vstr rjump_2;"
  119. //seta uhhh "wait;wait;wait;wait"
  120. seta s_rolloff "0"
  121. seta cg_impactMarkTime "0" //10000.000000
  122. seta g_rocketsplashOffset "10" //5
  123. seta cg_zoomOutOnDeath "1"
  124. seta cg_zoomToggle "0"
  125. seta cg_bobroll "0"
  126. seta cg_bobpitch "0"
  127. seta cg_plasmaStyle "1"
  128. seta cg_predictItems "1"
  129. seta cg_forcemodel "1" //0
  130. seta cl_allowConsoleChat "0"
  131. seta teamtask "0"
  132. seta sex "male"
  133. seta r_mapOverBrightCap "110" //225 110
  134. seta r_BloomBrightThreshold "0"
  135. seta r_BloomSaturation "0"
  136. seta r_BloomIntensity "0"
  137. seta r_BloomSceneSaturation "0"
  138. seta r_BloomSceneIntensity "0"
  139. seta r_BloomPasses "1"
  140. seta r_BloomBlurRadius "0"
  141. seta r_BloomBlurFalloff "0"
  142. seta r_BloomBlurScale "0"
  143. seta r_gl_vendor "ATI Technologies Inc."
  144. seta r_gl_renderer "ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series "
  145. seta r_gl_reserved "1"
  146. seta cg_cameraOrbitDelay "50"
  147. seta cg_chatHistoryLength "6"
  148. seta cg_clanOnTeamOverlay "0"
  149. seta cg_crosshairHealth "0"
  150. seta cg_crosshairX "0"
  151. seta cg_crosshairY "0"
  152. seta cg_deadBodyColor "0x101010FF"
  153. seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
  154. seta cg_draw2D "1"
  155. seta cg_draw3dIcons "1"
  156. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesOpacity "0.75"
  157. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeamHealth "2"
  158. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeamHealthSize "0.12f"
  159. seta cg_drawFullWeaponBar "1"
  160. seta cg_drawIcons "1"
  161. seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
  162. seta cg_drawStatus "1"
  163. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayOpacity "0" //0.75
  164. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayX "0"
  165. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayY "-25" //0
  166. seta cg_forceBlueTeamModel ""
  167. seta cg_forceDrawCrosshair "0"
  168. seta cg_forceRedTeamModel ""
  169. seta cg_gibs "10"
  170. seta cg_lowAmmoWarningPercentile "0.20"
  171. seta cg_nopredict "0"
  172. seta cg_playerLean "1"
  173. seta cg_playTeamVO "1"
  174. seta cg_respawnTimerX "10"
  175. seta cg_respawnTimerY "100"
  176. seta cg_screenDamageAlpha "200"
  177. seta cg_screenDamageAlpha_Team "200"
  178. seta cg_selfOnTeamOverlay "1" //0
  179. seta cg_showmiss "0"
  180. seta cg_stats "0"
  181. seta cg_teamChatHeight "0"
  182. seta cg_teamChatsOnly "0"
  183. seta cg_teamChatTime "3000"
  184. seta vertex "1"
  185. seta cg_drawAttacker "0"
  186. seta cg_drawFPS "0"
  187. seta freelook "1"
  188. seta cg_drawRewards "1"
  189. seta cg_drawFragMessages "1"
  190. seta cg_zoomScaling "0"
  191. seta cg_impactSparksVelocity "200" //-128 64
  192. seta cg_switchOnEmpty "1"
  193. seta cg_lowAmmoWarningSound "1"
  194. seta cg_lowAmmoWeaponBarWarning "2"
  195. seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"
  196. seta cg_levelTimerDirection "0"
  197. seta cg_impactSparksLifetime "0"
  198. seta cg_noTaunt "0"
  199. seta web_botskill "easy"
  200. seta team_headmodel "bitterman/red"
  201. seta team_model "sarge/default"
  202. seta team_headmodel "sarge/default"
  203. seta headmodel "visor/red"
  204. seta cg_trueLightning "1" //0.87
  205. seta vol+ "vstr vol06"
  206. seta vol- "vstr vol04"
  207. seta com_blood "1"
  208. seta r_dlightBacks "1"
  209. seta cg_lightningImpact "1"
  210. seta cg_crosshairHitStyle "0"
  211. seta web_start_settings_9 "{}"
  212. seta cg_rocketStyle "1"
  213. seta cg_teamChatBeep "1"
  214. seta autorecordDemo "0"
  215. seta cg_screenDamage "0"
  216. seta cg_crosshairHitColor "1"
  217. seta cg_railStyle "1"
  218. seta stopdemorec "0"
  219. seta web_home "home"
  220. seta r_constrast "0.9"
  221. seta r_ambientScale "0" //100
  222. seta cg_weaponColor "0xRRGGBBAA"
  223. seta cg_crosshairHitTime "250"
  224. seta s_ambient "0"
  225. seta show "fps"
  226. seta cg_silenttimer "0"
  227. seta cg_crosshairBrightness "1"
  228. seta cg_lagometer "0"
  229. seta cg_zoomSensitivity "0"
  230. seta cg_bubbleTrail "0"
  231. seta cg_deadBodyDarken "1"
  232. seta cg_switchToEmpty "0"
  233. seta cg_smoke_SG "0"
  234. seta cg_smokeRadius_RL "0"
  235. seta cg_smokeRadius_NG "0"
  236. seta cg_smokeRadius_GL "0"
  237. seta cg_waterWarp "0"
  238. seta cg_kickScale "0"
  239. seta cg_bob "0"
  240. seta com_allowConsole "1"
  241. seta cg_lightningStyle "4" //1 4Stile di shaft
  242. seta cg_marks "0.000000"
  243. seta cg_simpleItems "1"
  244. seta cg_muzzleFlash "0"
  245. //seta cg_hudFiles "ui/k1llsen.cfg"
  246. seta cg_hudfiles "ui/lk.cfg"
  247. seta cg_teamUpperColor "0xff0000ff"
  248. seta cg_enemyUpperColor "0x00FF00FF"
  249. seta cg_enemyHeadColor "0x00FF00FF"
  250. seta cg_enemyLowerColor "0x00FF00FF"
  251. seta cg_teamLowerColor "0xff0000ff"
  252. seta cg_teamHeadColor "0xff0000ff"
  253. seta cg_forceTeamWeaponColor "1"
  254. seta cg_forceEnemyWeaponColor "1"
  255. seta cg_impactSparks "0"
  256. seta cg_weaponColor_grenade "0xff0000ff"
  257. seta web_chattimestamps "0"
  258. seta cg_allowtaunt "0"
  259. seta cg_showvoicetext ""
  260. seta cg_playvoicechats ""
  261. seta cg_drawtargetnames ""
  262. seta web_start_gametype "5"
  263. seta web_start_settings_5 "{}"
  264. seta web_start_settings_4 "{}"
  265. seta web_start_settings_3 "{}"
  266. seta web_start_settings_1 "{}"
  267. seta web_start_settings_0 "{}"
  268. seta vol10 "set s_volume 2.0; set vol- vstr vol09; set vol+ vstr vol10; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1**********^7^0|;"
  269. seta vol09 "set s_volume 1.8; set vol- vstr vol08; set vol+ vstr vol10; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1*********^7*^0|;"
  270. seta vol08 "set s_volume 1.6; set vol- vstr vol07; set vol+ vstr vol09; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1********^7**^0|;"
  271. seta vol07 "set s_volume 1.4; set vol- vstr vol06; set vol+ vstr vol08; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1*******^7***^0|;"
  272. seta vol06 "set s_volume 1.2; set vol- vstr vol05; set vol+ vstr vol07; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1******^7****^0|;"
  273. seta vol05 "set s_volume 1.0; set vol- vstr vol04; set vol+ vstr vol06; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1*****^7*****^0|;"
  274. seta vol04 "set s_volume 0.8; set vol- vstr vol03; set vol+ vstr vol05; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1****^7******^0| ^7(Default);"
  275. seta vol03 "set s_volume 0.6; set vol- vstr vol02; set vol+ vstr vol04; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1***^7*******^0|;"
  276. seta vol02 "set s_volume 0.4; set vol- vstr vol01; set vol+ vstr vol03; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1**^7********^0|;"
  277. seta cg_crosshairPulse "1"
  278. seta cg_chatbeep "0"
  279. seta cg_playerNames "0"
  280. seta vol01 "set s_volume 0.2; set vol- vstr vol+-; set vol+ vstr vol02; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1*^7*********^0|;"
  281. seta vol+- "set s_volume 0.0; set vol- vstr vol+-; set vol+ vstr vol01; echo ^7Sound Volume ^0|^1^7**********^0| ^7(Muted);"
  282. seta cg_noProjectileTrail "1"
  283. seta cl_autorecordDemo "0"
  284. seta cg_oldPlasma "1"
  285. seta cg_screenDamage_Self "0"
  286. seta cg_screenDamage_Team "0"
  287. seta rj "+moveup;+attack;wait;wait;-moveup;wait;-attack;-attack;-attack"
  288. seta meep "+left;+moveup;+attack;wait 2;-left;-moveup;-attack;+left;wait 2;-left"
  289. seta cg_weaponBar "1"
  290. seta web_practice_settings_5 "{}"
  291. seta demorec "stop"
  292. seta r_Brightness "0.90"
  293. seta cg_impactSparksSize "16"
  294. seta cg_railTrailTime "100"
  295. seta gam+ "vstr gam06"
  296. seta gam- "vstr gam04"
  297. seta cg_buzzerSound "0"
  298. seta r_subdivisions "20" //4 80
  299. seta cg_shadows "0"
  300. seta cg_drawItemPickups "3.000000"
  301. seta web_skipLauncher "1"
  302. seta r_fullbright "0.000000"
  303. seta r_vertexlight "1" // Se vedi nero impostare a 0
  304. seta r_inBrowserMode "5" //12
  305. seta r_picmip "5" //5
  306. seta cl_run "1"
  307. seta cl_freelook "1"
  308. seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "2" //1
  309. seta r_fastsky "1"
  310. seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
  311. seta r_dynamiclight "0"
  312. seta cg_brassTime "0"
  313. seta cg_scorePlums "0"
  314. seta cg_autoswitch "0"
  315. seta color2 "1"
  316. seta color1 "1"
  317. seta cg_forceTeamModel "visor/red"
  318. seta cg_forceEnemyModel "keel/bright" //tankjr/bright
  319. seta model "visor/red
  320. //seta cg_forceEnemyModel "keel/bright"
  321. //seta model "bitterman/red"
  322. seta vid_xpos "0"
  323. seta vid_ypos "0"
  324. seta r_uiFullScreen "0"
  325. seta r_colorCorrectActive "1"
  326. seta r_postProcessActive "1"
  327. seta cg_gameInfo6 " "
  328. seta cg_gametype "4"
  329. seta cg_premium "1"
  330. seta gt_eventid "1"
  331. seta cl_paused "0"
  332. seta cg_selectedPlayerName "sgtF"
  333. seta sv_paused "0"
  334. seta g_spSkill "2"
  335. seta com_hunkMegs "50" //448
  336. seta ui_singlePlayerActive "0"
  337. seta sv_running "0"
  338. seta cl_running "1"
  339. seta cg_selectedPlayer "1"
  340. seta cg_specOnly "2"
  341. seta r_displayrefresh "60" //160 75 120
  342. seta ui_voteactive "0"
  343. seta cg_compmode "0"
  344. seta sv_killserver "0"
  345. seta ui_mapIndex "0"
  346. seta ui_currentNetMap "0"
  347. seta r_depthbits "32"
  348. seta r_mapoverbrightbits "1"
  349. seta r_overBrightBits "0"
  350. seta r_aspectRatio "3" //0
  351. seta ui_lowAmmoPreset ""
  352. seta ui_impactSparks "Custom"
  353. seta cg_compHud "0"
  354. seta cg_teamColor ""
  355. seta ui_recordSPDemoName ""
  356. seta cg_projectileNudge "0"
  357. seta cg_enemyColor ""
  358. seta cg_customAspect_Y "0"
  359. seta cg_customAspect_X "0"
  360. seta cg_currentSelectedPlayerName ""
  361. seta cg_currentSelectedPlayer "0"
  362. seta net_socksPassword ""
  363. seta net_socksUsername ""
  364. seta net_socksPort "1080"
  365. seta net_socksServer ""
  366. seta net_socksEnabled "0"
  367. seta gt_master ""
  368. seta ui_marksPreset "No"
  369. seta ui_screenDamage_preset ""
  370. seta ui_screenDamage_Team_preset ""
  371. seta ui_globalpreset ""
  372. seta ui_screenDamage_Team "0"
  373. seta ui_screenDamage "0"
  374. seta ui_forceEnemyModel ""
  375. seta ui_forceTeamModel ""
  376. seta ui_bloomPreset ""
  377. seta ui_enemyLowerColor "27"
  378. seta ui_enemyUpperColor "27"
  379. seta ui_enemyHeadColor "27"
  380. seta ui_teamLowerColor "96"
  381. seta ui_teamUpperColor "96"
  382. seta ui_teamHeadColor "96"
  383. seta ui_enemyColor "0"
  384. seta ui_teamColor "0"
  385. seta ui_serverStatusTimeOut "7000"
  386. seta capturelimit "8"
  387. seta g_warmup "10"
  388. seta ui_recordSPDemo "0"
  389. seta ui_q3model "0" //0
  390. seta ui_findPlayer "Sarge"
  391. seta ui_bigFont "0.4"
  392. seta ui_smallFont "0.25"
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  395. seta ui_currentTier "0"
  396. seta ui_menuFiles "ui/menus.txt"
  397. seta ui_netSource "0"
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  399. seta ui_netGametype "3"
  400. seta ui_joinGametype "0"
  401. seta ui_gametype "3"
  402. seta ui_dedicated "0"
  403. seta ui_blueteam "Stroggs"
  404. seta ui_redteam "Pagans"
  405. seta ui_opponentName "Stroggs"
  406. seta ui_teamName "Pagans"
  407. seta com_soundMegs "8" //32
  408. seta r_lastValidRenderer "ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series "
  409. seta r_floatingPointFBOs "0"
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  423. seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
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  426. seta cl_viewAccel "1.0"
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  428. seta cl_Ping "800"
  429. seta r_inGameVideo "1"
  430. seta sv_wwwFallbackURL ""
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  437. seta in_joyVertMoveDeadzone "0"
  438. seta in_joyHorizMoveDeadzone "0"
  439. seta in_joyVertViewDeadzone "0"
  440. seta in_joyHorizViewDeadzone "0"
  441. seta in_joyVertViewSensitivity "0"
  442. seta in_joyHorizViewSensitivity "0"
  443. seta joy_threshold "0.15"
  444. seta in_joyBallScale "1.0"
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  446. seta in_joystick "0"
  447. seta in_mididevice "0"
  448. seta in_midichannel "0"
  449. seta in_midiport "0"
  450. seta in_midi "0"
  451. seta com_introplayed "0"
  452. seta com_configVersion "16"
  453. seta cg_enableRespawnTimer "1"
  454. seta cg_drawPregameMessages "1"
  455. seta bot_nochat "1"
  456. seta r_smp "0"
  457. seta r_ignorehwgamma "1"
  458. seta r_intensity "0.4"
  459. seta cg_predictLocalRailShots "1"
  460. seta r_railSegmentLength "8"
  461. seta r_railCoreWidth "6"
  462. seta r_railWidth "0"
  463. seta r_stereo "0"
  464. seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.1"
  465. seta r_finish "1"
  466. seta s_mixahead "0.5"
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  468. seta r_enablepostprocess "1"
  469. seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
  470. seta r_simpleMipMaps "1" //0
  471. seta r_colorbits "32"
  472. seta r_primitives "2" //0 2
  473. seta s_initsound "1"
  474. seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
  475. seta r_swapInterval "0"
  476. seta mapname "nomap"
  477. seta r_lodscale "50"
  478. seta nextmap "map_restart 0"
  479. seta ui_lightingModelPreset "Custom"
  480. seta r_lightmap "0"
  481. seta r_enableColorCorrect "1"
  482. seta cg_atmosphericEffects "0"
  483. seta cg_viewsize "100"
  484. seta logfile "0"
  485. seta s_doppler "0"
  486. seta s_musicvolume "0"
  487. seta s_volume "0.5"
  488. seta r_gamma "1.2"
  489. seta r_texturebits "0" // 32
  490. seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
  491. //seta r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR"
  492. seta r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
  493. seta r_lodbias "1" //0
  494. seta r_mode "-1" // 9 22 -1
  495. seta in_nograb "0"
  496. seta r_fullscreen "1"
  497. seta com_zoneMegs "16"
  498. seta r_noFastRestart "0"
  499. seta sv_cheats "0"
  500. set vol_up "vstr vol_5"
  501. set vol_down "vstr vol_3"
  502. set vol_0 "s_volume 0.0; set vol_up vstr vol_0.5; set vol_down vstr vol_0 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^70.0^0]"
  503. set vol_0.5 "s_volume 0.1; set vol_up vstr vol_1; set vol_down vstr vol_0 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.1^0]"
  504. set vol_1 "s_volume 0.2; set vol_up vstr vol_2; set vol_down vstr vol_0.5; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.2^0]"
  505. set vol_2 "s_volume 0.3; set vol_up vstr vol_3; set vol_down vstr vol_1 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.3^0]"
  506. set vol_3 "s_volume 0.4; set vol_up vstr vol_4; set vol_down vstr vol_2 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.4^0]"
  507. set vol_4 "s_volume 0.5; set vol_up vstr vol_5; set vol_down vstr vol_3 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.5^0]"
  508. set vol_5 "s_volume 0.6; set vol_up vstr vol_6; set vol_down vstr vol_4 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.6^0]"
  509. set vol_6 "s_volume 0.7; set vol_up vstr vol_7; set vol_down vstr vol_5 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.7^0]"
  510. set vol_7 "s_volume 0.8; set vol_up vstr vol_8; set vol_down vstr vol_6 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.8^0]"
  511. set vol_8 "s_volume 0.9; set vol_up vstr vol_9; set vol_down vstr vol_7 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^20.9^0]"
  512. set vol_9 "s_volume 1.0; set vol_up vstr vol_10; set vol_down vstr vol_8 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^21.0^0]"
  513. set vol_10 "s_volume 1.2; set vol_up vstr vol_11; set vol_down vstr vol_9 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^21.2^0]"
  514. set vol_11 "s_volume 1.4; set vol_up vstr vol_12; set vol_down vstr vol_10 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^21.4^0]"
  515. set vol_12 "s_volume 1.6; set vol_up vstr vol_12;
  516. set vol_down vstr vol_11 ; echo ^7Volume: ^0[^11.6^0]"
  519. //Demo
  521. seta cg_autoAction "1" //1 demo solo - 3 demo+ screen
  522. seta cl_demoRecordMessage "1" //0 non vedi messaggio
  525. //Rete
  527. cg_predictLocalRailShots "1"
  528. seta con_scale "0.9"
  529. seta con_timestamp "0"
  530. seta con_noprint "0"
  531. seta con_background "0" // 1
  532. seta con_height "0.7" //0.5
  533. seta con_opacity "0.9" 0.75
  534. seta con_speed "1000" //3
  535. seta net_noudp "0"
  536. seta net_noipx "0" //1
  537. seta cl_packetdup "0" //1 5
  538. seta rate "8800" //25000
  539. seta cl_maxpackets "125" //125
  540. seta cl_timenudge "-7" //0 -7
  541. seta cg_delag_cmdTimeNudge "0"
  542. //seta snap "30" //60
  543. //seta cg_smoothClients "0" //1 0
  545. set inres "in_mouse 0;wait 50;in_restart;wait 50;in_mouse 2;wait 50;in_restart;echo Mouseinput restarted"
  547. in_restart
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