
PlantTech2 - json configuration

Oct 17th, 2020 (edited)
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JSON 1.62 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Cropconfigurations can be changed by using data packs.
  2. You need to create the folder pt2_crops in your data pack and use the name of the crop you want to override.
  3. As an example: We change the seeds for the dirt crop to carrots and coal.
  4. The file pt2_crops/dirt.json would look like:
  6. {
  7.     "seeds": ["minecraft:carrot", "minecraft:coal"]
  8. }
  10. When not overwriting things things in the file, they will stay as default.
  11. When you want to delete things, just make it empty. Like
  13. {
  14.     "seeds": []
  15. }
  17. Here is a overview of all configurations with comments:
  19. {
  20.     "_comment1": "When not enabled, crops will have no parents and will not be shown in plantencyclopedia",
  21.     "enabled": true,
  22.     "_comment2": "0 = extreme Cold, 1 = cold, 2 = normal, 3 = warm, 4 = extreme warm",
  23.     "temperature": 1,
  24.     "_comment3": "Allow these items to be used as seeds for this crop when clicking on crop bars",
  25.     "seeds": ["minecraft:carrot_seeds", "planttech2:dancium_block"],
  26.     "_comment4": "Add possible drops to this crop. Droprate depends on productivity trait",
  27.     "drops": [{
  28.         "item": "minecraft:diamond",
  29.         "min": 0,
  30.         "max": 4
  31.     }, {
  32.         "tag": "forge:block/iron",
  33.         "min": 0,
  34.         "max": 2
  35.     }, {
  36.         "item": "planttech2:dancium_block",
  37.         "min": 1,
  38.         "max": 5
  39.     }],
  40.     "parents": [{
  41.         "_comment": "The order of the partner doesnt matter",
  42.         "_comment2": "Chance to mutate in %",
  43.         "partner_1": "enderdragon",
  44.         "partner_2": "enderman",
  45.         "chance": 5
  46.     }, {
  47.         "partner_1": "dirt",
  48.         "partner_2": "diamond",
  49.         "chance": 2.5
  50.     }, {
  51.         "partner_1": "copper",
  52.         "partner_2": "tin",
  53.         "chance": 6
  54.     }],
  55.     "soil": {
  56.         "block": "minecraft:soil"
  57.     }
  58. }
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