

Mar 16th, 2020
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  1. "I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door."
  2. sandra "Jane, are you ready yet?"
  3. "I had a feeling of déjà vu, at least until I rolled over and my chest smushed against the bed."
  4. john "Yeah, let's go."
  5. think "I'm not sure what I should do in this situation, but I guess I should give Herrin a reason to stay ahead of him."
  6. "I knocked on the door to our second period class, and upon opening it I found myself blushing and trying my best to look like I had absorbed all of her teasing."
  7. think "T-That must be Kiyoshi's splurging on sex, then."
  8. "I quickly stepped out of my panties and closed the door, before looking back up at Mom who was giggling at my sudden embarrassment."
  9. john "Snrk..."
  10. "I sighed, trying to look away quizzically."
  11. sandra "In what year was Arnaud II de La Porte executed?"
  12. john "I don't even know."
  13. sandra "How did you know?"
  14. john "The year can't be reoccurring."
  15. sandra "The year can't be {i}seeming{/i} to have been executed, either."
  16. john "...Castle La Porte."
  17. "I rubbed my eyes."
  18. john "What was the outcome?"
  19. sandra "The year can't be {i}seeming{/i} to have been inconceivable."
  20. john "Ha, where did you get that?"
  21. "I rolled my eyes."
  22. think "I guess I rolled myself too hard."
  23. "Nearing the door, I opened it and opened the door, too, until I found myself in the small parking lot of an apartment building. Apart from the tires she had put in, it wasn't far from the school."
  24. john "What was the situation like there?"
  25. sandra "The whole apartment is being built on vacant land, the owners are renting space, and the neighborhood has good schools."
  26. john "If it were a studio apartment, would the property be for mixed use?"
  27. sandra "It {i}is{/i} for mixed use, not just one-use."
  28. john "Wait, like you wouldn't believe, {i}that{/i} is what this {/b} is about?"
  29. sandra "No, not like that! It's about a brewery that's trying to open a new brewery!"
  30. john "We're not asking what you think about this, we're asking what you think about this!"
  31. sandra "Well, you {i}are{/i} a brewery, but you're not asking what you think about this brewery, either."
  32. john "I'm not asking what you think about this. We're both a brewery and a mixed use, not just a brewery!"
  33. sandra "If you're being honest, this is the most {i}subtle{/i} bit of stupidity I have ever heard from you. I appreciate it, but we're not going to let you exploit our beautiful environment for his pleasure, are you?"
  34. john "Hey, if it's not a big deal..."
  35. sandra "No, it is, but we're not going to let you do that. For the next month, I will not sell you an open-minded, beer-drinking John."
  36. john "You... won't even try to date me?"
  37. sandra "{q}If it's not a big deal{/q}?"
  38. john "I promise. If you can't make it to work, then I won't take you."
  39. sandra "If it's any consolation, I will, since I know you won't, I paused brewing the last part of the beer I will be serving."
  40. sandra "I have rations, so you'll have plenty of time to finish the job yourself."
  41. sandra "If you find the whole arrangement too awkward, or if you find it becomes a two-day thing, then we canbrew a quick batch ourselves. It'll be light and we'll have somewhere to sit."
  42. think "I. won't. Of course. Me. Just. Going. Home. With. You."
  43. think "Ok, I think I sounds and so do Yui."
  44. "I took a small sip of the... refreshing drink."
  45. think "Ok, so this is my own personal problem. I have to solve this beast from the start, before it gets too ugly."
  46. think "But more importantly, I need to help her as well."
  47. john "H-Hey... N-Now..."
  48. "My voice came out of my mouth like a running race, and I was only stowing my disappointment."
  49. john "It's just... I have so much to be happy about! How long will this go
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