

May 29th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 1 And if she sees that little flying mon flitting around, you'd like it and its keys intact.  But you'll understand if there's collateral damage.  And Mawlie chowing down on it wholesale is better than it stealing <em>your</em> key.  One in the hand, two in the bush.: (Hymn of Ragnarok)
  2. [X] 1 Introduce the Mawlie.  Now or later, and let people know about our new finds.: (Hymn of Ragnarok)
  3. [X] 1 Investigate the NOPE wall, try and make as small, least damaging, and exposing opening as possible and explore the other side. That source of the meat smell could go a long way for keeping Red and the new girl less growly. Meat is awesome like that.: (TheOtherSandman)
  4. [X] 1 Investigate the NOPE wall, try and make as small, least damaging, and exposing opening as possible and explore the other side. That source of the meat smell could go a long way for keeping Red and the new girl less growly. Meat is awesome like that.The way I see it everywhere we have the option of going right now is one barrier between us and the zombies.  The kitchen cellar is probably slightly better, with the computer room being the absolute best.  The kitchen cellar made us feel weird because of the tree there though and the rotting material around the tree it probably isn't that comfortable a place to sleep in.  I could see the point that we're less noticeable to the zombies there though, but the workshop room is probably more comfortable.  I guess the cellar is less close to the zeds and that is a comfort of its own though.: (inverted_helix)
  5. [X] 1 Last, the metal box upstairs.  If the Mawlie thinks she can open it quietly and without damaging what's inside, well, it's a valuable source of metal.  Treat food for her and we may be able to use the shards as makeshift nails if you can get relatively straight cuts of metal.  Plus whatever is inside.  Think hidden treasure, the allure of the mystery, and whatever was so valuable the owner of this mansion on its heyday kept it locked tight.: (Hymn of Ragnarok)
  6. [X] 2 Lay out the boards, and put the clothes and bedding on top of it. It's not much, but getting off the cold ground, even if just onto wooden boards, is an improvement and could keep you warmer.: (inverted_helix, TheOtherSandman)
  7. [X] 2 Make introductions to everyone. "Mawile, everyone. Everyone, Mawile. Try to keep it civil, m'kay?": (inverted_helix, TheOtherSandman)
  8. [X] 1 Move everything of possible use into the <span class="bbc_u">cellar </span>room, best to consolidate away from the possible break-in point.: (inverted_helix)
  9. [X] 1 Move everything of possible use into the main workshop room, best to consolidate away from the possible break-in point.: (TheOtherSandman)
  10. [X] 2 Take the Mawile over to the NOPE wall, see what she makes of it. Sure, Mama Bun's actions didn't seem to imply anything untoward but it never hurts for another opinion regarding something like this.: (inverted_helix, TheOtherSandman)
  11. [X] 1 Take what metal you can grab and the wood, move it back in.  If nothing else the metal may be melted down for reuse, or just feed it to the Mawlie.: (Hymn of Ragnarok)
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