
Things that come out of ovens are hot

Nov 28th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Tae was in the living room watching some lame cheesy hallmark christmas movie about some modern prince who finds love with some common random bitch, because that's totally realistic. Doesn't matter she was in a mush mood tonight.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was in the kitchen making another attempt at cupcakes. With marginally better results. He was in the process of stirring together all of his ingredients in a bowl, getting powdery mix on the counter all surrounding the bowl because he's physically incapable of not making a mess. He didn't get eggshells in the batter this time though so at least it's an improvement. // Olivia walked out of Noah's bedroom from using the bathroom, heading over into the living room and dropping down onto the couch with Tae. "Did I miss anything?"-
  3. Covet: "No, not really. She's still confused about her feelings for the rich dude, and Rich dude can't seem to handle that he's in love with a 'common girl'. We'll just go on ignoring the fact that said common girl is some home design mogul who everyone apparently knows." Tae said complaining about the set up of the film and characters.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "How are you still watching that piece of shit movie?" Noah called out from the kitchen, grabbing the muffin pan and beginning to overfill the cups with batter. // "Ugh still? Why does it take them until almost the end of the movie to accept their love for each other? I hate this. Just accept your fate and happiness and do it already." She said with a huff before answering Noah. "Because they're cute."-
  5. Covet: "Look... Noah. I get that you don't understand that because we have vaginas, we love cheesy terrible shit like this... It's because of shit movies like this, that girls can appreciate guys like you. Because we know these shit movie guys aren't reall." Tae said with a laugh, then agreed with Olivia, "Oh I know. Bitch is so hesitant because the guy lives in a castle and she doesn't want him to think she wants him for his money... But.. Honey.. you're gonna get his money either way, so buck the fuck up and get your happy on."
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you?" He asked in a seriously questionabke voice, setting the bowl down on the counter and turning to slide the pan into the oven, setting the timer. "Okay so like in twenty minutes we can eat kick asss cupcakes." // "Just takeeeee the castle!" She yelled at the tv, throwing her hands up into the air. "I don't know what your newfound interest with making cupcakes is, but I'm not about to argue with effortless cupcakes in twenty minutes."-
  7. Covet: "I just hope that they're better than the last ones. You've had to of gained some sort of progress since then right? That's how building skills works." Tae asked over the edge of the couch. "The first ones, were a little dry and had eggshell in them. But for a first attempt, it could have been way worse." She explained to Olivia.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "They're better." He shot back at her, dropping down onto the couch and kicking his feet up on the coffee table. "And I bought lemon frosting which is obviously the best." // Olivia shifted over a bit when Noah came to sit. "I don't know if you can get worse than that from a boxed mix, but I am all about the lemon."-
  9. Covet: "I have faith in you." Tae said with a smile to Noah. "Mmm, lemon frosting is nice, but you know hat is lemon and tastes even better, and you can get a box mix for?" Tae asked allowed not to either of them specifically.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Uhhhhh...... no?" He asked, because he really had no idea what she was talking about. // Olivia sat up straight, narrowing her eyes in question to Tae. "Ohh, lemon bars? But those are so much better from scratch."-
  11. Covet: "YES!" Tae said pointing to Olivia, because that's exactly what she was thinking. "Oh definitely, but I don't think I could get Noah to do it from scratch entirely."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Fuck that! That would take me like... hours to do from scratch. What's wrong with a boxed mix?" // "That doesn't mean we couldn't all make them. I'm sure it can't be hard to find a good recipe online. And then everyone gets to enjoy the benefits of delicious lemon bars." She spoke with a smile.-
  13. Covet: "That sounds like something fun that we could do before you have to leave." Tae said brightening up, ignoring Noah's complaints. "And I'm sure you could learn a thing or too to help you with your cupcake craze, Noah. It's a win win win"
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Uh excuse you, lemon bars and cupcakes are not the same.Not even close." He settled back into the couch, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't know the first thing about making lemon bars." // "It's not that hard, stop." She told Noah, writing him off. "I think this is an awesome idea. We should do it. We can go get ingredients tomorrow and get everything all set up."-
  15. Covet: "No they aren't, but the way you make them is more or less the same. Get ingredients, measure, mix and bake." Tae said to him sticking her tongue out. "That's why we're doing it together, dork."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Well.... I'll supervise." He said in a low voice, not wanting to really put any effort into actually baking. // "Now I am just craving some awesome lemon bars." She said with a giddy laugh, rubbing her hands together. "With powdered sugar on top."-
  17. Covet: "No you'll not just supervise, You're going to help. This will be good, we'll make it fun I promise." Tae said with a pout at Noah. "Right, I guess Noah's cupcakes will just have to tide us over until Thursday." She said with a fake reluctant sight.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Help how? I don't even know what Im doing. You're better off with me not touching it and you two just making them with me present." // Olivia leaned over and smacked Noah in the chest, shaking her head. "Stop, it's a group project and we refuse to let you fail. Just accept the rich guy'd castle."-
  19. Covet: "You probably know more than you think you know." Tae said with a smile, then laughed "Yeah, accept the rich guy'd castle!"
  20. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I really don't want to be compared to this stupid Hallmark movie. It's making me gag." // "Oh shut up, it's not that bad." Olivia said quickly, brushing her fingers through her hair. "The best part is Netflix has picked up on this and started producing similar movies."-
  21. Covet: "You haven't even been watching it." Tae said rolling her eyes. "I know! Who knew there was such a market for terrible cliche romance movies. Now if they could just continue them for the other seasons that would be cool too."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "It wouldn't work for the other seasons because Christmas is the only holiday that is forgiving about its quality of content produced." He said quickly because he hates Christmas music so fucking much. // Olivia paused, turning to look at Noah. "That's probably true. Any other season and they would just be bad movies, but because it's Christmas themed it's so easy to forget how bad they are."-
  23. Covet: "Yeah, I wasn't really thinking about that, Unless you count Valentine's Day. You can get away with cheesy romance on that day too." Tae said then gave Noah a nudge. "Why are you so grumpy tonight, also.. you should probably go check your cupcakes."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Shit." he said quickly, jumping up from the couch and jogging off into the kitchen. He pulled the oven open and reached inside to grab the pan, forgetting to use an oven mitt and instantly pulling his hand back to shake it off, his skin red already. "Fuck!" Turning to the sink, he turned the water on, sticking his whole hand under the stream. // "That's true. Valentines day is acceptable." Olivia said in agreement, hearing Noah shout out. "What?"-
  25. Covet: "Did you burn them?" Tae said craning her head around to watch him in the kitchen.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I burned me." He retorted, keeping his hand under the cold water. "Can someone come take them out of the oven?" // "You burned yourself? On what?" She asked as she stood up, beginning to head over into the kitchen so she could check in on him. He was still her baby brother. "Do you have a first aid kit?"-
  27. Covet: "Yeah, there's one in the bathroom cabinet." Tae said, getting up to take the cupcakes out of the oven with the oven mit, setting them on the stove to cool. Then she looked over Noah's shoulder, looking it over. " You going to be okay?"
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I'll be fine. It's just a little burn. It just stings like a bitch." He said with a grown, not moving his hand from the relief of the water. // "I got it." Olivia took off for the bathroom, fetching the first aid kit and returning to open it on the counter. "That's going to need to be dry if I'm going to wrap your hand, you know."-
  29. Covet: "It doesn't look too bad. It's not blistering at all." She said looking it over, then watched as Olivia busted out the first aid kit. Tae grabbed a towel out of one of the drawers to hand it over to Noah. "Here you go."
  30. Alexithymiaa: "But it feels better under the water." He shot back, giving in and turning it off to take the towel from her and dab his hand dry. "Next time Ill remember to not touch the hot pan. Sounds like a good plan." // Olivia turned with the cream in her hand, taking Noah's hand and gently applying it to his skin. "I think that's a wise epiphany."-
  31. Covet: "Oven mits and pot holders are your friends." Tae said with a laugh. "What she's putting on it will make it feel good too."
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Someone should stick a post it on the oven that says things coming out of it will be hot, so I don't forget." He said as he watched her doctor his hand. // Olivia reached over for the gauge and gently wrapped his hand in it to keep the cream in place. "You can probably take this off tomorrow. This is just to keep it clean while it's fresh. And if this isnt enough reminder not to burn yourself next time, I dont think a post it will help you."-
  33. Covet: "But we can try it and find out. I can make a sign that we can hang on the backsplash." Tae said trying to be helpful because she felt bad that he burned himself, even if it was because of his own idiocy.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "See. Tae wants to help." He told his sister like she wasnt in the process of bandaging him up. // "She's catering to your stupidity which is where i have to draw the line." Olivia retorted, folding the fabric down. "All set. Now be careful, stupid."-
  35. Covet: "I mean.. she's not wrong. But if it helps then it can't be that dumb right?" Tae said. "How about you go sit on the couch and I'll frost these up for us, since you're damaged." She offered to Noah.
  36. Alexithymiaa: "How very nice of you." He said a litle too loudly, trying to intentionally be obnoxious to his sister. He started off for the couch, dropping down and making himself comfortable. // "Oh brother..." She mumbled, sweeping her hand back through her short hair and then going to follow him since he was a baby.-
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