
Adobe Premiere - Render All Open Sequences

Aug 4th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. #NoEnv
  2. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
  3. CoordMode, Mouse, Window
  4. SendMode Input
  5. #SingleInstance Force
  6. SetTitleMatchMode 2
  7. #WinActivateForce
  8. SetControlDelay 1
  9. SetWinDelay 0
  10. SetKeyDelay -1
  11. SetMouseDelay -1
  12. SetBatchLines -1
  15. #IfWinActive Adobe Premiere Pro
  16. F16::
  17. Loop, 10
  18. {
  19. Sleep, 1000
  20. WinActivate, Premiere Pro
  21. Sleep, 500
  22. Send, {LControl Down}{s}{LControl Up} ;save
  23. WinWaitNotActive, Save Project
  24. Sleep, 500
  25. WinActivate, Premiere Pro
  26. Sleep, 500
  27. Send, {LAlt Down}{Enter}{LAlt Up} ;render
  28. Sleep, 1000
  29. WinWaitNotActive, Rendering
  30. Sleep, 500
  31. WinActivate, Premiere Pro
  32. Sleep, 500
  33. Send, {Escape} ;esc
  34. Sleep, 1000
  35. Send, {LControl Down}{s}{LControl Up} ;save
  36. WinWaitNotActive, Save Project
  37. Sleep, 500
  38. WinActivate, Premiere Pro
  39. Sleep, 500
  40. Send, {LShift Down}{#}{LShift Up} ;switch to next open sequence
  41. Sleep, 500
  42. Send, {Escape} ;esc
  43. Sleep, 500
  44. }
  45. F19::ExitApp
  46. Return
  47. #IfWinActive
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