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Showderp FAQ

a guest
Nov 11th, 2020
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  1. The Officially Unofficial Rules of Showderp for a New Age (Showderp FAQ)
  3. #1 - Champing
  5. >Who or what is "champ"?
  6. Champ is the person that goes onto the Pokémon Showdown ladder with a team of user selected or "suggested" Pokémon(see #2 - Spectating). A champ should post battle links in the thread and/or battle chat for others to watch.
  7. >How do I become champ?
  8. To become champ, you can either wait until the current champ calls for a new champ, which they will usually do by saying "new champ", or when the current champ has done something that goes against the champ guidelines, you can impeach(see #3 - Impeachment) by saying so in the thread. In either case, it is highly recommended to use a tripcode for identification so that you can't be impersonated. If you don't know how to do this, see []. Only the first person to post with a claim will be champ. In the event that there are two champs for whatever reason, they may engage in a champ off, a Pokémon battle where the winner remains as the true champ.
  12. #2 - Spectating
  14. >What is spectating?
  15. Spectating is exactly what it sounds like, you watch champ as they battle. As long as you don't act like a complete nonce, you should be fine.
  16. >Is that all spectators do?
  17. Not at all. Spectators "suggest" Pokémon for champ to use, which can be as vague as "something that reminds you of X" or as specific as an entire moveset. There's a library of sets you can use for suggestions if you know where to look (see #4 - Threads and OPs). As always, first come, first served. Only the first 6 suggestions will be used, with some exceptions. If two suggestions refer to the same Pokémon, champ may merge the two, or skip the second one(e.g. sugg 1: weedle named rhyperior, sugg 2: specs weedle; weedle may be given choice specs, or this may be ignored). In the former case, the next eligible suggestion is added to the team. However, if champ chooses to battle in an Anything Goes(AG) format, duplicate suggestions do not need to be merged or skipped. If a suggestion is incomprehensible or incompatible for any reason, champ may choose to ignore it.
  21. #3 - Impeachment
  23. >What is impeachment?
  24. As stated earlier, impeachment is when someone takes the role from the current champ prematurely because they have done something remiss. There are some guidelines champs should take care to follow to ensure the spirit of Showderp remains intact.
  26. Champing Guidelines:
  27. 1. Champ must not skip valid suggestions or alter suggestions in unspecified ways.
  28. 2. Champ must not forfeit a match. Fight until the bitter end, no matter how bleak things look.
  29. 3. Champ must not be excessively bad. Mistakes happen, but too many are just throwing.
  30. 4. Champ must not abuse their powers (modchat, slowchat, etc.).
  31. 5. Champ must link the next battle in the thread if possible, otherwise in the current battle chat.
  32. 6. Champ must use the current team for 2-3 battles before calling for a new champ or team.
  33. 7. Champ must not copy sets verbatim from Smogon.
  36. #4 - Threads and OPs
  38. >The thread is at post limit, what should I do?
  39. A Showderp thread should have more effort put into it than just "Showderp" in the subject field and some jpeg of an anime girl. Be creative; you can make a joke or pun, or give the thread a theme. An eye-catching OP is the first step to attracting newfags to carry on Showderp's legacy.
  41. >>Essential Info for OPs
  42. /modjoin off (this command lets spectators join private battle rooms)
  43. A Link to this Pastebin
  46. Current champ's Tripcode
  47. Link to the previous thread
  51. >>Showderp Glossary
  53. champ ------------- champion
  54. damp / lamp ------- dumb (champ)
  55. choke / stroke ---- bad play
  56. donk -------------- good play
  57. greed ------------- using a stat boosting move excessively
  58. snipe ------------- a deliberate match with champ by queuing on the same tier
  59. donnel ------------ a pokemon that evolves after a kill
  60. hijack ------------ entering the account of an opponent that has left
  61. opp(o) ------------ opponent
  62. cteam ------------- counter team
  63. zarel/zarle ------- the developer of PS!, typically invoked after poor RNG
  64. i'm gay ----------- they're gay
  65. we ---------------- you and me
  66. urgh -------------- an utterance often followed by me/my (x); e.g. urgh my bricks
  67. bane? ------------- a question asked about the masketta man
  68. sneed ------------- feed / seed / formerly chuck's
  69. neoderp ----------- newfag(s)
  71. If you still have questions, lurk more.
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