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Nov 11th, 2021
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  1. Verify Loops, Blaming Extensions, and Other Random Tomfoolery.
  3. Bestbuy has been doing its best to prevent you from winning a drop manually as of late (but wont stop the bypass for the bots, kek). So far it looks like a lot of this "verify loop" stuff is server side, they see your account/fingerprint start requesting a bunch of ATC then it ends up saying nope, you must be a bot, or some other bad actor and doesn't let you actually add to cart. This isn't only happening if you use our extension, the same thing will happen if you open multiple tabs on the same product (or different products too?) and hit add to cart even if you don't have the extension installed.
  5. So far, this is how I've been able to confirm wins:
  7. Open a new incognito window (you could probably use firefox and multi account containers plugin) then open the product you want to cart, but don't log in yet (unless its a totaltech drop)
  9. Add the product to cart, once you verify, login and checkout.
  11. If you are logging in from multiple browsers and devices, i believe bestbuy is flagging you temporarily to prevent you from carting. I'm not sure what all of the parameters are that they fingerprint like IP/UserAgent, etc, but we know it's at least account and cookie based so far.
  13. DO NOT SPAM add to cart on multiple tabs with the same cookie session or login, this is going to cause you to loop.
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