
2nd Episode

Sep 23rd, 2017
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  1. 2nd Episode
  2. -Jalen and Rin are just now traveling on the road, discussing many stuff here and there....Pokemon to get, Hardest Gym Leader, and much more.
  4. -Then suddenly, they see a huge commotion by the river...they head over and see Lucina beating a trainer in battle. Boasting of her skills to everyone, Jalen ask what's the streak and someone say 5....Lucina continues to brag about herself as Rin steps up and challenge her to a battle. After a long-fought battle...Rhiannon wins! Much to everyone's shock and Lucina's anger....who rides off in her Limo, swearing revenge.
  6. -Some time later, the duo arrives in Violet City...Just in time to see Lucina heading inside for her Gym Battle. While Jalen is eager to run in and watch the match, Rin stops him and permits them to go to the PKMN Center and THEN to the Sprout Tower, wanting not rush the trip and instead enjoy it slowly....Although he lacks patience, jalen agrees to Rin's joy.
  8. -After leaving the PKMN Center, the duo head to the Sprout Tower, where Camilla is at! She stands at the doorway and look behind her to see the 2, she greets them and ask them can she accompany them to the top of the tower,, they let her come and together, the 3 of them walk inside and explore it while climbing to the top....In the midst of Camilla explaining the lore of the tower,They arrive at the top in time to see Corrin(Who, as Rin think, must had hightailed the fuck all the way from NBT to Violet City.) she leaves via escape rope as the Head Monk decides to give the 2 teens the TM Flash for climbing up here.
  11. -Afterwards, Camilla tell them she will stay and watch them fight against Inigo, the Violet Gym Leader before she sets off on her trip once once more.
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