

Apr 2nd, 2017
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  1. A young Gutsy 13 year old kid with a dream of one day becoming a Great ninja and being acknowledged by his village.
  2. When he was 4 years old his parents died of unknown reasons. He was shunned by his village and treated as an outcast for years and lived alone without any friends. He vowed to one day become a great ninja and show them all he's worth something. He trained alone almost every day to become a ninja even though there were no academy in his village.
  3. When he reached the age of 13, he had sneaked into the elders office to see if he had any secrets scrolls with jutsus or something. He didn't find any jutsu scrolls but he found a scroll with the history of the village in it. It talked about the creation of the village and explains why people in our village often disappear or are found dead for unknown reasons. What he found out terrified him to his very being. The village elder was a corrupt cultist that sacrificed his own villagers for some ritual to gain everlasting life and power.
  4. The elder had been doing this and working on this since before Raiden was even born. It said that only villagers that show any signs of potential or special powers were sacrificed. His parents had died because of this. They were only sacrifices to the elder we had entrusted our lifes with. He'd read this as he remembered his parents and tears would run down his face.
  5. At the very end it said that his parents were good subjects for his ritual but that their son had even more power and would be the one to finally give the elder everlasting life. Ever since Raiden's birth he had been marked for this ritual, the reason why he was shunned and hated by his fellow villagers for so many years. It was all because he was born with powers he didn't ask for...
  7. After reading this he would hear footsteps and would drop the scroll on the spot and run for the window he had gone through to get in, in the first place. He ran away from his village that night. He ran and ran and ran with tears in his eyes, sad and scared of the truth he had just found out about. He vowed as he was running to one day return to his village as a Great Ninja and to stop this corrupt elder before he could gain immortality and cast Raiden's village into darkness.
  8. This is where Uzumaki Raiden's journey to become a Great Ninja and to defeat this corrupt elder to free his village before it was too late had begun...
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