
The race

Mar 24th, 2019
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  1. Today was a good day for a race. The sun was shining, and it was warm enough to work up a good sweat, but not uncomfortably hot. The local community was hosting its annual 10k today and I was already about a mile in, feeling good, setting my rhythm, and ready to smash my PR. I glanced behind me to see how close the next runner was and there you were, about ten yards back. I expected to see you run by on my left and pass me, but after a few hundred yards I glanced back again and you were still behind me.
  3. You were pacing me, and I had a pretty good idea why. It was a pretty common occurrence at these races that guys would pick out a girl with a good looking ass and just follow behind her to keep their motivation up. I didn’t mind it. I knew it was a harmless practice, and it was a bit of a self-esteem booster too. My ass looked good in those spandex shorts, and my petite, athletic frame still had curves in the right places. My long ponytail of jet black hair swished back and forth behind me as I ran as if trying to hypnotize those behind me. I let you run behind me a little while longer because you were pretty easy on the eyes yourself, so I pretended not to know you were staring at my ass.
  5. After another half mile or so, I glanced behind me a third time, and saw that you were still there. I asked if you were enjoying the view, so you ran up next to me and we started chatting. Sparks of sexual tension started flying between us as we looked up and down at each other’s bodies, glistening with sweat and breathing heavily. Neither one of us was in the right mindset to finish the race now. We had to have each other before we reached the finish line.
  7. Up ahead I saw an area that might shield us from view of the other runners, so I veered off course and dragged you with me. We took care of business before jumping back in the pack to finish the race. Needless to say, we didn’t break any PR’s, but we did have more fun than any of the other runners out there, and that’s a win in my book.
  9. * * *
  11. So I ran a 10k race today and this fantasy popped into my head about halfway through when I noticed that an attractive guy had been pacing me for at least a mile. Needless to say, I ended the race in a rather horny mood, and wished something like this would’ve happened to me. I’m looking for any avid runners or athletes out there that might be interested in playing out this RP scenario with me? Male or female, it doesn’t matter. If you’re into public or semi-public sex, that’s a huge plus. I’m pretty open to any other kinks you may want to add, or we could leave it relatively vanilla. Please be literate and detail oriented. I’m looking for something long term, with quality over quantity in mind. I would much rather prefer a handful of medium-long, well thought out responses in a day over a rapid fire exchange of short responses. I like a slow burn. Also, as a forewarning, I am not able to write every single day, and I don’t expect you to be available all the time either. I write when I can, and I’ll try to keep you informed if I’ll be unavailable for more than a day. Send me a PM if this interests you and we can work out details before jumping into the RP.
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