
Callum's Entry.

Oct 9th, 2015
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  1. <jaczac> =START 3=
  2. * psionicPskateboard started espering eternalWanderer
  3. <psionicPskateboard> Hello there Callum.
  4. <eternalWanderer> EW: ay
  5. <psionicPskateboard> PP: It looks like the server has finally finished downloading.
  6. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Are you ready?
  7. <eternalWanderer> EW: kae dehn
  8. <eternalWanderer> EW: lehts goe
  9. <jaczac> A camera view of the room Callum is in appears on Kirk's screen.
  10. <jaczac> ((describe your room, preferably with a floor map))
  11. <eternalWanderer> ((its a regular sized classroom with a bunch of computers on desks around the place))
  12. <jaczac> ((only you?))
  13. <jaczac> Kirk sees the normal SBURB GUI.
  14. <eternalWanderer> ((Jake and me are both in there))
  15. <eternalWanderer> ((imagine something like this ))
  16. <jaczac> However, after a few seconds a large red error message appears on his computer.
  17. <jaczac> "ENTITY COLLISION"
  18. <jaczac> "REMOVE OTHER PLAYER"
  19. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Hey Callum, it looks like there's a problem here.
  20. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Do you think you could get Jacob to leave?
  21. <eternalWanderer> "Ay jaykeh"
  22. <eternalWanderer> "u nead two leaveh"
  23. <eternalWanderer> "fore sohme resan"
  24. * Jacob_Brandt leaves, but not before asking for another captcha card
  25. <eternalWanderer> ((can you even take out a card that you have in your deck))
  26. <jaczac> ((sure why not))
  27. * eternalWanderer takes out a card somehow
  28. <Aurora_Surma> ((yes))
  29. <eternalWanderer> "dere yah goe"
  30. <eternalWanderer> "nohw ov wit ya"
  31. <Aurora_Surma> ((how do you punch holes in one otherwise))
  32. * eternalWanderer hands the card to jake
  33. * Jacob_Brandt leaves
  34. <jaczac> The error message disappears
  35. <eternalWanderer> EW: awlryght es gohne
  36. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Okay.
  37. <jaczac> ((normal GUI, you know the deal))
  38. <psionicPskateboard> (not really im lookin it up)
  39. <jaczac> ((
  40. <Jacob_Brandt> ((Oh shit my sburb files are still there))
  41. <jaczac> ((you can go back in))
  42. <jaczac> ((its not barring you))
  43. <eternalWanderer> ((its all on one of the computers))
  44. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Okay so there's a lot of stuff here.
  45. <jaczac> ((oh))
  46. <jaczac> ((hmm))
  47. <eternalWanderer> EW: dew da machene tings
  48. <psionicPskateboard> PP: But it looks like all I can do right now is put down some machines.
  49. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Wait, how do you know about the machines already?
  50. <eternalWanderer> EW: downt woreh eyve dohne dis beforeh
  51. <eternalWanderer> EW: wit en alian
  52. <psionicPskateboard> PP: ...Okay then.
  53. <eternalWanderer> EW: e wahs kynd ov en areshowle aboht et
  54. * Jacob_Brandt goes back in to quickly take the computer with his files in out, along with a chair, ejecting Tricky's corpse.
  55. <eternalWanderer> EW: eyel mayke shure eyem nawt
  56. <eternalWanderer> "highbie"
  57. <psionicPskateboard> PP: That's a relief.
  58. <jaczac> The program breifly freezes as Jacob comes back in, but rapidly fixes itself once he has left.
  59. * Jacob_Brandt says "oops"
  60. <jaczac> ((haha you want tricky to be back?))
  61. <jaczac> ((lol))
  62. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Anyway, I can fit the Totem Lathe between the computers.
  63. <jaczac> You drop it between the computers))
  64. <Jacob_Brandt> ((dont make fun of me zach))
  65. <eternalWanderer> EW: dew awhl ov dehm
  66. <psionicPskateboard> PP: And it looks like there's just enough room for the Cruxtruder.
  67. <eternalWanderer> I touch the totem lathe
  68. <jaczac> You touch it sucessfully.
  69. <eternalWanderer> What does it feel like
  70. <eternalWanderer> Is it cold
  71. <jaczac> ((brandt, you can enter with thalix if you want))
  72. <psionicPskateboard> PP: But I don't see any space for the Alchemiter.
  73. <jaczac> It is cold, unyielding.
  74. <eternalWanderer> EW: noc ovah sum computahs
  75. <eternalWanderer> EW: ets fyne
  76. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Okay then.
  77. * psionicPskateboard nocs ovah sum computahs
  78. <eternalWanderer> I then touch the cruxtender
  79. <psionicPskateboard> PP: There you go.
  80. <eternalWanderer> Is it as cold as the last one
  81. <jaczac> The computers crash all over, but the Alchemiter drops.
  82. <jaczac> Yes it is.
  83. <eternalWanderer> EW: nyce
  84. * Jacob_Brandt_ ( has joined
  85. <psionicPskateboard> PP: You're the expert here Callum.
  86. <psionicPskateboard> PP: What happens next?
  87. <eternalWanderer> EW: nehxt ting eye ave two geht da led ov ov dat ting
  88. <eternalWanderer> EW: nd a glowly ting wel cohme owt
  89. <eternalWanderer> I attempt to climb atop the cruxtruder
  90. <eternalWanderer> So that I may pull the lid off
  91. <jaczac> You do so.
  92. <jaczac> .roll str to open the lid.
  93. * Jacob_Brandt has quit (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
  94. <eternalWanderer> roll 1d20+3
  95. <jaczac> oops dice is AWOL
  96. * `DICE ( has joined
  97. <eternalWanderer> join RPGStuck_Jaczac
  98. <eternalWanderer> roll 1d20+3
  99. <`DICE> eternalWanderer rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=16 ]{19}
  100. <jaczac> You rip the lid off and the components spill out.
  101. <jaczac> The totem shoots into the air AAND.
  102. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  103. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=2 ]{2}
  104. <jaczac> drops right back down, without causing any damage.
  105. <jaczac> The kernel, a light blue, begins bouncing around.
  106. <eternalWanderer> I attack the kernel
  107. <eternalWanderer> Attempting to strangle the orb
  108. <jaczac> It runs out of the way, and dodges your attacks.
  109. * Jacob_Brandt_ is now known as jacobBrandt
  110. <eternalWanderer> I throw my wiring at it
  111. <jaczac> r.oll dex
  112. <eternalWanderer> roll 1d20+1
  113. <`DICE> eternalWanderer rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=5 ]{6}
  114. <jaczac> The wires get close, but ultimately miss.,
  115. <eternalWanderer> I empty the rest of my sylladex and begin throwing those objects at the orb
  116. <eternalWanderer> roll 3#d20+1
  117. <`DICE> eternalWanderer rolled 3#d20+1 [ 1d20=15 ]{16}, [ 1d20=3 ]{4}, [ 1d20=5 ]{6}
  118. <jaczac> ok youre gonna need to name the first object
  119. <eternalWanderer> ((The dead rat that got possessed by death is the first item in my sylladex))
  120. <eternalWanderer> ((no joke))
  121. <eternalWanderer> ((the next is a sleeping bag and finally a pillow))
  122. <jaczac> Ok.
  123. <jaczac> The rat glances off the Orb and is absorbed.
  124. <jaczac> You now have EVILRATSPRITE
  125. <eternalWanderer> "GAWT CHA"
  126. <jaczac> It makes a strange cackling sound.
  127. <jaczac> You also see that a timer was ticking as you did this.
  128. <jaczac> It's now at 2:45
  129. <eternalWanderer> "uhmm"
  130. <eternalWanderer> EW: eye downt noe wat cums nehxt
  131. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Callum.
  132. <psionicPskateboard> PP: What just happened.
  133. <eternalWanderer> I start playing around with the machines
  134. <eternalWanderer> EW: eye dunoe
  135. <jaczac> Kirk sees the pre-punched card on the thing
  136. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Why do you have a dead rat in your sylladex.
  137. <psionicPskateboard> ((which thing))
  138. <eternalWanderer> EW: whel wen eye lehft dis morhnen eye gawt efriting frohm mah owse
  139. <eternalWanderer> EW: nd dis wahs won ov da efriting
  140. <jaczac> ((just put the damn card down lol))
  141. <psionicPskateboard> PP: That still doesn't explain much, but okay.
  142. <psionicPskateboard> ((I forgot it was in the deploy menu))
  143. <psionicPskateboard> ((i thought you mean it was on one of the devices))
  144. <jaczac> ((nah you good0)
  145. <eternalWanderer> I fiddle around with the totem lathe attempting to turn any of the wheels
  146. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Hey Callum, there's another thing to put down.
  147. * psionicPskateboard drops the pre-punched card on the alchemiter.
  148. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Here you go.
  149. <eternalWanderer> EW: tanks
  150. <jaczac> You notice it fits into a slot on the lathe.
  151. <jaczac> You also notice the Totem would fit in there too.
  152. <eternalWanderer> I do the things that i noticed
  153. <jaczac> You get a curvy totem out of it.
  154. <eternalWanderer> EW: lewk et dis ting
  155. <eternalWanderer> EW: et lewks soe weard
  156. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Indeed.
  157. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Do you have any idea what it's for?
  158. <eternalWanderer> EW: nohpe
  159. <eternalWanderer> EW: buht eye wahnt morh
  160. <eternalWanderer> I put it down on the alchemiter as i go get more
  161. <jaczac> There is a flash of light as a small, light blue box is made.
  162. <jaczac> It appears to be wrapped in a ribbon that forms a bow at the top.
  163. <eternalWanderer> "o kewl ay presant"
  164. <eternalWanderer> I open it up
  165. <jaczac> Another flash of light, and the room is transported into the medium.
  166. <jaczac> ==end==
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